
  • 网络experimentalism
  1. 英国演员们早已对体验派表演方法不耐烦了(斯蒂芬希夫)

    British actors have long pooh - poohed the Method ( Stephen Schiff )

  2. 莱辛对表演理论相关问题的探讨,不仅使之成为体验派的先驱,而且至今还具有一定的理论和实践意义。

    His study on performance theory not only make him be the pioneer of experience camp , but also have some sense in theory and practice nowadays .

  3. 第二章从表现派与体验派的表演理论中,找出它们各自关于性格化创造的方法,并根据自己的理解对两个流派各自的方法进行的分析。

    The second chapter from the " expressionist " and " school experience " performance theory , find their own way on the character of creation , and according to their own understanding of the two schools of analysis of each method .

  4. 对人性矛盾性、丰富性的观察体验延续了七月派小说的风格。

    The observation toward the contradiction and complexity of human nature inherits the style of " September School " novels .