- 熟语Qi Min Yao Shu;for categories of techniques to build up a nation(etiquette,farming;criminal punishment,and army):measures proposed by feudal reformists in the early 19th century in China

[Qi Min Yao Shu(Important Arts for the Peoples Walfare)] 六世纪的中国农业百科全书。作者贾思勰,山东益都人。全书分10卷、92篇,正文7万多字。注释4万多字。书中首先强调农业的重要性,全面地总结了北方劳动人民长期积累的农业生产经验。书中论述了谷物、蔬菜、果树、竹木的栽培,家畜、家禽、鱼类的饲养以及农产品的加工方法。书中强调要遵循自然规律,因地种植,不违农时。他还提倡改革生产技术和生产工具。《齐民要术》是中国现存最早的最完整的一部农书,对中国历代农业发展和农业科学的进步有重大影响
Qi Min Yao Shu and the Study of Chinese Lexical History
Investigation of Agricultural Product Processing Recorded in Qi Min Yao Shu
Jia Sixie was famous for his book Qi Min Yao shu .
Around540ad , he wrote a book called Qimin yaoshu .
It was a book called Qimin Yaoshu that Jia Sixie wrote around540ad .
Study of Forestry Thought and Forestry Technology in Important Means of Subsistence for Common People
Soybean Science in QI Min YAO SHU
Qi Min Yao Shu and Commodity Production
Brief introduction to an important ancient book in middle ancient era qi min yao shu ;
New technical gas cooking system Preliminary Study about the Meat Food Processing recorded in Qi Min Yao Shu
Study on the Confucian agriculture priority ideas & A case study of " Qi Min Yao Shu "
Here are five pieces of advice collected from Jia Si Xis 's book Qi Min Yao Shu .
A research between the study method of confucian classics and the ancient agricultural study from Qi Min Yao Shu
The first book on agriculture , known as Qi Ming Yao shu , was written by Jia sixie .
As to the nature of 《 Qi-People Essential 》, in former study it is all established as an agriculture work completely explicating producing skill .
Hu-shi and its manufacture methods were the important contents in this book , mainly including cheese products , cake products and cooked food products etc.
A Book of Agriculture ty by Wang Zhen in the Yuan Dynasty is the most perfect encyclopedia about agriculture since the u Qi Min Yao Shu ty .
The cooked wheaten food recorded in 《 Qi Ming Yao Shu 》 is noted for its multiple kinds , fine workmanship , complete information and good practicability .
Qi Min Yao Shu reflected the relation through narrating and calculating , and particularly full and accurate and concrete to peasant and market relation in garden ground industry .
The book is believed to have been completed in the second year of Wu Ding of Eastern Wei , namely in 544 , while anolher account gives the completion belween 533 and 544 .
Through the study of the farming idea and farming knowledge , we find the relationships between the other farming books and the Confucianism are also like the instance of Qi Min Yao Shu .
Jia Sixie who is a viceroy of Northern Wei compiled a book named Essential Skills in Improving People 's Life in which he summed up laboring people 's experience and skills in farming and husbandry .
Qunin , Yaoshu ( also Main , techn , iques for the Welfare of the People ) is the most completely preserved of the anaent Chinese agricul-tural texts , and was written by the Northern Wei Dy-nasly offcial Jia Sixie .
The article reviews vegetable science and technology system in this book , and discusses its impacts on vegetable production in the Chinese traditional society in the hope of deriving some inspirations for the sustainable development of vegetable production in the contemporary epoch .
It is said that the book he referred to was in fact Qimin , Yaoshu . The book 's name Qimin , Yaoshu can be explained as techniques by which common peo-ple make their livelihood , and also be explicated as techniques to harness the people 's livelihood .
As an example of the design and construction of Information Web Site of Chinese Agricultural Heritage , construction methods and procedures of composite database are illuminated . Then , database on the special topic of agricultural ancient books is designed as information systems for QI MIN YAO SHU research .
historical Chinese govemments have long otto-ched great importance to it . Since the book spread overseas , it has also often been considered a classic to study changes in the ancient species . When Charles Datwin was researching the theory of evolution , he made reference to an encyclopedia of anaent China .