
nìng kěn
  • would rather
宁肯 [nìng kěn]
  • [would rather] 宁可

  • 宁肯自己辛苦点,也不要麻烦别人

宁肯[nìng kěn]
  1. 他宁肯在比赛中丢了性命也不愿在医院里苟延残喘。

    He would rather be killed in a race than die a lingering death in hospital .

  2. 我宁肯实话实说也不愿意给予他们不切实际的期望。

    I would rather be honest with people than tell them that there is going to be some pot of gold at the end of the rainbow .

  3. 许多工人宁肯下岗也不接受减薪。

    Many workers opted to leave their jobs rather than take a pay cut .

  4. “你想过没有,为什么英国铁路公司宁肯把车站装饰得俗不堪耐,也不愿改善服务?”他问。

    ' Have you ever wondered why British Rail would rather tart up their stations than improve services ? ' he asked .

  5. 守财奴宁肯挨饿受冻也舍不得花钱。

    Misers put their back and belly into their pockets .

  6. 途中,不是梧桐树它绝不栖息,不是竹子的果实必定不吃,泉水不甘美,它宁肯渴着,也不饮用。

    On its way , it would not perch2 a tree other than a parasol tree , and would not eat anything other than the fruit of bamboo , and would not drink anything other than sweet spring water .

  7. 泰勒·摩森当晚还是以一身她最喜欢的黑色性感绷带紧身短裙亮相,深情演绎她的最新单曲《LightMeUp》据悉,泰勒·摩森很潇洒,舍弃了《绯闻女孩》剧组配备给演员的高级房车,宁肯每天睡大巴,为演唱会全力筹备。

    In one of her favourite barely there bondage and lingerie inspired outfits , the young singer took to the stage to perform an hour long set of songs from her band 's newly released album , Light Me Up .

  8. RonKirby:“我们大多数人都觉得政府没有为我们做出最好的决定。我们宁肯自己做决定。”那么,他们的决定是什么呢?

    RON KIRBY : " Most of us don 't feel that the government makes the best decisions for us . We make our own decisions . " So what might those be ?

  9. 她宁肯乘火车,也不愿坐飞机去。

    She prefers to go by train rather than by air .

  10. 她宁肯呆在教室也不愿上体育课。

    She would rather stay at home than have PE class .

  11. 宁肯拧死,不要饿死。

    It is better to die of indigestion than of starvation .

  12. 我个人宁肯不信超自然的事件。

    I would rather not believe in supernatural events personally .

  13. 他宁肯坚守自己目前的投资。

    He preferred to sit tight with his present investment .

  14. 希腊当权者宁肯你没有看到。

    And the Greek authorities would rather you didn 't see it .

  15. 我目前宁肯留在这里。

    I would rather stay here , for the present .

  16. 我宁肯当个孩子,保罗回答道。

    ' I had rather be a child , ' replied Paul .

  17. 他宁肯住在乡下,不愿住在城里。

    He had sooner live in the countryside than in the city .

  18. 可知很多孩子宁肯做其他事也不愿去睡觉。

    Most kids will do anything else rather than go to sleep .

  19. 我倒宁肯你在考试中失败呢。

    I 'd rather you had failed in the exam .

  20. 西方社会的一些年青人怕结婚,他们宁肯同居。

    Some young people in the west fear marriage and would rather cohabitate .

  21. 我宁肯辞职不干,也不愿再为它辩护了。

    I would resign rather than defend it again .

  22. “我宁肯同你和父亲留在家里,”她说。

    I would rather stay here with father and you , 'she said .

  23. 我宁肯熬夜,也不要迟交作业。

    I 'd rather work all night than hand my homework in late .

  24. 他宁肯丢掉一切也不肯放弃原则。

    He would rather lose everything thanabandon his principle .

  25. 他宁肯死而决不受侮辱。

    He will die before he shall disgrace himself .

  26. 他宁肯不及格,也不愿去恳求那个令人反感的老师。

    He preferred to fail in the course than beg that abominable teacher .

  27. 他宁肯不吃,也不愿借债。

    Rather than borrow , he went without food .

  28. 有的人不愿承认失败,而是宁肯厚着脸皮干下去。

    Some people prefer to brazen a thing out rather than admit defeat .

  29. 而傩送宁肯继承一条破船也要与翠翠成婚。

    The Tan Song prefer to have inherited a wreck and Tracy married .

  30. 你知道我宁肯去看牙医也不愿意学习代数和算术。

    You know I would rather visit the dentist than study algebra and arithmetic !