
qí cì
  • homogeneous
齐次 [qí cì]
  • [homogeneous] 代数式中所有的项都同次的

齐次[qí cì]
  1. 齐次马尔可夫预测的应用及其在Matlab上的实现

    The Application of Homogeneous Markov Chain and Its Realization Based on Matlab

  2. 一类具齐次形式的G~2混合代数曲面的构造

    The Constructive Theory of a Kind of Homogeneous G ~ 2 Blending Algebraic Surfaces

  3. 齐次有限状态Fuzzy算法系统的控制问题

    The Control Problems of Homogeneous Finite States Fuzzy Algorithms Systemes

  4. 关于n个非齐次线性型之积

    On the product of N non-homogeneous linear forms

  5. 基于非齐次高斯Markov随机场模型的盲目图象复原

    Blind Image Restoration Based on Inhomogeneous Gaussian Markov Random Fields Model

  6. 两状态可中断齐次Markov链的嵌入问题

    The Embedding Problem for Homogeneous Cut-off Markov Chains With Two States

  7. 任意N值随机变量序列关于m阶非齐次马氏链的一类小偏差定理

    A Class of Small Deviation Theorems for the Sequences of N-valued Random Variables with Respect to mth-order Nonhomogeneous Markov Chains

  8. SU(1,1)群的非齐次逆微分实现

    Inhomogeneous Inverse Differential Realizations of the SU ( 1,1 ) Group

  9. 一种基于Taylor级数的齐次扩容精细算法

    A Homogenized High Precise Direct Integration Based on Taylor Serials

  10. 一个基本-1齐次Hilbert型积分不等式

    A Basic Hilbert-Type Integral Inequality with Homogeneous Kernel of-1-Degree

  11. 一类非齐次抽象Cauchy问题的适定性

    Property Poned for a Class of Non-homogeneous Abstract Cauchy Problem

  12. 最后,利用齐次坐标讨论了NURBS曲线的延伸算法。

    Finally , extension algorithms for NURBS curves are discussed by means of homogeneous coordinates .

  13. 曲边区域非齐次Dirichlet问题的类Wilson元逼近

    Solving nonhomogenous Dirichlet boundary problems in domains with curved boundaries by like Wilson element method

  14. 讨论复Clifford分析中的非齐次Dirac方程Lu=f的积分形式的解。

    This paper investigates the integral representation of the solution of nonhomogeneous Dirac equation in complex Clifford analysis .

  15. 齐次双周期Riemann边值组问题

    System of Homogenous Double Periodic Riemann Boundary Value Problems

  16. 集上的偏序关系齐次Cantor集的Hausdorff测度

    Partially Ordered Relations on a Set Hausdorff Measure of Homogeneous Cantor Set

  17. Hausdorff维数为零的齐次Cantor集及其多重维数

    Symmetric Cantor Set and Its Multidimension with Zero Hausdorff Dimension

  18. 这类问题可归结为拉普拉斯(Laplace)方程(包括非齐次的)或Possion方程。

    These problems can be deduced to Laplace or Possion equation .

  19. 基于Legendre多项式函数系的齐次扩容精细算法

    A homogeneous high precise direct integration based on legendre polynomial series

  20. 线性齐次偏微分方程组吴特征列和Janet基的等价性

    Equality between wu-characteristic sets and Janet bases for linear homogeneous partial differential equations

  21. 为研究n阶常系数非齐次线性常微分方程解的问题,求证了n阶常系数非齐次线性常微分方程的通解和特解的积分表达式。

    To obtain the general solution and their special solutions in integration form , the way to get the n order non-homogeneous linear ordinary equation with constant coefficients was studied .

  22. KDV型方程拟小波齐次扩容精细积分法

    Precise integration method of quasi wavelet homogenization for solving KdV-type equations

  23. 本文从语音状态驻留长度分布出发,建立了一个非齐次隐含马尔可夫(Markov)语音识别模型。

    In this paper a new inhomogeneous hidden Markov model based on state duration distribution ( BDDHMM ) of speech has been proposed .

  24. 若为非齐次的,必须寻求恰当的辅助函数w(x,t),进行变换,将其化为齐次的。

    If they are unhomogeneous , proper supplementary function W ( x , t ) must be found to substitute , then they will be homogenized .

  25. 给出了当齐次线性方程组的系数矩阵是奇异H矩阵时的矩阵多分裂多参数松弛算法,并讨论其收敛性。

    A general framework of matrix multi-splitting multi-parameter relaxation methods for solving system of linear equations for singular H-matrices set up in this paper . Its convergence is discussed .

  26. 利用逆微分算子及其线性性质,给出了求n阶常系数线性一般非齐次项微分方程特解公式。

    In this paper , using inverse differential operator and its linear property , we present the particular solution of n-th order general inhomogeneous linear ordinary differential equation with constant coefficient .

  27. Cantor型非齐次马氏链强极限定理的研究

    Research on Strong Limit Theorems for Cantor-like Nonhomogeneous Markov Chains

  28. 具Weibull强度函数的非齐次Poisson过程经常被用来分析可修系统的失效模式。

    A non-homogeneous Poisson process with Weibull intensity function has been often used to analyze the failure pattern of repairable systems .

  29. 一类裁元齐次Moran集的Hausdorff维数

    Hausdorff Dimensions of Some Reduced Homogeneous Moran Sets

  30. 抛物型方程非齐次边值问题的推广型LOD有限差分及有限元格式

    Extended locally one-dimensional finite difference and finite element schemes for nonhomogeneous parabolic differential equations with nonhomogeneous boundary conditions