
xiāng tǔ
  • local;native soil;home village;of one's native land
乡土 [xiāng tǔ]
  • [native soil] 本乡本土;人们出生的故乡

  • 乡土气息

  • 以靖乡土。--《明史》

乡土[xiāng tǔ]
  1. 这样一来,面对乡土,一种张力性的想像就产生了。

    In this way , faced with native soil , tensional imagination produced .

  2. 乡土社会是对中国基层农村社会的本质特征所作的一种概括。

    The native soil society is one kind of brief summarization toward essential characteristic in rural society of China .

  3. 这种节奏有些乡土爵士乐风格。

    It 's a funky sort of rhythm .

  4. 鲁迅和安德森创造了相同的乡土文学主题和相似的畸人形象。

    Lu Xun and Anderson create the same provincial literary themes and grotesque character images .

  5. 这个亚热带岛屿有相当丰富的乡土植物种类。

    The subtropical island has a remarkably rich native flora .

  6. 黎蒴(Castanopsisfiss)为优良的乡土速生树种。

    Castanopsis fiss is an excellent indigenous fast-growing tree species .

  7. 葡萄牙民歌法朵(fado又译为命运歌)与布鲁斯、弗拉门戈有着相同的乡土气息,需要与时俱进。

    Fado , the Portuguese folk music with the same raw essence as blues and flamenco , moves with the times .

  8. 为掌握石林景区主要乡土植物物候节律,选择25科35种乡土植物,对其物候特征与同期主要气象因子进行了2a平行观测。

    The phenology of 35 indigenous plants of 25 families and the relationship between the penological rhythms of the plants and climatic factors in the corresponding period were studied for two years ( 2003 ~ 2004 ) at the Stone Forest Scenic Spot in Yunnan .

  9. 乡土文化在吉林省有着深厚的历史积淀。

    Local culture has a deep historical accumulation in Jilin Province .

  10. 成活率比乡土树种低;

    The survival rate was lower than that of native species .

  11. 贾平凹近期小说对乡土文化的思考

    The Thought of Countryside Culture in Jia Ping-ao 's Temporary Fictions

  12. 乡土何谓?&乡土美学引论之一

    What Is Local ? & An Introduction to Native oil Aesthetics

  13. 乡土绘画一般都具有直率、坦诚和朴素的特点。

    Local painting generally have candid and frank and simple characteristics .

  14. 重读《人生》&言情小说、乡土叙事中的现代性追求

    Rereading Life & Modern Pursuit in Love Fiction and Local-Colour Narration

  15. 它起源于民俗,植根于民间,具浓郁的乡土气息。

    It rooted in folk customs and civilians with local color .

  16. 赛珍珠小说对乡土中国的发现

    Chinese Culture and Peasantry in Pearl S. Buck ′ s Novels

  17. 黄土高原乡土树种光合作用及抗旱性研究

    Photosynthesis and Drought Resistance of the Native Species in Loess Plateau

  18. 加强乡土武术发展的必要性及对策研究

    The Necessity of Reinforcing Folk Wushu Development and Its Strategic Research

  19. 乡土社会秩序形态与调解变迁

    Form of Social Order and Changes of Mediation in Local Society

  20. 新民居乡土性的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the Indigenous Feature of Newly-built Citizens ' Houses

  21. 新中国十七年乡土小说论

    On Country Novels of the 17 years of New China

  22. 四川现代乡土小说的巴蜀文化渊源

    Cultural origin of Ba and Shu of Modern Native Novel of Sichuan

  23. 重庆乡土植物资源及其在营造特色植物景观中的应用

    Local Plants in Chongqing and Their Application on the Distinctive Landscape Design

  24. 内蒙古几个乡土树种造林技术研究

    Study on Afforest Technology of Several Local Tree Species in Inner Mongolia

  25. 彭家煌乡土小说的悲剧意蕴

    The Tragical Meaning in PENG Jia-huang 's Local Colour Fiction

  26. 现代化进程中东方作家的乡土立场

    Orient Writers ' Local Standpoint in the Process of Modernization

  27. 基督教与乡土中国&试论《金翼》中的基督教因素

    Christianity and Rural China : Another Side of Golden Wings

  28. 乡土美术资源的选择标准与课型模式。

    Local art resources and curriculum standards and class-based model .

  29. 因此,一种强烈的反现代性的情绪在乡土世界弥漫。

    Therefore , a strong anti-modern sentiment in the local world diffuse .

  30. 乡土乌托邦之梦源于写作者的边缘意识以及由此所持的文化立场。

    Edge consciousness and cultural standpoint were the resource of Local Utopia .