
  1. Z分数理论在选拔体育特长生中的的应用

    Application of Z Fraction Theory in Selection Sports Specialty Students

  2. 林书豪所率领的球队击败了体育特长生项目全国第二、篮球项目上有全国排名的高中MaterDei,并带队获得23连胜,最后捧杯。

    His team defeated nationally ranked Mater Dei , the \# 2 nationally ranked High School athletic program , to win the CIF title after 23 consecutive wins for Mater Dei .

  3. 对普通高校体育特长生心理健康的研究

    Investigation into Psychological Health of Sports Students in Colleges and Universities

  4. 重庆市中学体育特长生文化学习的问题及对策研究

    Research on Student Athletes ' Culture Studies Problems Counterplans in Chongqing Middle School

  5. 示范性高中体育特长生培育与管理研究

    Study on Admission to Students Especially Good at Sports for Model High Schools

  6. 学案导学教学方法可以改善体育特长生的学习动机和兴趣。

    Learning plan-guided teaching mode improves the learning motivation and interest of sports students .

  7. 高校体育特长生运动负荷方略

    Sport Load of College Sport Talents in College

  8. 城镇中学体育特长生运动损伤及其处理对策

    Athletic injury in students with sports talent in town middle schools and its management

  9. 中学体育特长生危险行为评价

    Comment on the Dangerous Behaviors of the Students Who Have the Specialty in PE in Middle Schools

  10. 中学体育特长生的文化教育问题一直是困扰学校教育管理的重要问题。

    The cultural education of student athletes in middle school is always an big problem that troubled schools ' education management .

  11. 为此从体育特长生的现实意义、来源确定、培养目标三方面进行了探索。

    Author reaches from the following aspects : the practical in significance of gymnastic special students , the confirming of their source , training aims .

  12. 高考考生假造少数民族身份或冒充体育特长生而获得额外加分,这类丑闻近期频频爆出使这项加分政策遭到强烈质疑。

    Repeated scandals about college entrance examination candidates getting extra marks for fake identity of ethnicity or fake athletic performance has put the policy on grill .

  13. 提高中学体育特长生业余训练积极性的探索浙江省体育高考生业余训练运动损伤的调查分析

    Research on Improving Training Initiative for the Students with Sport Specialities of Middle School in Leisure Times Analysis of Physical Education Candidates ' Amateur Athletic Injury in Zhejiang

  14. 通过对实验数据的分析,证明了两个假设:1.学案导学教学方法可以提高体育特长生的学习成绩。

    On the basis of analyzing the experiment data , two hypotheses are proved : 1 . Learning plan-guided teaching mode helps to increase sports students ' academic achievement ; 2 .

  15. 我国社会日新月异的发展对公民的文化素质提出了更高的要求,这一要求与中学体育特长生的文化素质偏低之间形成了巨大的矛盾,这一矛盾在近年来表现得日益突出。

    The changing development of our nation makes higher requirement of citizens ' cultural qualities which makes serious contradiction to the low cultural performance of student athletes and it becomes increasingly prominent in recent years .

  16. 心理素质的好坏是影响体育特长生成绩和技能发挥的重要因素。培养体育特长生良好的心理素质是中学体育教学的重要任务之一。

    Psychological quality is an important factor affecting the scores and skill development of students with special ability in sports , the improvement of which is , therefore , one of the important tasks for middle school PE teaching .

  17. 大学体育特长生运动水平的提高必须经过长期系统的周期训练,然而招生和毕业分配的吐故纳新现象客观上与长期的周期训练形成矛盾。

    The improvement of the sport level of the college sport talents with specialty must experience a long-term and systematic training . However , the renewal of the enrollment and graduation distrbution is forming a paradox with the long-term cycle training objectively .

  18. 高中语文新课程标准中提到要使全体高中生都获得必须具有的语文素养,但这一标准对于文化成绩较差、语文基础较薄弱的体育特长生群体来说还存在着相当的难度。

    And it is mentioned in the high school language new curriculum standard ," to make all the senior high school students equipped with certain Chinese accomplishment ", but it is difficult for them who have weak foundation in Chinese to reach the goal .

  19. 要加强对中学体育特长生的思想品德教育,第一,必须转变观念,树立全面发展的体育观、身正为范的教师观和正确的权威观;

    If we attempt to strengthen moral education of PE speciality students at middle school , Firstly , we should transform the conceptions , form the education view of " full-development ", the teachers ' view of " doing best as students ' models " and the view of authority ;

  20. 12月22日,这项声明公布在中国教育部的官方网站上。声明中称,教育部鼓励符合条件的大学为体育特长生招收开通特备通道,降低体育特长生的学科分数要求,组成高水平的足球队。

    The statement , published on the official website of China 's Ministry of Education ( MOE ) on December 22 , said that the MOE encourages eligible universities to form high-level soccer teams through an existing separate track allowing students recruited for nonacademic talents to enroll with lower academic scores .

  21. 根据教育部网站发布的声明,我国将全面取消体育特长生、中学生学科奥林匹克竞赛、科技类竞赛、省级优秀学生、思想政治品德有突出事迹等全国性高考加分项目。

    The ministry will stop giving bonus points to students who have exceptional sports ability , who have won academic Olympiads or science and technology competitions , who are named " provincial-level excellent students , " or those who have performed " righteous and courageous deeds , " according to a statement posted on its website .

  22. 周二,中国华西都市报报道称,这是教育部招生方面第一次提出对有体育和艺术特长生的重视。

    This appears to be the first time that the ministry has highlighted soccer in its circular on recruiting students with special talent in art and sports , China West City Daily reported on Tuesday .

  23. 高校作为体育后备人才培养的摇篮,体育特长生的培养同样受到举国体制及金牌体育的影响。

    College as the cradle of cultivating sports back-up talents , the cultivation also is affected by the National System and " Gold Medal " .