
  1. 刘建国警告说,这种问题可能会恶化。

    And the problem is likely to get worse , warns Liu .

  2. 刘建国没有别墅的所有权,因此他无法自由地在市场上出售别墅。

    Mr Liu does not hold a legal title to the villa so he is unable to freely sell it on the market .

  3. 刘建国敦促政府公开人们迄今未曾料到的离婚造成的环境成本增加,并力劝夫妻们考虑好离婚可能造成的影响再做决定。

    Liu urges governments to publicise the hitherto unanticipated environmental costs of divorce , and couples to consider the potential impacts of a divorce before going ahead .