
  1. 我国体育彩票公益金分配管理中存在的问题及改进建议

    Problems and Suggestions When Distributing Sport Lottery Public Welfare Funds in China

  2. 我国体育彩票公益金的使用模式

    Mode of spending of sports lottery welfare fund in China

  3. 体育彩票公益金收入是经费收入的重要补充,但省级体育系统所支配的数额在不断减少。

    The sport card public welfare fund income is important supplement to the funds income , but the amount that the provincial level sports system controlled were reducing unceasingly .

  4. 突破我国体育彩票公益金现有的部门管理、部门使用的模式,采取集中筹资,混合使用的模式。

    Breaking through the present model of public welfare fund in management branches , the one of raising money collectively and spending them separately is used for sport lottery in our country .

  5. 在连云港市全民健身路径建设资金和维修资金来源上,目前连云港市资金来源的主体仍然是体育彩票公益金,渠道过于单一,建设资金远不能满足居民健身锻炼的需求。

    In city construction funds and body-building path , maintenance funds at the main source of capital city is still the sport lottery is too onefold , chest , channel construction funds far cannot satisfy the demand of residents fitness exercises .

  6. 1999年,国家体育总局提出在体育彩票公益金的捐助下创建青少年体育俱乐部。

    In 1999 , juvenile sports club was set up by the National Sports Bureau under the sponsoring of sports lottery public accumulated fund .

  7. 从1999年开始,国家体育总局着手创建体育彩票公益金扶持的青少年体育俱乐部,到如今逐年分批在全国各地已创建数千所国家级青少年体育俱乐部。

    Since 1999 , the State Sport General Administration started to support some national youth sports clubs with sports lottery annually , and there are thousands of such national youth sports clubs nowadays .

  8. 通过对我国体育彩票历年发行收入进行统计分析,认为我国在体育彩票公益金使用上存在目标偏差:一是多锦上添花少雪中送炭;

    By carrying out statistical analysis on sports lottery issuance revenue in China all these years , the authors considered that target deviation exists in the spending of sports lottery welfare funds in China : firstly , the fund has been spent more on rich units than on poor units ;