
  • 网络Ruan Lingyu;The Actress;Center Stage;Yuen Ling-yuk;centre stage
  1. 一曲女性的悲歌&解读电影《阮玲玉》

    An Elegy To Female : Interpreting The Film " Yuen Ling-yuk ";

  2. 1929年离开明星影片公司,进入联华影业公司,阮玲玉便成为联华的基本演员。

    In 1929 , she transferred to Lianhua Film Company .

  3. 阮玲玉1910年出生在上海的一个贫困家庭。

    Ruan was born in a poor family in Shanghai in 1910 .

  4. 阮玲玉(1910~1935)

    Ruan Lingyu ( 1910 ~ 1935 )

  5. 影星阮玲玉自杀身亡。

    Film star Ruan Lingyu committed suicide .

  6. 阮玲玉之所以能走红,主要是由于她的精湛演技和花容月貌。

    She succeeded because of her superb acting skills as well as her exceptional beauty .

  7. 小学毕业后,阮玲玉不得不开始工作以维持生计。

    After Ruan finished primary school , she had to find work to support herself .

  8. 阮玲玉的演技堪称中国元声影片的最高水平。

    Her acting skills represented the highest level of the performing art in Chinese silent films .

  9. 解读影片《阮玲玉》是从叙事方案和视听方案两个方面着手的。

    By the film " Ruan Lingyu " is analysed two means of narration scheme and audio-visual scheme .

  10. 消息传出后,整个上海沉浸在悲痛之中,成百上千的群众走上街头为阮玲玉送行。

    When the news was made public , the whole city of Shanghai mourned her death . Several hundred thousand people came out to the streets to watch her funeral procession .

  11. 次年,阮玲玉主演处女作《挂名夫妻儿之后,她相继在《血泪碑》、《白云塔》等多部影片中扮演主角,逐渐展现出她的演艺才华。

    After that she played the leading roles in a number of films including A Tablet of Blood and Tears and The White Cloud Pagoda . In these films she started to show her talent in acting .

  12. 阮玲玉,中国早期女影星,原名阮凤根,原籍广东香山(今中山),1910年4月邡日出生于上海,1935年3月8日去世,终年24岁。

    Ruan Lingyu , an early Chinese film actress , birth name Ruan Fenggen , original hometown Xiangshan ( Zhongshan ) , Guangdong , was born in Shanghai on April 26 , 1910 and died on March 8 , 1935 , aged 24 .

  13. 在影片《小玩意》中,她成功地塑造了超出她自己生活阅历的劳动女性形象叶姐姐,这足以说明阮玲玉的表演天赋。

    Her success in playing Sister Ye , a country woman in Little Toys , shows she was diligent in creating that character , for Sister Ye 's life was beyond her own life experiences . Success in work did not bring her happiness in her family .

  14. 1935年,由于婚姻的问题,报刊对阮玲玉诽谤和攻击,令她无法承受,被逼元奈,于1935年3月8日服毒自杀,年仅25岁。

    In 1935 , while her last film was being shot , a divorce suit and slanders in local newspapers put Ruan in great mental anguish . On the eighth of March , Ruan Lingyu committed suicide leaving behind her a final message " Gossip can kill . " She lived for only twenty-five years .

  15. 1983年9月,在“20世纪20—40年代电影回顾展览”,30年代的一位影星特别引人注目,因为时隔半个世纪,她的表演依然感人,使人回味元穷,她就是阮玲玉。

    In September 1983 , forty-three old Chinese films were shown in Beijing at the exhibition " A Retrospective of Chinese Films from the 1920 's to the 1940 's. " One film star of the 1930 's caught the attention of the viewers because her films were still so fresh and touching . She was Ruan Lingyu .