
  • 网络cut off;cutting off;sever
  1. 费利克斯·雷伊(FélixRey)是在阿尔勒医院为梵高治疗的医生,他在一封短笺中画下了被割掉的耳朵,表明这位艺术家真的割下了整只耳朵。

    A note written by F é lix Rey , a doctor who treated van Gogh at the Arles hospital , contains a drawing of the mangled ear showing that the artist indeed cut off the whole thing .

  2. 他正要割下他的老二。

    And he was about to get his dick cut off .

  3. 将已收获过的黄瓜、西红柿和其他作物的秧蔓割下,制成堆肥。

    Cut down and compost spent cucumbers , tomatoes and other crops

  4. 他割下冒着热气的内脏。

    He cut out the steaming entrails .

  5. 干草割下并捆扎之后需要对其进行化学处理。

    Once hay has been cut and baled it has to go through some chemical processes .

  6. 农夫们割下干草,用叉子把草叉到车上,然后拉到谷仓贮存。

    Farmers cut the hay , fork it on to a cart and then store it in barns .

  7. 新割下的草散发的清香

    the scent of newly scythed grass

  8. 不要割下自己的鼻子来和脸过不去;不要和自己过不去。

    Don 't cut off your nose to spite your face .

  9. 他们让我想割下我的弟弟。

    They make me wanna chop my own dick off .

  10. 也许一个更精确的描述是‘从某物上割下’。

    Perhaps even more accurate would be the phrase'a cut above something .

  11. 他们协力割下了3车金黄色的通心粉秸。

    Have just finished cutting three cartloads of golden brown macaroni stalks .

  12. 我要割下那家伙的鼻子。

    I 'm gonna cut that kid 's nose off .

  13. 你必须割下整一磅肉。

    You must cut off one pound of flesh .

  14. 又割下腰子糊了的部分,把它丢给猫。

    He shore away the burnt flesh and flung it to the cat .

  15. 然后他割下一截绳子,走到船梢去套住鱼尾巴。

    He cut the rope then and went astern to noose the tail .

  16. 他想割下她的脑袋,也许是要留个纪念。

    He was trying to take her head , maybe for a souvenir .

  17. 除要是你不怕我割下你老二的话。

    If you wasn 't scared I was gonna cut your nuts off .

  18. 泥屋由平原上割下的茅草建造而成

    Built of sod , cut from the plains .

  19. 我割下你的衣襟,没有杀你。

    I cut off the corner of your robe but did not kill you .

  20. 他们割下她的头,把他扔进了克莱伦姆河。

    They cut off her head and threw her into the Cle Elum River .

  21. 我要割下他的龟蛋。

    I 'll rip his balls off .

  22. 他从金枪鱼身上割下几片肉。

    He cut strips from the tuna .

  23. 大卫就起来,悄悄地割下扫罗外袍的衣襟。

    Then David crept up unnoticed and cut off a corner of Saul 's robe .

  24. 他的朋友特蒂上尉以及他的奴隶萨姆都被残忍地杀害,并割下了头皮。

    His friend , Captain twitty , and his slave Sam are both scalped and slaughtered .

  25. 他一阵晕眩,摔到马下,被敌人割下首级。

    Stunned , Pyrrhus fell off his horse , and an enemy cut off his head .

  26. 很难在一个人还活着的时候割下他的舌头。

    It 's hard to cut a guy 's tongue out when he 's still alive .

  27. 割下你要的那一磅肉吧!

    Take your pound of flesh !

  28. 就了解,至少有一人被活活地将皮剥下,肉被一块块地被割下吃掉。

    At least one man was skinned alive before his flesh was picked off and eaten .

  29. 回忆是时间轻轻割下的伤痕,让我们用痛记住,在爱里幸福!

    Memories are cut wounds gently with pain , let us remember , in love and happiness !

  30. 当我闻到刚割下的嫩草时,我首先闻到的是一种叫做己烯醇的分子;

    When I smell freshly cut grass , I am directly smelling a simple molecule called cis-3-hexenol ;