
  • 网络Saxon;Anglo-Saxon
  1. 丹麦人在991年战胜东撒克逊的一次战斗;用一首老的英语诗庆祝。

    A battle in which the Danes defeated the East Saxons in 991 ; celebrated in an old English poem .

  2. 她的书描述的是这个市镇从撒克逊时代到现在的历史。

    Her book traces the town 's history from Saxon times to the present day .

  3. 挖掘工作已显示在该地区有罗马和盎格鲁-撒克逊时代的遗迹。

    Excavations have revealed Roman and Anglo-Saxon remains in the area .

  4. 从撒克逊时代起就开始采伐塞文山谷的这些树林获取木料。

    These Severn Valley woods have been exploited for timber since Saxon times .

  5. 这位哈佛(Harvard)毕业生、年轻的革新者偏爱更具侵略性的盎格鲁撒克逊式行事风格。

    Instead , this Harvard-educated , young iconoclast has opted for a more aggressive Anglo-Saxon modus operandi .

  6. 在盎格鲁-撒克逊国家(USA、UK),客户就是最终顾客,即买产品的那个人。

    In Anglo Saxon countries ( USA , UK ) a customer is the end customer , the one that buys the product .

  7. 盎格鲁-撒克逊(Anglo-Saxon)模式的优势十分明显。

    The advantage of the Anglo-Saxon model is clear .

  8. 最初的盎格鲁-撒克逊语pig演变成了法语的porc,然后又英文化变成了pork。

    So the Anglo-Saxon Pig became the French porc , which was anglicized to pork .

  9. 欧洲议会(EuropeanParliament)推动对银行家奖金比例作出严格限制,这是2008年以来旨在遏制对冲基金、金融交易以及盎格鲁-撒克逊资本主义的多项努力之一。

    A push by the European parliament to impose strict ratios on bankers ' bonuses is among the efforts since 2008 to hamstring hedge funds , financial trading and Anglo-Saxon capitalism .

  10. 晚近美国上层阶级的一些人自称为WASP,意思就是白种盎格鲁撒克逊基督教新教徒。

    Some upper-class people in the United States recently had the fashion of calling themselves WASP 's , which means White Anglo-Saxon Protestants .

  11. 在金融领域,糟糕的盎格鲁-撒克逊(Anglo-Saxon)监管体系实际上就是指根本没监管。

    In the financial world , our lousy Anglo-Saxon system of supervision and regulation had in practice meant no regulation at all , he said .

  12. 1962年,英国诗人、作家罗伯特·格雷夫斯(RobertGraves)根据这个事件虚构了一个故事,在这个故事里,德军第133皇家撒克逊团和他所称的苏格兰军队比赛。

    Robert Graves , the British poet and writer , in 1962 reconstructed a story of the event , with Germany 's 133rd Royal Saxon Regiment taking on what he called Scottish troops .

  13. 有关这份提案的论战反映了八国集团的内部分歧,欧洲大陆国家指责盎格鲁-撒克逊(anglo-saxon)模式是信贷危机的罪魁祸首。

    Debate over the proposals has mirrored G8 divisions , with the " Anglo-Saxon " economic model blamed by continental Europeans for creating the credit crisis .

  14. LLM的一个卖点是,它们能够帮助学生完善盎格鲁-撒克逊式普通法的知识英国前殖民地的英联邦国家也使用这种法律体系以及世界许多其它国家的民法体系。

    One selling point of LLMs is that they help round out students ' knowledge of Anglo-Saxon common law - used also in the Commonwealth of former British colonies - as well as the civil law-based systems in much of the rest of the world .

  15. 我生为盎格鲁撒克逊白人的新教教徒。

    I was born a Protestant of the white Anglo-Saxon persuasion .

  16. 他改组了弗立德(撒克逊军队),使之更为高效。

    He reorganized the Saxon army , making it more efficient .

  17. 但非盎格鲁-撒克逊企业又怎样它们的现状如何?

    But what about non-anglo-saxon businesses how well are they doing ?

  18. 早期盎格鲁撒克逊人为英国做出的贡献。

    The early Anglo-Saxons make the contributions to the English state .

  19. 温斯顿:放学后我在学校和撒克逊打篮球。

    Winston : After school , I played basketball with Saxon .

  20. 结果是所谓的盎格鲁撒克逊语或是古代英语。

    The result is what is called Anglo-Saxon or Old English .

  21. 英国盎格鲁&撒克逊时期的基督教及政教关系

    Christianity , Church and State of Anglo - Saxon England

  22. 看起来中国很好的学习了我们盎格鲁撒克逊的“驯服”中产阶级的文化

    It seems China has simply learnt from Anglo-Saxon culture how to'tame'the middle-classes

  23. 自由的“盎格鲁-撒克逊”式策略尤其如此。

    This is particularly true of the free-wheeling " Anglo-Saxon " approach .

  24. 盎格鲁-撒克逊人为英国国家的形成打下了基础。

    The Anglo-Saxons laid the foundations of the English state .

  25. 第二章探讨了盎格鲁&撒克逊时期基督教在英国的传播情形。

    The chapter two investigates the dissemination of Christianity in Anglo-Saxon time .

  26. 现代英语起源于盎格鲁撒克逊语的多种方言之一。

    Modern English derives primarily from one of the dialects of anglo-saxon .

  27. 对盎格鲁-撒克逊资本主义的批评汹涌而至,这并不令人吃惊。

    Unsurprisingly , the critiques of Anglo-Saxon capitalism flowed thick and fast .

  28. 也有人的做法是盎格鲁撒克逊教会。

    It was also the practice of the Anglo-Saxon Church .

  29. 那样的话就太死脑筋了,简直堪称盎格鲁-撒克逊式的死脑筋。

    That would be far too literal-minded , almost Anglo-Saxon !

  30. 文章的第一部分是介绍盎格鲁撒克逊时代的刑事观念。

    The first part tells something about the criminal ideas in Anglo-Saxon age .