
tǐ yù lián ménɡ
  • sports league;sports union
  1. 从我国竞技体育发展趋势及有关法规的要求看,在现阶段尚不具有建立职业体育联盟的条件。

    Viewing from the developmental tendency of competitive sports of our country , there isn 't any condition to set up professional sports union at the present time .

  2. 在未来体育市场比较健全、法律环境比较完善、社会体育组织比较发达的情况下,我国职业体育联盟可能应运而生。

    When sports market is perfect , law environment is improved and social sports organizations are developed in the future , professional sports union will emerge in response to the needs of the times .

  3. 2018年,NBA的推特用户数量超过了其他任何体育联盟。

    In 2018 , the NBA was tweeted about more than any other sports league .

  4. 革命(Revolution)、银河(Galaxy)、木材(Timbers)都是哪个专业体育联盟里的?

    The Revolution , Galaxy and Timbers are all teams in what professional sports league ?

  5. NBA职业体育联盟发展的协同学分析及对CBA的启示

    Analysis of NBA Professional Sports Alliance Development from Synergetic Theory and Implications for CBA

  6. 结合协同学分析NBA职业体育联盟自组织发展的条件,探寻其发展的动力机制。

    This paper explored the self-organizing developed condition of the NBA professional sports alliance and the motive force mechanism by synergetic theory .

  7. NBA是世界范围内最受欢迎的体育联盟之一,在中国拥有广泛而热情的球迷基础。

    The NBA is one of the most popular sports leagues in the world , with a sizable and passionate fan base in China .

  8. 与体育联盟新的合作及继续进行合作:由于NBA和中国篮球协会的密切合作,人民与人民之间的联系继续兴旺发展。

    New and Continued Cooperation with Sports Leagues : People-to-people ties continue to thrive due to the close cooperation between the NBA and the Chinese Basketball Association .

  9. NBA职业联盟是现今世界上最有影响力的国际性职业运动员的联合组织,是现代职业体育联盟市场开发的成功典范。

    NBA professional federation is the most influential international sports federation in the world and is a good example of the successful professional sports federation market development .

  10. 与美茵其他三大体育联盟相比,nfl也是卓越超群的。

    But the NFL also stands out when compared with the other three big sports leagues in America .

  11. 周一,加拿大女子冰球联盟(CanadianWomen’sHockeyLeague,以下简称CWHL)宣布,它将从下一季开始扩展到中国,成为第一批在亚洲组建球队的北美职业体育联盟之一。

    The Canadian Women 's Hockey League announced on Monday that it would expand to China , beginning next season , becoming one of the first North American professional sports leagues to field a team in Asia .

  12. NBA联盟在所有体育联盟中,总能比其他联盟在多样性和包容性方面,更够逐步走上正轨。

    But the NBA , among all of the leagues , is more in tune with moving in the right direction in terms of diversity and inclusion than all of the other leagues .

  13. 而不到一个月之后,QSL体育联盟有限公司(QSLSports)收购利物浦俱乐部的高调尝试,也被人们太当回事了。QSL是一家在香港注册、不为人知的体育营销公司。

    The apparent attempt by QSL Sports , an obscure Hong Kong-registered sports marketing company , to buy Liverpool less than a month later was taken far more seriously .

  14. 今天接下来的节目是一场涉及职业体育联盟的劳动争议,听起来是否有些熟悉呢?在NFL、NBA,甚至NFL裁判问题上也曾经遇到过。

    Next up today , a labor dispute involving a professional sports league , that sounds familiar , we 've seen it with the NFL , the NBA , even NFL referees .

  15. 今年,欧洲体育联盟(ESL)在曾经举办过世界杯的德国法兰克福商业银行体育场里举办了一场《Dota2》邀请赛。

    This year , European Sports League ( ESL ) hosted a Dota 2 tournament at former World Cup soccer stadium Commerzbank Arena in Frankfurt , Germany .

  16. 被外界广泛认为是北美最具进步性的男性体育联盟的NBA,它将目光转向聘用一名女性主教练的可能性之上——此举将巩固其在体育多元化方面的领导地位。

    Widely considered the most progressive men 's sports league in North America , the NBA has its sights on the possibility of hiring a female head coach - a move that would cement its position as a leader in sporting diversity .

  17. 目前,NBA教练组有四位女性成员,其中就包括贝基·哈蒙。2014年,哈蒙首开先河,受聘于圣安东尼奥马刺队,成为北美四大主流职业体育联盟的首位全职女性助教。

    Four women are currently on NBA coaching staffs , including Becky Hammon , who broke convention in 2014 when the San Antonio Spurs made her the first full-time , female assistant in any of the four major North American pro sports leagues .

  18. R-Z理论中进入权的有效配置,为职业体育联盟的组织控制提供了保证,进入权成为职业体育联盟权力的源泉。

    The efficient allocation of the access of the theory of R-Z , which provides a guarantee for the control of professional sports league , the access becomes a source of the power of professional sports league .

  19. 职业体育联盟的生产与经营行为分析

    Analysis of the production and operation behaviors of professional sports leagues

  20. 巴德·塞利格是哪个职业体育联盟的执行长?

    Bud Selig is the commissioner of what pro sports league ?

  21. 我国职业体育联盟理论研究

    A Theoretic Study on The Professional Sports League of China

  22. 对我国职业体育联盟中有关竞争性平衡制度的分析

    Analysis of the Competitive Balance System in China 's Professional Sports League

  23. 职业体育联盟竞争平衡的测量与分析

    The Measurement and Analysis of Competitive Balance in Professional Team Sports Leagues

  24. 美国职业体育联盟中的劳资关系初探

    Research Into the Labor Relationship in American Professional Sports League

  25. 也许很久以前,青年体育联盟普遍提供的都是积极的东西。

    Perhaps , long ago , youth sports leagues offered universal positives .

  26. 美国四大职业体育联盟工资帽制度的探讨

    Comparative Study on Four American Professional Sports League Salary Cap

  27. 反垄断法对美国四大职业体育联盟的影响

    Impact of Antitrust Laws on the Four American Professional Sports

  28. 欧美职业体育联盟治理模式的比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Governance Model of European and American Professional Sports League

  29. 职业体育联盟的反垄断规制&美国经历与中国立场

    Anti-monopoly system of professional sports leagues & American experience and China 's stance

  30. 职业体育联盟的组织模式研究

    Research on Organizational Model of Professional Sports Leagues