
  • 网络village system
  1. 乡里制度本质上是一种以乡绅为骨干的家族治理机制。

    The village system was essentially a clan-governance mechanism that was led by the country gentleman .

  2. 汉族家族与乡里制度关系探析&兼与西南少数民族地区比较

    An Inquiry into the Relationship between Clan of Han Nationality and the System of Home Town

  3. 第一章:清末以前的乡里制度。

    The following : 1 . The system of country and ii before the end of Qing dynasty .

  4. 但这并不表明是乡里制度的变通,而是唐朝执行该制度严格的象征。

    All of these do not indicate the change in administrative system , but show the strict implementation of this system in the Tang Dynasty .

  5. 本文追溯了乡里制度和官民共治的形成,并在此基础上深入探讨了乡村政治文化特点的内涵。

    This article traceds back the form of system of village and official and people co-govermnet , probed into the village thoroughly political cultural intension .

  6. 至清末,这种乡里制度已经不能适应中国近代化的进程,近代区乡行政制度应运而生。

    At the end of Qing Dynasty , this system had not adapted the development of the modernization of China , thus the administrative system of district and country emerged .

  7. 赵秀玲著《中国乡里制度》一书,在这几个方面都有有益的探索和尝试,但却留下了不少遗憾和可供商榷之处。

    Zhao Xiu ling has made some beneficial initiatives and explorations in all the above mentioned aspects in her work Chinese Xiang Li system , but this work has defects and debatable points as well .

  8. 中国古代的乡里制度,秦至唐中叶置乡官;唐中叶以后,乡官沦为贱役。

    According to the system of country and ii in ancient China , the officers of country were appointed from the Qin dynasty to the middle period of Tang Dynasty ; after that time , the officers fell into the lowly forced labors .

  9. 宋代乡村基层组织衍变的基本趋势&与《宋代乡里两级制度质疑》一文商榷

    Developmental Trends of Rural Grass-root Organizations in the Song Dynasty : A Discussion with the Author of Some Questions on the Xiang-Li System in the Song Dynasty

  10. 这种制度是在礼法结合、德主刑辅与明刑弼教的指导思想下,为了解决当时越诉严重的情形应运而生的,并且逐步形成了明初的一项重要的乡里纠纷解决制度。

    In the combination of etiquette , and the next sentence supplementing the guiding ideology of bute education , the system produces to address the problem . It is an important village dispute resolution system .