
  1. 关于普鲁士式道路的典型性问题再认识

    The Awareness on the Typical Problem of the " Prussian-style Road "

  2. 农业资本主义演进的普鲁士式道路:由改良到革命

    The " Prussian-road " in the evolution of agriculture captalism : from reformation to revolution

  3. 农业中资本主义发展的普鲁士式道路普鲁士容克就是欧洲的路霸。

    Prussian pattern of capitalistic development in agriculture The Prussian Junker is the road-hog of Europe .

  4. 19世纪中期在俄国发展道路问题上的斗争并非是普鲁士式道路和美国式道路之争,因为当时俄国并不存在走美国式道路的选项。

    During the mid-19th century , the argument about development ways in Russia was not actually the argument between ' Prussian Way ' and ' American Way ' because at that time there was no choice of ' American Way ' for Russia .

  5. 他们走大路,百姓及妻室因无权阻挡任何伟大普鲁士士兵的道路,都给赶进了沟渠。

    They walk the pavements , and civilians and their wives are swept into the gutter ; they have no right to stand in the way of a great Prussian soldier .