
  • sports development strategy
  1. 走向振兴老工业基地中的辽宁体育发展战略

    Sports Development Strategy in Liaoning Province in Vitalizing the Old Industry Base

  2. 中国的农业人口比例非常大,因此,农村体育发展战略在未来中国体育发展战略里的地位愈加显得重要。

    Agricultural population proportion of China is very great , therefore , agricultural sports development strategy is getting more important .

  3. 体育发展战略目标的层次分析法(AHP)应用

    Application of the Analytical Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) for Analysing the Strategic Goals in Developing Sports

  4. 广西中学体育发展战略研究

    On Developing Strategies of Physical Education in Middle Schools of Guangxi

  5. 全国体育发展战略讨论会综述

    A Round-up of the Symposium on Strategy in Sports Development

  6. 广东省人口健康问题与社会体育发展战略思考

    Cantonese Health Problems and Strategic Thinking on Social Sports Development in Guangdong

  7. 中国体育发展战略调整动力机制研究

    Research on Driving Mechanism of Chinese Sports Development Stratagem Regulation

  8. 雅典奥运会后辽宁省竞技体育发展战略的思考

    Consideration on Competitive Sports Developing Strategy of Liaoning after Athens Olympic Games

  9. 中国群众体育发展战略的社会动力资源系统

    The Social Dynamic Resource System of Chinese Mass Sport Developing

  10. 论海南省竞技体育发展战略

    On Strategy for Development of Competitive Sports in Hainan Province

  11. 改革开放以来中国体育发展战略的演进与思考

    Evolution and Thinking on China Sports Developmental Strategy since 1978

  12. 关于我国高校竞技体育发展战略的研究

    A Study on the Developing Strategy of College Athletics in Our Country

  13. 战后世界经济的增长与高水平竞技运动的发展&兼论中国体育发展战略

    The Growth of World Economy and the Development of High-Level Competitive Sports

  14. 小康社会的小康体育发展战略研究

    The Developing Strategy Research of Well-off Society and Well-off Sports

  15. 新课程背景下青少年竞技体育发展战略思考

    Strategic Thinking Of The Development Of Youth Sports Under New Curriculum Background

  16. 实现竞技体育发展战略决策科学化途径的探讨

    Discussion about Realizing the Scientific Ways of Decision on Strategic Concept of Athletics

  17. 我国2010年群众体育发展战略的几点思考

    Thoughts on Development Tactics of Public Sports During 2010

  18. 构建以学校为基地的民族传统体育发展战略思考

    On the Construction of the Development Strategy of Traditional Sports Based on Schools

  19. 重庆竞技体育发展战略窥探

    The developing strategies of competitive sports in Chongqing City

  20. 厦门市竞技体育发展战略研究

    On Developmental Strategy for Competitive Sports in Xiamens

  21. 如何看待我国体育发展战略中的“举国体制”问题

    See the Problems of the " Entire National System " of Our Sports Strategy

  22. 陕西竞技体育发展战略与对策的思考

    Thought and Strategy on Shaanxi Competitive Sports

  23. 河南省国家级贫困地区中学体育发展战略思考

    Reflection of the Development Tactics of Physical Education from the National Pover Regions in Henan Province

  24. 为实现新时期中国群众体育发展战略,本文从大动力观的视角揭示了这种动力系统和结构。

    The structure and system was discovered from " macroscopical drive " view in present paper .

  25. 惠州市群众体育发展战略目标与成年人体质自评量表的应用研究

    A study of self-assessment of health and strategic goal of development of mass sports in Huizhou

  26. 湖南省新农村建设中农民体育发展战略研究

    Research on Farmer Sports Developing Strategy in the Building of New Socialist Countryside in Hunan Province

  27. 21世纪初西部竞技体育发展战略及目标体系研究

    Research on Target System and Development Strategy of Competitive Sports in West of China in the Early 21st century

  28. 当前中国竞技体育发展战略比较合理的选择是继续进行新一轮奥运争光战略的同时启动可持续发展战略。

    The Olympic Honors Plan and sustainable development strategy simultaneously at present are the reasonable selection for Chinese elite sport development .

  29. 可见,进行构建以乡镇学校为平台的农村体育发展战略研具有重要的现实意义。

    Obviously , carries on constructs grinds take the villages and towns schools the plat form countryside sports developmental strategy has the important and practical significance .

  30. 通过对几个问题的分析,扼要说明诸多指标项目在实现我国体育发展战略目标中的功能作用。

    Through an analysis of several problems , it briefly explains the value of standardizing physical fitness tests for the realization of strategic goals in the development of China 's physical education .