
gē xiàn
  • secant;secant line;transversal
割线 [gē xiàn]
  • (1) [secant]

  • (2) 与曲线相交于两个或更多的点的直线

  • (3) 从圆心出发通过该圆某一圆弧一个端点到该弧另一端的切线画的直线

割线[gē xiàn]
  1. 解非线性方程组的N点割线法及其收敛条件的改进

    N-point Secant Method and Modification of Convergence Condition for Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Equations in Several Variables

  2. 同时将割线模量计算沉降的方法应用到高填方自身作用下的最终沉降计算中,通过与应用e~p曲线计算的结果进行比较,其误差在允许范围之内。

    The secant modulus is used to calculate final settlement of high-stacked soil , compared with the result of e ~ p curve , the error is in the limit of tolerance .

  3. 根据新的割线刚度方法,编制了新的分析程序NAP。

    Work out the new analysis program ( NAP ) based on the new nonlinear principle .

  4. 建立了双破坏面之间的耦合关系,从而推导出混凝土的割线模量E及泊桑比μ,进而可计算复杂受力状态下的应力&应变关系。

    Aces is established . After deriving the secant value of young 's modulus E and Poisson ratio μ the stress-strain relation under complex stress conditions is capable of being determined .

  5. 根据经典的一维搜索算法对分法和Newton切线法的基本原理,提出了一种新的一维搜索算法水平割线法。

    According to the primary principles of the half division method and Newton method , a new method called horizontal secant method was presented for one dimension search .

  6. 对函数奇点乘法的Hadamard定理和Taylor展开一般以收敛圆为割线问题进行了深入研究,探讨了其思想的演变过程及重要影响。

    ' Hadamard theorem of the multiplication of function singularities ' and ' Taylor 's series generally considers its convergent circle as the cut secant ' are studied .

  7. 在微扰论中的Regge割线

    The Regge cuts in a perturbation theory

  8. 本文讨论了一类有理函数映射下的Julia分形集的性质,以及构造这类分形集的广义割线方法,并证明了该方法的收敛性。

    In this paper , a class of Julia fractal patterns generated from rational function mapping are discussed , and their construction method , generalized Secant method , is given .

  9. 本文根据最小势能原理推导了一个高精度、高效的梁柱MEP单元,并且导出了该模型的割线和切线刚度矩阵。

    MEP element model described explicitly is formulated by using the principle of minimum potential energy , and the secant stiffness and tangent stiffness of MEP element are educed .

  10. 在传统基于切线刚度的Newton-Raphson法求解方程组基础上进行适当地改进,采用基于割线刚度的Newton-Raphson法,并绘制了流程图。

    Through properly improving the Newton-Raphson method of solving system of equations based on the tangent stiffness , this paper presented Newton-Raphson incremental-iterative mixed method based on the secant stiffness .

  11. 计算模型是以有限元法、应力二阶矩的割线模量法、Eshelby等有效夹杂方法和双夹杂模型等为基础。

    The micromechanics model is based on the finite element method , secant moduli method , Eshelby 's equivalent method and double-inclusion model , etc.

  12. 脉冲宽度调制技术是逆变控制系统设计的难点,本课题深入研究了几种SPWM的数字化生成方法(包括切线逼近采样法和割线逼近采样法)。

    Pulse width modulation is difficulties and focus in the inverter control system . This task in-depth study of several digital SPWM generation methods ( including the tangent approximation sampling method and the secant approximation sampling method ) .

  13. 通过最小二乘法拟合来确定P-S-N曲线参数,并采用割线法进行迭代求解。

    The parameters of P-S-N curve can be decided by fitting the data with least square method ( LSM ), then the solution is got using the iterative secant procedure .

  14. 应用二参数Weibull分布描述损伤变量,引入峰值割线模量参数,推导并建立了石砌体的通用本构关系公式。

    The corresponding damage model was presented based on study of damage mechanism of stone masonry , Two-parameter Weibull parameters were used to describe damage variable and by introducing the peak secant modulus a general constitutive equation was derived and established .

  15. 根据T、L描述法,详细推导了几何非线性分析中的割线刚度矩阵和切线刚度矩阵一般表达式,并给出了两者之间的数学关系。

    Based on the total Lagrangian formulation , the formulas of both secant and tangent stiffness matrices in geometric nonlinear analysis are derived in detail in this paper , and their mathematical relationship is given .

  16. 对500kV紧凑型六分裂输电线路平衡挂线割线长度计算原理、计算步骤和方法进行了阐述,并举实例计算,为六分裂紧凑型输电线路平衡挂线割线长度计算提供了参考依据。

    This article states the calculation theory of 500 kV compact six split transmission lines balance line scant length and calculation steps and methods , which is attached with reactive examples . It provides the references for the compact six split transmission lines balance line scant length calculation .

  17. 刚架分析的割线刚度弧长法

    The arc - length method of secant rigidity in frame analysis

  18. 在穿孔的连续格式纸上,割线之间的间距。

    In perforated continuous forms paper , the interval between cuts .

  19. 合肥风化土的强度与割线模量

    Strength and secant modulus of weathered soil at Hefei City

  20. 利用割线方法还研究了该类复合材料的非线性有效性质。

    Nonlinear dielectric property was also examined by means of secant method .

  21. 对称割线放张法对先张法预应力板力学性能的影响

    Influence of Symmetrical Secant Tension-Released Method on Mechanical Properties of Pretensioned Slab

  22. 石墨混凝土电导率-应变与割线模量-应变关系

    Study on Relationship Between Electrical Conductivity-Strain and Deformation Modulus-Strain of Graphite Concrete

  23. 不等时脉冲试井割线法理论研究

    Theory Study of Scant Method for Unequal Time Pulse Testing

  24. 割线法求倒数近似值的算法与方案

    Algorithms to Evaluate the Reciprocal Approximation and their Schemes Using Secant Algorithm

  25. 几何非线性分析中的割线刚度矩阵与切线刚度矩阵及其关系

    Secant and Tangent Stiffness Matrices and Their Relationship in Geometric Nonlinear Analysis

  26. 基于割线模量法的黄土增湿变形本构关系研究

    Study on constitutive relation of loess moistening deformation based on secant-modulus method

  27. 通过引入割线模量,改进了最终沉降量计算方法。

    The calculating method of final settlement is modified with secant modulus .

  28. 割线法向牛顿法的过渡格式

    An Iteration Formula from Secant Method to Newton Method

  29. 主要说明割线法在刚度矩阵上的应用。

    This paper mainly deals with the secant method used on stiffness matrix .

  30. 钢筋混凝土二维非线性有限元分析的割线刚度法研究

    Secant Stiffness Method Research Based on 2D Non-linear Finite Element of Reinforced Concrete