- homogeneous equation

By equating the determinant of the steady-state homogeneous equation to zero , the terminal capacitances for maintaining constant voltage are computed .
Combining with Chien 's general solution of homogeneous equation , this paper gives the general solution for the general symmetry problems of ring shells .
An integral representation for general solution of n-order constant coefficient nonhomogeneous linear equation
Leibniz ' formula of the product derivative of higher order has been adopted to derive an integral representation for general solution of n-order constant coefficient nonhomogeneous linear equation .
In this paper , the formula of Liouville is extended to n-th-order linear nonhomogeneous differential equation , and its applications are given .
Formula of Liouville of Linear Nonhomogeneous and Its Applications
This paper applies symbol toolbox of MATLAB to solve the implicit solution of the homogeneous and complete differential equation by programming and point out one error in reference [ 3 ] .
The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the J ( subscript I ) matrices in quadratic formulation of the load flow equations are derived in detail in this paper .
The Method of Solving 2-DIM Linear Homogeneous Differential Equation Set
Theorem of method of undetermined function for linear nonhomogeneous and its proof
Oscillation of a Class of First Order Linear Non - homogeneous Neutral Equations
§ 4 Comparison theorems of linear nonhomogeneous equations .
Researching on Oscillatory Solution of the Second Order Linear Nonhomogeneous Ordinary Differential Equation
The Three Sufficient Conditions of Quadrature about Linear Homogenous Differential Equation of Second-order Variable Coefficient
The formula of general solutions of non-homogenous equations with complete history is also given .
Note of second order linear homogeneous equations
§ 3 Comparison theorems of the oscillation of linear homogeneous equations of the second order .
Using the method of reduction order to solve two sorts of third-order linear homogeneous differential equations
Besides , the algorithm retaining nonlinearity for quadratic homogeneous equations is extended to solve the quadratic equations with linear terms .
The author gets some sufficient conditions for the equations to oscillate and gener-alizes the result of oscillation of some homogeneous equations .
The state transfer matrices are calculated with the precise integration method and the precise solutions of homogeneous equations can be obtained .
A construction in solving systems of homogeneous equations of multivariate-polynomials a solution to a class of systems of linear first order homogeneous equations
Approach to the Problem in Working out the Particular Solution to the Nonhomogeneous Linear Differential Equation with Constant Coefficients by the Method of Undetermined Coefficients
In hydrodynamics , however , the scheme for numerical flux is constructed from the solution of the generalized Riemann problem in the present research .
N this paper the authors establish formula of polynomial coefficients for a particular solution of linear nonhomogeneous differential equations of second order with constant coefficients .
In the solving process of homogeneous equation set , the operational procedure for elementary line transformation is sometimes not simple and convenient as it seems to be .
Secondly , we also get another special linearly independent solution by the method of declining the rank , then the general solutions of this differential equation are derived ;
The applications of this solution in mechanics were given by actual examples . It was verified that this solution applied in mechanics calculation was simple and highly precise .
In camera calibration with line correspondences , it is important to determine the rank of the coefficient matrix of the equation system in a quick and efficient way .
In this paper , two sorts of third-order linear homogeneous differential equations are solved by the method of the reducing order , which must satisfy some specific terms .