
  1. 负重的追问者&刘恒小说创作论

    Heavy Loaded Questioner Closely & The Writing Theory of Liu Heng 's Novel

  2. 刘恒以一种独有的冷静刻写着苍茫大地上的芸芸众生。

    Liu Heng portrays all mortal beings on the earth with exceptional calmness .

  3. 上海大学生刘恒(音译)是网购行家。

    A college student in Shanghai named Liu Heng is a master of online shopping .

  4. 并进一步指出,刘恒的变化是主观需要与客观环境共谋的必然结果。

    Moreover , the transformation of Liu Heng is the result of the objective needs and objective environment .

  5. 同时,对刘恒小说创作风格转变的原因也进行了内外因的分析。

    Simultaneously , It analyses the reason of his changing of the style from the internal and external part .

  6. 在当代文坛上,刘恒也许不是最受青睐的作家,但绝对算得上是一个独特的存在。

    In the contemporary literary world , LiuHeng may not be the most popular writer , but it is a unique existence .

  7. 平民的幸福及其限度&论刘恒的《贫嘴张大民的幸福生活》

    The Happiness and its Limitation of Common People s Life : on Liu Heng s Novel The Happy Life of Garrulous Zhang Da-min ;

  8. 刘恒也许不是二十世纪最优秀的作家,但绝对是最有特色的作家。

    Liu Heng may not be the most excellent author in the 20 ~ ( th ) century , but absolutely the most distinctive one .

  9. 刘恒通过对人类欲望的考察发现欲望的缺失、匮乏或者过度泛滥、极度膨胀都会导致人的死亡。

    Liu Heng through the study of human desire to discover the lack of desire , extreme expansion of desire will cause the death of people .

  10. 刘恒是当代文坛集小说创作和影视创作于一身的一线作家。

    Liu heng is a First - line writer who is famous in both novel creation and the film and television creation in Modern literary word of China .

  11. 生存意志与生命原欲的冲突&刘恒对食色的客观叙述

    Conflicts between Sense of Survival and Original Living Desire & Liu Heng 's Objective Analyses on " the Desire for Food and Sex Is Part of Human Nature "

  12. 主要分析刘恒小说中人的生存困境的表现,并具体分析欲望中的挣扎、孤独的存在、宿命的死亡三种困境。

    Secondly , it mainly analyzes human behavior in survival plight as well as the detailed plights of struggle in desires , existence of forlorn and death of fate .

  13. 西汉年间,建国皇帝刘邦死后,他的儿子刘恒继承了王位

    During the Western Han Dynasty in China , after its founding patriarch Liu Bang died , the throne came by succession to his son , " Liu Heng . "

  14. 新写实代表作家刘恒是个多面手,他既写小说,又写剧本,既写农村,又写城市。

    Liu Heng , the representing writer of " New Realism " is a versatile person , for he describes both novels and plays , and writes rural areas as well as cities .

  15. 表面上看,刘恒剧本(节选自严歌苓的小说《金陵十三钗》)的问题在于用一个熟悉的美国白人套路作为连接西方观众的桥梁。

    On the surface , the most problematic element of Liu Heng 's screenplay ( adapted from Yan Geling 's novel 13 Flowers of Nanjing ) is the familiar manner in which it uses a white American character as an entry point for Western audiences .

  16. 而与此同时也带来一些负面的效应就是作家群体转移的现象,像刘恒、刘震云、王朔等当代作家都纷纷涌入的影视剧的创作当中去。

    At the same time , it had also brought some negative effect , that is the transference of group of writers . For example , writers such as Liu Heng , Liu Zhenyun and Wang Shuo all moved to the writing of films one after another .