
shī zhǎng
  • teacher;division commander;teacher and senior
师长 [shī zhǎng]
  • (1) [teacher]∶对教师的尊称

  • 要尊敬师长

  • (2) [division commander]∶军队师级编制的军事指挥首长

  • 第三师师长

  • (3) [teacher and senior]∶老师与长辈

师长[shī zhǎng]
  1. 尊敬师长、关爱晚辈的精神;

    The ninth is the spirit of respecting teacher and caring for posterity ;

  2. 作为一个女巫,意味着同时是师长,又是学生;

    To be a witch is to be the teacher and the student .

  3. 师长令我们在拂晓前发起攻击。

    The division commander ordered that we start the attack before dawn .

  4. 你对父母师长尊敬吗?

    Do you treat your parents and teachers with deference ?

  5. 1998战2000年赛季,齐达内果表示神怯而两次中选年度天下足球师长教师,那也是球员小我私家被授与的一项最有分量的声誉,jeandiesel。

    His banner seasons in1998 and2000 also led to the most prestigious award given to an individual player , the FIFA Player of the Year award , which he won in both those years .

  6. 教育孩子们对父母师长要尊敬。

    Children are taught to treat their parents and teachers with deference ?

  7. 我爱老师,因为我们的成长离不开师长的教诲。

    I love the teacher , because we grow without teachers teaching .

  8. 师长教师,从发球台到沙池是一百八十码。

    Sir , to the bunker is one hundred and eighty yards .

  9. 首先,感恩你的父母,师长,朋友。

    First of all , Thanksgiving you parents , teachers and friends .

  10. 史密斯师长教师招待的晚宴真是甘旨。

    The dinner given by Mr Smith was very nice .

  11. 师长教师,可以清理台面了吗?

    May I clear up your table now , sir ?

  12. 史密斯师长教师将于下月的第一个日曜日回家。

    Mr Smith will return home on the first Sunday next month .

  13. 你们都知道麦奥李夫将军现在是师长。

    As you all know , general mcauliffe , acting division commander .

  14. 抱愧,助理裁判师长教师,那是一次错判。

    Excuse me Mr assistant ref , that 's a bad decision .

  15. 男性应该尊敬师长,尤其是心灵导师。

    The guys should respect their teachers , particularly of their spiritual gurus .

  16. 王厨师长说,菜肴中还将减少盐和糖的用量。

    Dishes will also have less salt and less sugar , Ong said .

  17. 查理?史密斯去年退休了,他曾经是我的师长教师。

    Charles Smith , who was my former teacher , retired last year .

  18. 它在王师长教师跟前跪下,向他求救。

    It knelt down in front of him , begging for its life .

  19. 我永远不会后悔有你做我的朋友兼师长。

    I 'll never regret having you as my beloved friend and teacher .

  20. 师长信念与学生的数学行为、学生的自我信念显著正相关;

    Teachers ' belief can strengthen students ' self-confidence and improve their mathematics behavior .

  21. 丈夫乐意地说,有副师长当干爹,我儿子福可太大了。

    Everybody laughed and aroused to say , be the boy 's nominal father .

  22. 你不是想当上师长吗?

    Looking to have your own division someday ?

  23. 我们提倡学生尊敬师长,同时也提倡师长爱护学生。

    We urge students to respect their teachers and teachers to love their students .

  24. 他们需要有能察觉他们的天赋并加以培育的双亲和师长。

    They must have parents and teachers who recognize their talent and nurture it .

  25. 他表示,内地学生往往更重视聆听师长的教诲。

    Mainland students tend to value listening to their superiors more , he says .

  26. 最重要的是我们为我们的家人、朋友和师长致上感激。

    Most of all we are thankful for our family and friends and teachers .

  27. 我能为你任职吗?贝克师长?

    May I carry service to you-mr Baker ?

  28. 他从小就接受尊敬师长的教育。

    He was brought up to respect authorities .

  29. 我将给与我的师长应有的崇敬和感戴;

    I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude that their due .

  30. 我将给予师长应有的崇敬与爱戴

    I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude that is their due