
  • 网络Physical Examination Center;MEDICAL;health examination center;Medical Center
  1. 护理质量管理在体检中心的应用

    The application of nursing quality management in the health examination center

  2. 医院体检中心易出现的医疗安全问题及对策

    Problems and measures on medical safety in hospital health examination center

  3. 正常对照组为余姚市人民医院体检中心健康体检者18例,经全身体检未发现任何疾病,未用任何药物。

    18 normal healthy person without any drug as normal control .

  4. 加强体检中心建设确保查体质量

    Strengthening The Construction of Physical Examination Center to Ensure Service Quality

  5. 体检中心开展健康教育的方法初探

    The methods for health education in the center of health examination

  6. 信息管理系统在我院体检中心的应用

    The application of information management system in physical examination center of hospital

  7. 健康体检中心瓣膜钙化及相关因素探讨

    Approaches to valvular calcification and its related factors in medical examination center

  8. 体检中心对医院诊疗的影响

    The Influence of the Check-up Center and the Hospital Diagnosis and Treatment

  9. 医院体检中心一站式服务初探

    Probe into the physical examination center 's one-stop service mode

  10. 本文报告了588例出境老年人健康体检中心电图检查结果。

    The paper reported the ECG results of Exit-Hedlth-Examinatioa of588 old people .

  11. 健康体检中心存在的共性问题及对策

    Common Problems in Physical Examination Center and the Countermeasures

  12. 疗养院体检中心动态排队系统

    Dynamic Queuing System in Sanatorium Health Inspection Center

  13. 体检中心品质管理模式在提升体检服务水平中的效果

    Application Effect of Quality Management Model in the Service-level Improvement of Physical Examination Center

  14. 另外,升龙酒店中那些大小宴会厅,改造成为体检中心也同样适合。

    It is better for those banquet halls to be transferred into medical examination center .

  15. 基于AHP-模糊综合评价模型的健康体检中心评价指标体系研究

    Study of Evaluation Index System of Health Examination Centers Based on AHP-Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model

  16. 体检中心体检信息与健康监测系统的设计与应用

    Design and Implementation of System for Health Examination and Health Monitoring in Medical Examination Center

  17. 只重视经济利润,而忽视市场管理等。本文就健康体检中心存在的问题进行分析,并提出相应的对策。

    The existent problems in physical examination center are analyzed and relevant countermeasures are offered in this article .

  18. 广泛用于医院,体检中心,药店,商场,超市,等人流量大的场所。

    This scale can be used in gymnasium , amusement parks , emporium and other places crowds of people .

  19. 正常对照组标本来源于南方医院体检中心健康受试者的清洁中段晨尿。

    The normal control group specimens from the clean morning urine of the Southern Hospital Medical Center in healthy subjects .

  20. 本文在门诊流程改造中率先将一站式服务模式引入健康体检中心。

    The service mode of one station style was first adopted in health examination center in the reform of out-patient service flow .

  21. 通过分析体检中心的工作流程及科室布局,阐述了医院变革的重要性及需要采取的措施。

    The paper show the important of the transform and the measures adopted through analyzing the working flow and layout of bodys check-up .

  22. 方法利用医院计算机网络系统,对体检中心工作站传入的受检人员信息进行系统化管理。

    Methods The network system in hospital was used to systemize the management over the data of the center of physical examination work stations .

  23. 选择同期到我院体检中心体检的50岁以上且没有下尿路症状的健康男性为对照组。

    And in the same period 100 healthy men whom were over than fifty and had no lower urinary tract symptoms were chose as control .

  24. 依据体检中心现有条件采取最佳方案,尽可能提高病人就诊率及体检中心服务水平。

    Based on the result of the experiment and the existing conditions take the best project to improve the service efficiency and the service level of bodys check-up .

  25. 正常对照组27例,均为本院体检中心健康体检者,其中男性15例,女性12例,年龄30-74岁,平均年龄50.4岁。

    The normal control group was composed of 27 healthy volunteers , including 15 males , 12 females , aged 30-74 years , mean age 50.4 years . 2 .

  26. 作者介绍了门诊部健康体检中心推行一站式服务模式的具体措施、经验和取得的社会经济效益。

    This paper introduces the measures , experiences and benefits resulting from the application of one-stop service in the physical examination center in the outpatient department of our hospital .

  27. 对照组为武汉市另一三甲医院内体检中心随机调查的个体,自身免疫疾病、血液疾病、曾经患过恶性肿瘤均排除在外。

    The control group from random survey individuals in Medical center of another three-level hospital in Wuhan , autoimmune disease , blood disease , have been suffering from malignant tumors were excluded .

  28. 由于权限是赋予给角色而不是用户个体的,所以系统可以适应医院或体检中心内部的调整,具有很大的灵活性。

    Because the authority is given to roles instead of individual users , so the system can adapt to the internal adjustment of hospital or medical center with a great deal of flexibility .

  29. 有部分客户需要体检中心提供上门体检服务,体检中心需抽调部分工作人员和相应设备到该客户的单位进行体检。

    Some customers need to provide on-site medical services ; medical centers need to deploy some of the staff and the corresponding units of equipment to undergo a medical examination of the client .

  30. 结果体检中心的护理管理达到了科学化、规范化,提高了体检中心护理管理水平及工作效率,提高了体检者的满意率。

    Results As a result , nursing service in the health examination center achieved to scientific and standardized management , which improved the management level and working efficiency , and increased patients ' satisfaction .