
  • 网络Liu Xiang;Shiang Liu
刘向 [liú xiàng]
  • [Liu Xiang-a famous writer in ancient china] (约前77-前6) 本名更生,字子政,西汉沛(现在江苏省沛县)人,经学家、目录学家、文学家,著有《新序》、《说苑》等

  1. 刘向校书与古文献学框架的建构

    Liu Xiang and the establishment of Classical Documentation Science

  2. 刘向及其文学成就研究

    A Study of Liu Xiang and His Literary Achievements

  3. 刘向文学成就及文学思想研究。

    Part five is the study of Liu 's literary achievements and literary thoughts .

  4. 论刘向刘歆父子校书编目的指导思想

    On the Guiding Thought of Liu Xiang and Liu Xin in Correcting and Cataloging Books

  5. 《管子》一书是汉代刘向整理编辑而成的。

    The book Guan Zi was arranged and compiled by Liu Xiang in Han dynasty .

  6. 据汉刘向《列女传·母仪·邹孟轲母》记载:

    In Biographies of Outstanding Women · The Biography of Mencius'Mother , Liu Xiang recorded :

  7. 刘歆是刘向的儿子。哀帝时,他接替了父亲的工作。

    During the reign of Emperor Aidi , his son Liu Xin took over his job .

  8. 刘向同样对五德终始说有所发展。

    Liu Xiang also made a contribution to the development of the Five Elements Circulation Theory .

  9. 这些材料,来源非常广泛,而刘向对这些材料的处理和运用,形式又多种多样。

    The source of these materials is very extensive and there are varied ways in treating and using these materials .

  10. 《新序》是西汉著名学者刘向编撰的一部以讽谏为政治目的的历史故事类编,是现存刘向所编撰的最早的一部作品。

    As a compilation of historical stories , the extant work Xin Xu is the first of Liu Xiang 's works .

  11. 孔刘向舜木解释说他曾经做过一个敏感测试,医生在他的背上做的。

    Ggong explained to Soon Mok that he had an allergy test and the doctor did it on Ggong 's back .

  12. 汉刘向班固、唐朝魏征、宋代郑樵、清代章学诚都对图书整理理论作出了贡献。私人藏书和官府藏书的管理、藏书的公开与公共使用理论繁荣了藏书管理理论。

    The book-management theory is enriched by means of private and government collection of books as well as the public use of books .

  13. 这时,一个朋友建议刘向中国的大型国有银行申请银联信用卡。

    At this moment , a friend recommended that Liu apply for a UnionPay credit card from one of China 's large state-owned banks .

  14. 在《新序》、《说苑》、《列女传》中,刘向运用前人的材料来表达自己的思想观点。

    In New Recount , Collection of Stories and Biography of Women in Ancient China , Liu-xiang conveys his ideology and viewpoint through predecessor 's materials .

  15. 本文首先根据刘向《战国策书录》所述,对之进行分析辨缪。

    At first , this paper analyses and identifies the solecism on the basis of the recount of The Strategies during the Warring States Period Bibliography .

  16. 深刻的社会背景,具有知识分子深沉的忧患意识和社会良知,以及深受屈原精神的影响等,当是刘向产生如此心态的主要原因。

    It was mainly such factors as social background scholars ' social conscience and the influence of Qu Yuan 's spirit that caused Liu Xiang to have such a mentality .

  17. 刘向在塑造她们的形象时,运用了大量的人物对话及内心独白来凸显其性格,使同类女子的形象也各具特色。

    When shaping their image , Liu Xiang used lots of dialogues and monologue to show their feature , which makes the same woman image , has its own characteristics .

  18. 就刘向而言,其继承了五德终始说中的政权转移理论,进而认为天命不拘于某朝某代,而是不断更替变化的。

    As for Liu Xiang , he inherited the authority transformation of the Five Elements Circulation Theory . He thought that destiny did not stick to one dynasty , but changed ceaselessly .

  19. 摘要从刘向校书与古籍流传之间关系来看,应以“类”的观念对待刘向校书前的诸子文献。

    From view of the relation between the collation of Liuxiang and spread of the ancient works , we should tread these documents before the collation of Liuxiang with the concept of " classification " .

  20. 昧死以进谏&论刘向编撰《说苑》的心态及其成因组织公正、心理授权与员工进谏行为的关系研究

    On Presenting Admonishment to Emperors at the Risk of Death & The Mentality of Liu Xiang s Compiling Garden of Saying and the Causes ; The Relationship of Organizational Justice and Psychological Empowerment With Voice Behavior

  21. 刘向、刘歆父子所编辑校正的“六艺”、诸子百家、诗赋等,篇目明晰,思想宗旨详明而大观。

    " Six Arts ", various schools of Masters , the poetry and so on , edited and corrected by Liu Xiang and his son Liu Xin , are lucid in writing and elaborate in thoughts .

  22. 而在刘向后至张湛前的数百年间,《列子》似绝迹于世,这也是后人怀疑《列子》为伪作的主要原因。

    But in the hundreds between after Liu Xiang and before Zhang Zhan , Lieh-tzu seemed to disappear in the world , which is also the main reason that the future generations suspect Lieh-tzu is a pseudograph .

  23. 刘向的《新序》、《说苑》、《列女传》、《列仙传》等书是不是“小说”,学术界久有争论。

    For a long time , it has been a controversial issue that whether Liu Xiang s works of Xin Xu , Shuo Yuan , Lie Nu Zhuan , Lie Xian Zhuan are " novels " or not .

  24. 刘向要求则天顺时,强调社会历史的变化、发展。这与道家的天道自然观和辩证法思想有着某种相同、相通之处。分析了普通高校体育与社会的融合及其发展趋势等。

    Liu Xiang claimed that mankind should follow natural laws and submit to current situation , and placed emphasis on the change and development of society , an idea which has mach in common with Taoist natural idea and dialectical thought .

  25. 在西汉末期(公元前206年至公元24年),刘向在有关这一时期的资料的基础上,根据这一时期的特点,将史料编撰成书《战国策叙录》。

    At the end of Western Han Dynasty ( 206 BC - 24 AD ) , Liu Xiang , based on the information about this period , compiled a book and named it the History of Warring States according to the character of this period .

  26. 刘向的三部书处于向小说过渡的阶段,它本身已经初步具备小说的因素,情节完整,人物形象也鲜明,注重人文环境的描写,对后世的小说有很大启发。

    Liu Xiang 's three books are in to the novel transition stage , its itself already initially had the novel factor , the plot integrity , the character image is also bright , the attention humanities environment description , had the very big inspiration to later generation 's novel .