
  • 网络Country-Rock;country rock;Rock;Rockabilly
  1. 在这部电影中,库珀首次担任导演,并与Gaga演对手戏。他饰演的是一名酗酒的乡村摇滚明星杰克逊·缅因,并在就酒吧发现了歌手Ally。

    Cooper made his directorial debut with the film and also acts opposite Gaga as alcoholic country rock star Jackson Maine , who discovers singer Ally singing in a bar .

  2. 无意冒犯(恕我直言),现在没有时间听你那独特的喜忧参半的乡村摇滚。

    With all due respect , this isn 't the best time for your unique brand of bittersweet folk rock .

  3. 美国乡村摇滚歌手泰勒?斯威夫特成千上万的歌迷们就遭遇了这一幕。

    That 's exactly what happened to millions of US country-pop singer Taylor Swift 's fans .

  4. 布鲁斯音乐也影响了其他的音乐形式,比如乡村、摇滚、民间音乐和爵士乐。

    Blues music has influenced other forms , such as country , rock and roll , folk and jazz .

  5. 主要包括布鲁斯音乐、爵士乐、美国乡村音乐、摇滚音乐以及索尔音乐等。

    Mainly includes music , jazz , blues music , rock music American country music and sol .

  6. 乡村音乐无疑是摇滚乐的先导之一。

    Country music was undoubtedly one of the forerunners of rock and roll .