
  1. 2,迅猛发展的富裕乡镇体育:体育组织机构多样化;

    ( 2 ) Sports develop rapidly in China rich towns ;

  2. 影响农村乡镇体育发展的因素及对策研究

    Factors limiting the development of rural sports and countermeasures

  3. 论富裕乡镇体育在中国农村体育发展战略中的地位

    The Position of Rich Villages and Towns Sports in the Countryside Sports Development Strategy of China

  4. 西北地区乡镇体育活动开展现状与发展对策研究

    Study on Present Situation and Developmental Strategy of Sports Activities in Villages and Towns of the Northwest Region

  5. 提出21世纪我国乡镇体育管理模式的构想。

    The paper puts forward the speculation of managing mode of our country ′ s village athletics in 21st century .

  6. 天津市科技兴体战略对策研究珠江三角洲富裕乡镇体育发展新特点及其模式

    New Features and Models of Physical Culture and Sports Development in Prosperous Towns in the Pearl River Delta in Guangdong

  7. 而在中国农村体育发展中,研究富裕乡镇体育发展的现状、特点与经验,更是我国农村体育工作的重要环节与措施,对制定其体育发展战略也具有一定的现实意义。

    It is important link and step to development research of characteristic and experience for rich villages and towns of Chinat .

  8. 赣州市小城镇体育设施十分匾乏,乡镇体育设施的投入明显不足。

    Ganzhou and sports facilities are very small towns lack plaque township investment in sports facilities is clearly insufficient . 6 .

  9. 农村乡镇体育作为农村体育的基础内容和群众体育的重要部分,它对提高农民群众身体素质、促进农村经济的发展起着重要的作用。

    The countryside sports , an important part of the sports-for-all , are the important role in improving the people 's physical attributes and promoting rural economics .

  10. 要发展农村乡镇体育,应做到:强化政府职能,提高对农村体育的认识;

    To fully develop rural sports the governmental functions should be strengthened . Measures should be taken to help people 's better recognition of the importance of sports .

  11. 总结了邵阳市农村乡镇体育的现状,分析了影响农村乡镇体育发展的主要因素,提出了发展农村乡镇体育的对策。

    In this paper were analyzed the main factors which affect develpment of the physical culture and sports in the countries , and put forward some countermeasure to improve the situation .

  12. 晋江乡镇体育社团宣传力度远远不能满足社团发展的需要,必须利用现代社会传媒的力量,加强社团活动等情况的宣传,才能更好地促进社团的发展。

    Jinjiang township sports associations propaganda and far from meeting the needs of society , the media must use the power of modern society , to strengthen community activities such as publicity , and to better promote the development of societies .

  13. 淄博市乡镇居民体育健身现状分析

    Analysis on Physical Training Status of the Inhabitants of Zibo City

  14. 城镇化趋势与中国乡镇社区体育

    The Town Trend and Phisical Education in Society of China Town

  15. 山东省乡镇社区体育的调查研究

    Investigation on Community Sports of Villages and Towns in Shandong Province

  16. 侨乡乡镇居民体育参与者体育活动特征调查研究

    Study on the Sports Characteristics of P.E.Participates From Residents in the National Areas

  17. 海淀区乡镇社区体育现状研究

    Research on Village and Town Community Sports of Haidian District in Beijing City

  18. 新疆乡镇群众体育的特征和发展对策的研究

    Study On Characteristic And Development Countermeasure Of Mass Sport Of Towns In Xin Jiang

  19. 侨乡乡镇居民体育价值观特征及其差异性比较研究

    Characteristics of Sports Value of Residents in National Areas and Comparative Study on its Differences

  20. 江苏省乡镇居民体育参与的主要因子分析

    Research on the Inhabitant 's Sports Participation Factor in Town and Countryside in Jiangsu Province

  21. 人力资本视野中的山东省乡镇居民体育行为分析

    Analysis of Village and Town Residents ' Sports Behavior in the View of Manpower Capital

  22. 广西新农村建设过程中乡镇群众体育的研究

    The Study of Mass Sports in Rural Areas in the Course of Guangxi 's Rural Reconstruction

  23. 小康社会视角中的山东省乡镇居民体育行为研究

    Research on Sports Behavior of Villages and Towns ' Residents in Shandong Province from the Angle of Well-off Society

  24. 广西新农村建设中乡镇群众体育管理现状与发展趋势分析

    Analysis on Management Status and Developing Trend of Rural Mass Sports in the Construction of New Countryside in Guangxi

  25. 采用社会学研究方法,对山东省乡镇居民体育行为与人力资本的关系进行调查分析。

    This paper uses the methods of sociology and investigates and analyzes the relations between village and town residents'sports behavior and manpower capital in Shandong province .

  26. 侨乡区域的社会环境、文化环境、经济环境、历史变迁等是侨乡乡镇居民体育价值观结构体系鲜明的地域特色和多元特征及差异性的重要影响因素。

    The environment of society , culture and economy , even historical change in national areas lead to diversity of sports values and embodied the obvious regional characteristics .

  27. 通过问卷调查、实地访问和文献资料法,对当前人们很少关注的乡镇社区体育进行调查和研究。

    This study made a research on the community sports conducted in villages and towns of Haidian District , which seldom attracted people 's attention , through comprehensive research methods like questionnaire , on-the-spot visit and literature review .

  28. 乡镇社会体育管理不够完善。建议充分发挥电视网络作用,乡镇政府积极参与,加强健身教育宣传,鼓励乡镇企业参与体育产业运作。

    It suggests that we should bring television and network into play , villages and towns ' government should participate actively , reinforce propaganda and education of physical activity , encourages rural enterprises to participate sports industry operation .

  29. 调查表明:侨乡乡镇居民体育参与人口比率高于全国平均水平,但体育人口比率偏低;活动时间安排随意性、间断性;

    The study has shown some results as follows : the ratio of sports participates in the national areas in higher than the national average level , but rather lower than sports population , the arrangement of sports time is at will and disconnected ;

  30. 同时并找出影响西宁市乡镇社区体育发展的有利因素和不利因素:有利因素:当地居民种植特点、环青海湖自行车赛的带动、新农村建设和西部大开发的政策。

    At the same time and find the impact of rural community sports development in Xining City , the favorable and unfavorable factors : favorable factors : characteristics of the local population growing , driven by Qinghai Lake cycling race , the new rural construction and the western development policy .