
gē jù
  • set up a separatist regime by force of arms;set up independent regime by force of arms
割据 [gē jù]
  • [set up independent regime by force of arms] 以武力占据部分地区,在一个国家内形成分裂对抗的局面

  • 将军以神武雄才,兼仗父兄之烈,割据江东。--《资治通鉴》

  • 重镇如割据,权轻绝纪纲。--唐. 杜甫《入衡州》

割据[gē jù]
  1. 军阀割据,各霸一方。

    The country was torn apart by warlords , each controlling a region .

  2. 其中包括垄断某一领域滋生的不可一世的情绪(IBM控制了电脑主机市场,微软则占据了个人电脑市场)以及内部势力割据阻碍其迅速进行变革的能力。

    These include arrogance bred of dominance of a particular area mainframe computers at IBM , personal computers at Microsoft and internal fiefs that hamper swift change .

  3. 美国杜克能源公司(DukeEnergy)首席执行官吉姆罗杰斯(JimRogers)表示,他有意在群雄割据的美国电力市场达成更多交易。

    Jim Rogers , chief executive of Duke Energy , has said he was interested in more deals in the fragmented US power market .

  4. JXTA技术的提出就很好的解决了这种应用割据的局面,它是P2P发展史上的一个里程碑。

    JXTA technology emerged to solve this problem , and it is considered as a milestone in P2P development .

  5. 深入割据地区的土地革命;

    Deepen the agrarian revolution in areas under the independent regime .

  6. 风景名胜区行政割据现象的产权分析

    A Property Rights Analysis of Administration Division of the Scenic Spots

  7. 现在北方各地方势力割据。

    The factional forces in the North set up independent regimes .

  8. 项羽的这一做法使诸侯割据的局面更为恶化。

    The allocations of Xiang Yu aggravated the separatist vassal regime .

  9. 杨吴与中原王朝及周边割据政权关系述略

    On Relationship of Yang-Wu and Central Plains Dynasty and Neighbouring Separate Regimes

  10. 湘赣边界的割据和八月失败

    The independent regime in the Hunan-Kiangsi border area and the August defeat

  11. 扭曲的市场和价格体系造成的市场割据;

    Market ramparts caused by distorted market and price mechanism ;

  12. 自然环境变迁与十六国政权割据局面的出现

    Changes in Natural Environment and the Appearance of the Sixteen Separatist States

  13. 此割据对湘赣两省的影响,则有日益扩大之势。

    Our regime tended to exert an ever-growing influence on Hunan and Kiangsi .

  14. 明代是从一个地方割据政权逐渐发展起来的一个大帝国。

    The Ming Dynasty gradually converted a Local Regime into a Great Empire .

  15. 试论陈济棠维持广东半独立割据局面的策略

    The discussion on tactics of Chen-ji-tang 's Keeping Semi-independent Separatist situation in Guangdong

  16. 所谓割据,必须是武装的。

    An independent regime must be an armed one .

  17. 中国历史无奈地步入军阀割据的混乱岁月。

    Chinese history go to the warlord time .

  18. 英租威海卫的性质并非“租借地”而是“割据地”。

    The nature of the Territory was not a lease territory , but a concession .

  19. 封建式的割据局面在中国大地上也一去不复返了。

    The feudalistic segmentation of the country has gone forever on this land of China .

  20. 在最初时期,中国曾被许多君王割据。

    In the very early days , China was divided and ruled by many kings .

  21. 在这之后,中国再次进入到了长达272年的割据分裂时期。

    After it , China went into another troubled period of disunity for 272 years .

  22. 但蒙古贵族传统的分封制,导致了蒙古地区封建割据的形成和泛滥;

    The tribute system of Mongolian aristocracy formed and increasing feudal separated jurisdiction in Mongol area .

  23. 中国终于由一个诸侯割据称雄的封建国家转变为一个中央集权的封建国家。

    Consequently , China , a former feudal separatist ruled country , became unified and centralized .

  24. 1757年,清朝平定长期割据西北的准噶尔政权。

    In 1757 , the Qing imperial court crushed the long-standing Junggar separatist regime in the Northwest .

  25. 汉朝灭亡后是长达四个世纪的军阀割据时代。

    The collapse of the Han dynasty was followed by nearly four centuries of rule by warlords .

  26. 越南南河阮氏政权是越南历史上一个特殊的地方割据政权。

    The Nguyen regime of Nam Ha , Vietnam was a special regional regime in Vietnamese history .

  27. 如果这样,中国将会全面崩溃,瓦解成民族割据的国家。

    China would have to totally collapse and disintegrate as a cohesive nation state for it to happen .

  28. 文章分析了风景名胜区行政割据造成的负外部效应,并就产权安排的创新提出了自己的看法。

    The paper analyses negative externalities that administration division bring and put forward opinions on property right innovation .

  29. 北汉局促河东的原因及其割据的条件

    Causes of the Confinement of North Han to Hedong ( Present Shaanxi Province ) and Conditions for Its Independence

  30. 在肖邦出生的十三年前,这些割据势力竟然把“波兰”这个名字都废除了。

    Thirteen years before Chopin was born , the occupying powers even abolished the very name " Poland . "