
  1. Ajax作为Web领域的前沿技术,它提供了新的互联网交互模式,利用Ajax可以构建具有良好用户体验的应用程序。

    As the frontier technology in web realm , Ajax provides the new Internet interactive pattern . Meanwhile , an application procedure which provides good experience for the users can be constructed with Ajax .

  2. 为了成为iphone的独家运营商,at&t非同寻常地向苹果让出了很多用户体验和应用这种设备的控制权。

    To become the sole operator to carry the iPhone , at & T ceded an unusual degree of control of the user experience and applications on the device to apple .

  3. 其中,重点是通过AJAX技术的异步通信特点实现了音像制品电子商务系统下的局部更新提高用户体验及应用数字签名技术提高系统安全性,解决了现存音像制品电子商务系统存在的缺点和不足。

    AJAX technologies are used through asynchronous communication characteristics of the audio-video products to achieve a local e-commerce system to upgrade the user experience . The system involves the digital signature technology to raise the security as well .

  4. 产品设计中的用户体验与应用研究

    User Experience Research and Application in Product Design

  5. 视觉媒体环境中感性体验的应用与研究

    Emotional Experience in Visual Media Condition

  6. 方法:经过多年的病区护理管理工作的实践经验和体会,将情商加以细心体验和应用。

    Methods Through many years experience and understandings of wards nursing management , learning EQ through practice and applying it .

  7. 该项目允许软件开发者直接与汽车交互,以编写福特所希望的能够提升驾驶体验的应用。

    This allows software developers to interact directly with the car to build apps Ford hopes will enhance the driving experience .

  8. 具有糟糕性能或低质量用户体验的应用程序或企业系统将被淘汰,其他产品很容易取代它们的位置。

    Applications or enterprise systems that show poor performance or low-quality user experience will be eliminated , and other products will take their place easily .

  9. 鉴于增强现实技术在娱乐方面虽然已经有相关的研究,但由于技术的普及程度较低,对于国内外关于增强现实在互动娱乐的体验游戏应用案例不多。

    Though Augmented Reality Technology has been researched in the related entertainment , the case using AR is rare at home and abroad due to the low penetration .

  10. 试图通过将用户体验系统应用在灯具开发设计当中,研究基于用户体验的灯具设计策略。

    Trying to " user experience " system application development and design of the fixture among the research is based on " user experience " of the lighting design strategy .

  11. 综合实践活动是基于学生的直接经验、密切联系学生自身生活和社会生活、体现对知识综合运用的课程形态,是一种强调体验与应用、探索与发散的实践性课程。

    The curriculum of comprehensive practicing activities is based on direct experience of the students , closely contacts with their social life , reflects the form of the integrated use of knowledge .

  12. 根据该调查显示,超过78%的受访者想要体验、应用增强现实技术的新产品,越是年轻、学历越高的受访者对此项新技术越持开放的态度。

    More than 78 percent want to try new products that use modified reality technologies . The younger and better-educated the respondent , the more likely they are to be open to new technologies , according to the survey .

  13. 此时一种被称为RichInternetapplication(简称RIA,中文翻译作丰富互联网应用程序)的具高度互动性和丰富用户体验的网络应用程序出现了。

    And then a kind of application program called Rich Internet Application ( RIA ) emerged which has better interaction and plenty user experience .

  14. 通过深入研究发现RIA技术具有桌面软件良好的用户体验和web应用程序易部署的优点。

    RIA technology can provide a user experience as good as the desktop software and can be deployed as easy as web application .

  15. Ajax支持浏览器和服务器端的异步通信,将服务器传输到浏览器的必要数据大大减少,在节省网络资源的同时,使Web应用程序的客户端体验象桌面应用程序一样即时反映。

    Ajax can not only support the asynchronous communication , but also reduce the data flow between browsers and servers . Ajax can economize the network resources and make users feel that they are using their own desktop applications when using Internet .

  16. OCAP以机顶盒和电视为目标,为增强消费者有线电视体验的交互式应用程序提供了一个标准的、独立于硬件的基础。

    Targeted at set-top boxes and televisions , OCAP provides a standard , hardware-independent basis for interactive applications that enhance the cable TV experience for consumers .

  17. 本课题是针对长镜头在营造动画审美体验中的应用研究。

    This issue is application research of long shot in creating animation aesthetic experience .

  18. 您必须亲自体验您的应用程序、数据、工作负载以及这个新特性。

    You 'll have to experiment with your application , data , workload , and this new feature for yourself .

  19. 这一段文档基于视觉,行为特征,数据模型以及用户体验定义了应用程序的三个样式。

    This document identifies three application styles , based on visual and behavioral characteristics , data model , and user experience .

  20. 我的下一步任务是匹配与用户体验交互的应用程序,其需要同样的非侵入性。

    My next task is to match up that application interaction with the user experience , which needs to be equally non-invasive .

  21. 本论文分析了此次课堂教学研究发现及在将体验学习理论应用到商务英语口语教学中存在的问题。

    This thesis analyzes the findings from the research and the difficulties of implementation of experiential learning theory into business oral English course .

  22. 用户体验提升,应用的成熟度,用户预期,商业转型基于和内在的商业模型得到了提升。

    As the customer experience evolves , so does application sophistication , customer expectations , business transformation opportunities , and the underlying business models .

  23. 数字绘画有其自身的特征,在创作上与传统绘画也有着继承关系,由于它本身创作工具的特称性使其在传播、交互、创作心理体验以及市场应用价值都有着不同的特点。

    This is due to its own creative tools to the characteristics of these in his communication ; interactive , creative experience and psychological market value of all have different characteristics .

  24. 在鼠标和键盘的使用感受上,Windows8.1的表现要好于Windows8,并且即将推出的更新版本还将带来更友好的鼠标使用体验,比如应用程序内的系统关闭按键等。

    Windows 8.1 is better than the original Windows 8 when it comes to the mouse and keyboard , and a forthcoming update will bring even more mouse-friendly enhancements , such as a close-window button inside apps .

  25. 最后,对体验式学习应用于师范生教育技术能力培养进行了实验设计,并通过相关案例教学,开展两轮实验组与对照组的对比实验研究。

    In addition , the paper launches the experimental design about the experiential study applied to education technology ability training of normal students . The contrast experiment study on experimental group and control group are carried out in the form of relevant case teaching .

  26. 现在,可以体验WFNM示例Web应用程序了。

    Now you can play with the live WFNM sample Web application .

  27. 智能Web应用程序结合了适用性,改进了用户体验,并使应用程序能够被不同类型的用户访问,以上种种优点也只是智能应用程序众多优势的一小部分。

    Incorporating the adaptiveness , improving the user experience , and making the application accessible to different kinds of users are some of the significant aspects of these smart applications .

  28. 用户体验已经成为LOB应用中至关重要的一个因素,我们深知这一点。

    We know that user experience is becoming critical for LOB applications .

  29. B2G将会基于Gecko和Android技术,目的是扩展Web体验以替代原生应用程序。

    B2G will be based on Gecko and Android , and is meant to extend the web experience replacing the native one .

  30. 由于其开源特性,使得本设计不仅节省了开发的成本,而且又能开发出用户体验良好的GUI应用程序。

    Because of its open source nature , making this design not only saves development costs , but also can develop a good user experience of GUI application .