
  1. 棚民·客籍·客家意识&义宁州客家的历史实际

    Slum dwellers 、 the Hakka 、 Consciousness of the Hakka & The factual history of the Hakka in Yining State

  2. 对南中地区,以宁州之设为标志,前期基本沿袭蜀汉南抚夷越政策,后期则强化对南中的直接统治;

    On Nanzhong , marking with the institutions , the former they continued the policy of Shuhan , the later they strengthened the control on Nanzhong .

  3. 另一方面,两晋、南朝时期,宁州地区社会结构的改变和民族的融合却出现了深化的趋势,乃至形成了新的地方民族白蛮。

    On the other hand , during this period , there emerged further changes of the social structure and more ethnic fusion , which at last formed the Baiman , a new local ethnic group .

  4. 后周的疆域南至长江北岸,向北收复了宁州(今河北宁县)和一些重要关溢,如益今关(今河北坝县)。

    With his territory extending as far as the northern bank of the Yangtze River , he succeeded in recovering a number of strategic points from Qidan , such as Ningzhou ( now Ning coun-ty , Hebei ) and Yijinguan Pass ( Baxian County , Hebei ) .