
gē cǎo jī
  • cropper;grass cutter;field mower;hay mower;mower
割草机[gē cǎo jī]
  1. 割草机手把座冲压成形工艺设计

    Design of cropper handgrip seats in stamping figuration

  2. 本文以割草机上的直纹圆柱螺旋曲面刀片为研究对象,对其可展性进行研究,使用Pro/E中Pro/Toolkit用户化工具箱对直纹圆柱螺旋曲面近似展开系统进行开发。

    This paper deals with the optimal development of helicoids surface of the cropper , with the operation of Pro / Toolkit toolbox from Pro / E.

  3. 这割草机是由一台小型电动机驱动的。

    This lawn mower is driven by a small electric motor .

  4. 屋子里有一台生了锈的割草机,一个破了的柳条编成的洗衣篮,一只蓝色的缺了口的陶瓷碟子,还有一把座位上破了个洞的藤制摇椅。

    There was a rusty lawn mower , a broken wicker laundry basket , a Blue China saucer with a crack in it , and a cane rocking chair with a hole in the seat .

  5. 机器人割草机可能会碾过邻居家的猫。

    A robotic lawn mower will run over a neighbor 's cat .

  6. 修完后割草机还是纹丝不动,于是,我决定把它拆开。

    The mower firmly refused to mow , so I decided to dismantle it .

  7. 他们主张推迟向公众推出这种新型割草机

    They were arguing for a delay in introducing the new mower to the public .

  8. 越来越多心怀好意的父母试图扫清孩子生活中的一切障碍,于是,“割草机父母”就出现了。

    The lawnmower parent comes as well-intentioned parents increasingly try to trim the problems from their children 's lives .

  9. 破损的电缆可以通过将之拖出水面来修补,该过程耗时数周,这和修理被割草机切断的电线是同一个原理。

    Cables can be repaired in weeks by pulling them up and patching – much like you might fix a power cable sliced through by a lawnmower .

  10. 差不多在七月的第一天,祖克曼先生便开始把割草机套在马的脖子上,自己跳进座位里,赶着马往田野里去了。

    Around the first of July , the work horses were hitched to the mowing machine , and Mr. Zuckerman climbed into the seat and drove into the field .

  11. “割草机父母”不像“直升机父母”那样整天盘旋在孩子头顶、密切关注他们的一举一动,而是随时赶在孩子前面,帮助他们扫清道路上的障碍。

    Instead of hovering over their children closely monitoring them as helicopter parents are said to , lawnmower parents get out in front of their children to try and clear the way for them .

  12. TennisRacket网球拍约翰逊先生:今天下午你准备用割草机吗?

    Mr. Johnson Are you using you mower this afternoon ?

  13. 3.rustn.铁锈vt/vi(使)生锈.割草机布满了锈。我的自行车生锈了,需要上油。

    The mower is covered with My bike has d and needs oil

  14. toen.脚趾为了清理割草机,我把它翻了过来。可是不小心踩到了开关,结果肚子上的毛被剃光了。

    Flipped weed wacker over to unclog it , stepped on trigger , ended up weed wacking my belly hair off .

  15. weedwhackers割草机的噪音可能不是最低的,但它也不是一种很吵的割草机。

    The noise may not be the nicest , but neither is a loud mower .

  16. 当然,如果使用不当,weedwhackers割草机也会像其他电动工具一样造成损害。

    Of course , in the wrong hands , a weed whacker can do damage like any other power tool .

  17. 今天,这个想法已经发展到具有修剪和打边功能,被人们称为weedwhackers(杂草克星?)的新一代割草机。

    Today the idea lives on in a new generation of string trimmers and edgers that people often call weed Whackers .

  18. 跌伤也不是人们夏季受伤的唯一原因,割草机、自行车、蹦床和ATV都有非常可能让送你去医院。

    Falling is not the only trouble that people manage to get into during the summer . Lawn mowers , bicycles , trampolines , and ATVs are all responsible for sending people to the hospital as well .

  19. 它很有意思,就在前几天,我妻子让我看了一段YouTube上的视频:一个父亲把他儿子的所有游戏光盘扔到了草坪上,然后开着割草机碾过去。

    It 's funny , just the other day , my wife was showing me this YouTube video where a dad took all his son 's games and threw them out on the lawn in a big pile and drove a lawn mower over them .

  20. 华盛顿州肯纳威克(Kennewick)的丹尼丝•贝纳姆(DeniseBenham)是四个孩子的母亲,她说,每个孩子在三岁左右的时候都要在院子里跟在父亲罗伊斯(Royce)身后推一台玩具割草机。

    By the time they were 3 , each of Denise Benham 's four kids was pushing a toy lawn mower around the yard behind their father Royce , says the Kennewick , Wash . , mother .

  21. 儿童下肢割草机创伤性截肢术后长期使用假肢的成本

    Long-term lower extremity prosthetic costs in children with traumatic lawnmower amputations

  22. 典型的割草机发出的声响约为90分贝。

    The typical lawn mower makes about 90 decibels of noise .

  23. 当发动机运转时,不要抬起割草机。

    Do not lift the mower if the engine is running .

  24. 割草机光刃动刀片喷焊层的微观结构研究

    Microstructure of spray weld coating on smooth edge of mower blade

  25. 我听见隔壁的花园中开动了割草机。

    I heard a lawnmower start in the garden next door .

  26. 在杂草丛生的田里,一台生了锈的旧式农用割草机引人注目。

    An old farm mower rusting appealingly in an overgrown field .

  27. 草坪割草机抛射性能试验台的研制

    Development of testing device for throwing performance of powered lawn mower

  28. 前置式双圆盘割草机的研制与试验

    The Development and Experiment of Front - Mounted Disc Mower

  29. 排干割草机和电动工具中的所有液体

    Drain all fluids from your lawn mower and power tools

  30. 你曾经听过他最响亮的割草机。

    He has the loudest lawnmower you 've ever heard .