
  1. 集宁师范高等专科学校就业工作的几点思考

    Ponder on the Work of Employment in Jining Teachers College

  2. 关于师范高等专科学校摆脱困境谋求发展的探讨

    On Extricating Teachers Colleges from Predicaments and Seeking Ways for Their Development

  3. 宁德师范高等专科学校学生艾滋病/性病知识、行为调查分析

    Knowledge and Behaviors about AIDS / STD among Students of Ningde Teachers'College

  4. 点可数覆盖与序列覆盖映射&献给宁德师范高等专科学校

    Point - Countable Covers And Sequence - Covering Mappings

  5. 绿色理念山水情怀&达县师范高等专科学校新校区规划设计浅析

    A Case of the General Planning of New Campus of Daxian Normal College

  6. 《毕节师范高等专科学校学报》1999~2005年载文统计分析

    A Statistical Analysis of Publications of the Journal of Bijie Teachers College 1999-2005

  7. 我是郴州师范高等专科学校2001届毕业生。

    I am Chenzhou teachers college graduate in2001 .

  8. 师范高等专科学校开设大学文科数学的研究报告

    The Research Report on the College Liberal Arts Mathematics Offered in the Teachers College

  9. 2003年,我成为第一个在阿坝师范高等专科学校任教的外国人。

    In2003 , I became the first foreigner to teach at Aba Teachers College .

  10. 宁德师范高等专科学校图书馆读者服务调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Service for Readers of the Library of Ningde Teachers ' College

  11. 锦州师范高等专科学校教师职业倦怠调查研究(师范教育中的)学科领域教育,专科教育

    On the Research of Teachers Job Burnout in Jin Zhou Teachers Training College ; subject-field education

  12. 2002-2004年《文山师范高等专科学校学报》的统计分析

    The Statistics and Analyses on Journals of Wenshan Teachers College from the Year 2002 to 2004

  13. 州郡学院院校研究&以亳州师范高等专科学校为个案

    Student teachers study at a training college . take Bozhou Teachers ' College as a Case

  14. 大学生课外阅读现状透析及建议&以保山师范高等专科学校为例

    A Survey of After-school Reading Among College Student & Baoshan Teachers ' College as a Case Study

  15. 文山师范高等专科学校面向越南实施走出去战略的思考

    The Implementation of the strategy of " Going out to Vietnam " by Wenshan Teachers ' college

  16. 康定民族师范高等专科学校大一学生艾滋病相关知识健康教育效果评估

    Effectiveness evaluation of education on AIDS knowledge among the freshmen of Kangding Nationality Normal College , Sichuan Province

  17. 本人在越南谅山师范高等专科学校从事了一个学期的对外汉语教学实习工作。

    I have engaged the Chinese language teaching internship in Liang shan college of Vietnam about a semester .

  18. 结合具体项目&临沧师范高等专科学校教务管理系统,对系统进行了详细的分析与建模。

    Combined with concrete projects-lincang teachers college educational management system , the system makes a detailed analysis and simulation .

  19. 新建高专院校师资状况实证分析&贫困地区师范高等专科学校发展研究

    Empirical analysis of teaching staff of newly-established colleges & Development research on normal college for professional training in poor areas

  20. 依据朝阳师范高等专科学校校园网需求情况,提出了校园网入侵检测平台的设计模型。

    According to demands of the Chaoyang teachers ' college campus network , proposed the campus network IDS platform model .

  21. 对桂林师范高等专科学校354名学生的英语学习策略进行了问卷调查。而高校教师业务素质的高低。

    This paper makes a survey of English learning strategies with a questionnaire among 354 students in Guilin Teachers ' College .

  22. 本系统主要是以南昌师范高等专科学校科研管理为背景,开发了一个基于.net的科研管理系统。

    Taken the research management of Nanchang Teachers College as the background , the thesis has developed a research management system based on .

  23. 钦州师范高等专科学校是我国西部沿海唯一一所普通高校。钦州师专在西部沿海大开发中有着重要的地位与作用:能为西部沿海城市群实施大开发、建设沿海工业提供智力支持;

    Qinzhou Teachers College , the only college in Chinese western coastal area , occupies an important place in the development of western region .

  24. 该系统目前已应用于泰州师范高等专科学校的教学管理中,在日常学生考勤管理工作中发挥着重要作用。

    The system is already used in Taizhou Teachers College , teaching management , attendance management in the daily work of the students play an important role .

  25. 通过问卷调查和资料分析,对柳州师范高等专科学校体育系艺术体操专项课教学内容及时数分配进行了研究与探讨。

    This paper analyses the result of the questionaires on the special purpose courses on rhythmic gymnastics and the distribution of the teaching periods in , Liuzhou Teachers College .

  26. 高校共青团推优入党工作的调查及思考&以柳州师范高等专科学校为例

    Investigation and Reflection on the Work of " Recommending the Excellent to Join the Party " of Communist Youth Leagues in Colleges & A Case Study of Liuzhou Teachers College

  27. 本论文课题来源于广西南宁师范高等专科学校课题图像处理技术在光学实验中的应用(200805)。

    The subject of this thesis is supported by the topic of Nanning Teachers College , named " the application of image processing technology in the Optical Experiments " ( 200805 ) .

  28. 此次该校升格为合肥幼儿师范高等专科学校,既是全国第一批升专的幼师学校,也是我省第一所独立设置的幼儿师范高等专科学校。

    While , the upgraded Hefei Preschool Teachers College this time is the first nursery teachers'school in China who is transformed into a college , and is also the first of its kind in Anhui Province .

  29. 统计分析了1998&2005年《达县师范高等专科学校学报》发文的引文量、引文类型、引文语种、引文年代分布以及自引情况。

    This paper statistically analyzes the number of quotations in the published articles , types of quotations , languages of quotations , years ' distribution and the self-quotation in Journal of Daxian Teachers College from 1998-2005 .

  30. 扶贫顶岗实习支教中地方政府作用之实效分析昭通师范高等专科学校顶岗实习支教现状探析

    Actual Effect Analysis of Local Government Function in Replacement Teaching Practice On the Status Quo of the Scheme of Offering the Students Full-Time Teaching Positions During their Internship to Support Local Education Initiated by ZhaoTong Teacher 's College