
  • 网络sports film
  1. 试论中国体育电影中被看的女性

    On the Women Been Watched in Chinese Sports Movie

  2. 好莱坞作为最早进行体育电影生产之地,无论是质量还是数量上都在世界影坛占据领先地位,对其进行研究对于我国体育电影事业发展有重要意义。

    Hollywood makes the earliest sports movies in the world , not only the number but also the quality is on the top of the movie circle around the world .

  3. 体育电影是以体育为主要内容的传播媒介,它以体育人物或者体育事件构成叙事线索,表现社会生活现实并蕴含鼓舞人心的体育精神。

    Sports films based on sports as the main content of the media , the sports figure or events constitute a narrative clue , they show us the reality of social life and contain the inspirational spirit of sport .

  4. 采用现代化教学手段进行教学,资料室添置影视录像、体育电影等资料和器械,发展电脑网络活动,是改进体育教学的重要措施和当务之急。

    It is an important and urgent measure for the improvement of physical education to use modern means in reference rooms , such as video tapes , films about physical education , and other material and instruments and to expand the use of internet .

  5. 以棒球为主题的电影获得的青睐远远超过了其他体育类电影。

    Baseball movies have gained an appreciation that far outstrips those dealing with any other sport .

  6. 天空拥有所有关键的体育和电影频道,并拒绝提供给其它付费电视零售商。

    Sky owns all the key sports and movie channels and withholds them from other pay-TV retailers .

  7. 新中国体育科教电影的发展历程研究(1949~1995年)

    Research on the Development Process of New Chinese Sports Science and Education Film ( from 1949 to 1995 )

  8. 这份榜单着重介绍了音乐、体育、电影及时尚界的50位最佳年轻男性新秀,排名不分先后。

    The un-ranked list highlights 50 of the best examples of young male talent across music , sport , film and fashion .

  9. 学校体育题材电影作品中的学校体育文化同样具有娱乐功能、教育功能、健康功能、情感功能、社会功能。

    School physical education culture in school physical education theme films also have an educational function , health function , emotional function and social function .

  10. 通过中西体育题材电影对比,从价值观和哲学基础方面阐述其实质是西方文化的奥林匹克文化与中国传统文化的对立和冲突。

    The essence of the difference between Chinese and Hesperian movies is conflict and opposition between Olympic culture and Chinese traditional culture . This paper discussed it in Values and Philosophy level .

  11. 与许多其他体育题材的电影不同,《棒!少年》并不仅仅聚焦于励志情节。

    Unlike many other sports films , Tough Out doesn 't simply focus on the inspiring part .

  12. 学校体育题材的电影作品即是以反映学校体育生活为题材的电影作品。

    School physical education theme film works are the film works reflect the school physical education life .

  13. 笔者着重分析了学校体育题材的电影作品中的学校体育物质文化、制度文化、精神文化的特征。

    The author analyzes the characteristics of school physical education material culture , system culture , and spiritual culture in the school physical education theme films .

  14. 我们将学校体育题材的电影作品定位于确定的空间与意识形态上稳定的背景所交集出的类型电影。

    We regard the school physical education theme films as the type movie positioned to the intersection to determine the stability of the spatial and ideological background .

  15. 通常,当我们想起与工作相关的事故,我们想到的是体育人士、电影替身、汽车司机和抬扛重物的人。

    When we usually think of work related accidents , we think of sports people , movie stunt people , drivers and people who lift or carry heavy items .

  16. 我和一些政府部门重要人物、也和一些名人、体育明星和电影明星交谈。

    I talk to some important and famous people . I 've talked to people in the government , as well as famous sportsmen and sportswomen and film stars .

  17. 要求是他喜欢体育,阅读和电影。

    I hope that he like sports , reading and film .

  18. 一定时间内帧数更多会让体育节目及动作电影中的快速移动画面看上去更为流畅。

    More frames in a given time make fast-moving images in sports programs and action movies look seamless .

  19. 万达集团在包括房地产,零售,体育,酒店,电影和专卖店等多个行业都有业务。

    Wanda Group operates in a number of sectors including property , retail , sport , hotels , film and stores .

  20. 乙:您可以买电缆电视的频道,每一个频道都放映一种专门的节目,如体育、音乐、电影等。

    B : You can buy channels on cable TV . Each offers something special , like sports or music or movies .

  21. 而以学校体育为题材的电影作品,由于其特定的表现环境、独特的表现风格和浓郁的文化氛围,具有重要的研究意义。

    But the film works about school physical education theme have important research significance because of their particular performance environment , their unique performance style and rich cultural atmosphere .

  22. 我们知道我们社区的青少年需要一个地方聚会,进行体育活动,看电影,结识新朋友。

    We knew that the teenagers in our community needed a place to hang out , to play sports , to watch movies , or to meet new people .

  23. 你可以组织一些有趣的事儿来保持自己参与的兴奋感,比如和朋友共进晚餐、开始一门新的兴趣课、定时参加某种体育活动、看电影等等。参与这些符合你兴趣和预算的活动,你就能保持假日的新鲜感。

    Revive the excitement of anticipation by arranging fun things , such as having dinner with friends , starting a new class for a hobby or interest , attending a sporting event regularly , going to the movies , etc. Choose activities that meet your budget and interests , and that you know will give you a thrill .

  24. 如今,大多数主要社交网站都设有专门负责与名人、政客和体育明星,还有职业体育联盟、电影工作室和电视台建立合作关系的部门。

    Today , most major social networks have departments dedicated to creating partnerships with celebrities , politicians and sports figures - as well as professional sports leagues , movie studios and television networks .

  25. 但是研究发现,他们很乐意和朋友谈论体育。半数以上的男人最喜欢的话题都是体育,其次是电影和性。

    But the study found they will happily talk with a friend about sport , which proved the most popular topic for more than half the men questioned , followed by chats on films and sex .