
  • 网络Nguyen Tan Dung
  1. 在亚洲领导人峰会结束后,菅直人与越南总理阮晋勇(NguyenTanDung)周日在河内进行了会晤。

    Mr Kan met Nguyen Tan Dung , his Vietnamese counterpart , on Sunday after a summit of Asian leaders in Hanoi .

  2. 在骚乱爆发大约一周后,台湾拒绝了越南总理阮晋勇(NguyenTanDung)提出的一份赔偿方案。

    About a week after the riots broke out , Taiwan rejected a compensation plan sketched out by Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung .

  3. 越南总理阮晋勇(NguyenTanDung)今年3月通过了一项针对银行体系的三年重组计划,目的是增强越南大型银行的实力,鼓励小银行之间的并购,但是越南官员似乎并不清楚如何实施这一计划。

    Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung in March approved a three-year restructuring plan for the banking sector designed to strengthen the country 's largest banks and encourage a series of mergers among smaller lenders , but officials appear uncertain about how to put the blueprint into effect .

  4. 去年12月份,阮晋勇访问了莫斯科。

    In December , Dung had visited Moscow .

  5. 越南总理阮晋勇见证了几个越南和美国纺织品公司的合作协议的签署。

    Vietnamese Prime Minister , Nguyen Tan Dung was a witness to signing of several co-operative agreements between Vietnamese and American textile companies .

  6. 他还说,越南总理阮晋勇已经批准了核能产业“人力资源”方面培训越南工人的一个计划。

    He added that Vietnamese prime minister Nguyen Tan Dung has approved a plan to train Vietnamese workers in the " human resources " side of the nuclear industry .

  7. 一些政府领导人也参加了曼谷了此次会议,包括印尼总统尤多约诺、越南总理阮晋勇和泰国总理英拉-西那瓦。

    Several government leaders were in Bangkok for the meeting . They include Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono , Vietnam 's Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra .

  8. 不过,阮晋勇在本周发出的政令中指出,如果荷兰银行向越南政府赔偿上述损失,该行员工可以免遭刑事起诉。

    However , in the directive , issued this week , the premier indicated that ABN employees could be spared criminal prosecution if the Dutch bank compensated the state for the lost money .

  9. 但一些分析师指出,2月份在莫斯科的时候,除了签署首座核反应堆的协议外,阮晋勇还订购了价值高达32亿美元的俄罗斯军事装备。

    But some analysts noted that , while in Moscow in February to sign the deal for the first reactor , PM dung also placed orders for as much as $ 3.2 billion worth of Russian military hardware .