
  • 网络General Physics;Common Physics
  1. 新编《普通物理学》能量观研究

    New 《 General Physics 》 Energy Concept Research

  2. 高职高专《普通物理学》考试质量评价

    Evaluation of General Physics Examinations

  3. 普通物理学实验中的物理思想和物理学方法教学

    Cultivation of Students ' Physical Thought and Method in Physics Experiment

  4. 对农业院校普通物理学教学改革的思考

    Thoughts on reforming the teaching of common physics in Agricultural Colleges

  5. 普通物理学中动能定理的几个层次及其应用

    Layers and application of kinetic energy theorem in common physics

  6. 从普通物理学的领域提出了一般信息的概念,并对有关信息进行了分类。

    The concept of general information is presented from the view of general physics .

  7. 关于高校教材《普通物理学》中机械能转换与守恒定律表述方法的商榷

    An Discussion on the Method of How to Express the Mechanical Energy Transformation and the Conservation Law

  8. 加强普通物理学的教学研究,不断提升教师的认识和学识是至关重要的。

    It is very important to strengthen the research of general physics and promote teachers'understanding of it .

  9. 普通物理学考试科学化的尝试&×年级热学考试的统计分析报告

    A Trial on Scientific Examination in General Physics & Report on Statistical Analysis for Heat Examination of Class X

  10. 通过普通物理学的教学实践,就如何培养理科学生的科学素质问题进行了探讨。

    Get through the practice of general physics teaching , it is discussing about how to incubate students ' scientific qualities .

  11. 文章分析了目前普通物理学教学现状,提出了普通物理学教学内容改革的基本途径和课程体系改革的基本思路;

    The paper analyse the current situation of General physics teaching , put forward basic way of reform in teaching content and course system on general physics ;

  12. 以《普通物理学》考试为例,从试题分布、信度、效度、难度、区分度以及成绩分布等方面,论述了学科课程考试质量的量化评价方法。

    Taking General Physics as an example , the author discusses the quantized evaluation of Physics examinations from their coverage , truth , effectiveness , difficulty , differentiation and distribution of the grades .

  13. 本文通过对球形电容器,柱形电容器和平地板电容器的讨论,证明了电容器电容量引深定义和一般普通物理学中电容量定义的等同性。

    Through the discussion of spherical , cylindrical and parallel plate capacitors , this article proves the identity of the extended definition of the capacitor 's capacitance and the definition of capacitance in general physics .

  14. 本文用几个常见的物理实例,阐述了普通物理学教材中蕴含的哲学思想,讲明了物理教学时应充分挖掘教材中的哲学思想。

    There are several ordinary physical examples in this essay that elaborates philosophical thought in the common physical material , and elaborates the argument that we should excavate sufficiently the philosophical thought of teaching material .

  15. 本文依据《面向21世纪普通物理学教学内容和课程体系改革研究与实践》课题研究方案要求,对力学课程的教学内容、课程体系和教学方法进行了改革研究与实践。

    This paper is about the Reform and Practice in teaching content 、 course system and teaching method on Mechanics , according to Facing 21st century , Reform and Practice in the Teaching Content and Course System on Physics .

  16. 在普通物理学的力学部分中,几个常用的定律和定理是:牛顿定律、动量定理、动量守恒定律、功能原理、机械能守恒定律等。

    In the mechanics part of University Physics several laws and theorems are used such as the laws of Newton , the theorem of Momentum , the principal of Conservation of Momentum , the Work-Energy theorem , the law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy etc .

  17. 试论普通物理教学与物理学前沿

    About the general physics teaching and the front of Physics