
  • 网络prussian
  1. 法国单位是在蓝色,Anglo荷兰单位在红色,普鲁士人在黑色。

    French units are in blue , Anglo-Dutch units in red , Prussian in black .

  2. 马克斯·普朗克是循规蹈矩的普鲁士人,穿着打扮得总是很得体,

    Max Planck is very proper Prussian , always very well dressed and well-groomed ,

  3. 全是些在滑铁卢见了普鲁士人和英格兰人便连忙逃命的胆小鬼!瞧!

    All cowards who fled before the Prussians and the English at Waterloo !

  4. 六万普鲁士人于二月入侵了丹麦。

    Sixty thousand Prussians invaded Denmark in february .

  5. 在法国还有普鲁士人②。

    There were still Prussians in France .

  6. 我听见乌鸦在小树林边鸣叫,普鲁士人正在锯木厂后面的里贝尔草地上操练。

    I could hear the blackbirds whistling on the edge of the wood , and in the Rippert field , behind the sawmill , the Prussians going through their drill .

  7. 据说,因此也就产生了我们现在所知的道路法规,这也解释了为什么英国人是靠马路左边开车的。(英国人和普鲁士人在滑铁卢打败了拿破仑)

    Hence , supposedly , the rules of the road as we know them were born , which also explains why the British ( who , along with the Prussians , defeated Napoleon at Waterloo ) still drive on the left .

  8. 普鲁士人源自何方也是个谜。最初在9世纪某无名商人的记录中有记载,后来在波兰和德国的编年史中有所提及。语言学家发现在印欧语系的多门语言中都能找到与其相类似的。普鲁士精神始于17世纪。

    Their origin itself is a mystery too.It was firstly mentioned in the IX century in the records of an anonymous merchant and later in Polish and German chronicles.Linguists find its analogies in various Indo-European languages.In the XVII began the history of Prussianism .