
  • Chinese style;Chinoiserie;Sinicism
  1. 最终创立中国风格的史诗学派。

    Eventually , creating of the epic Chinese style school .

  2. 浅谈中国风格钢琴作品的演奏

    A Brief Talk on Performing Piano Music in Chinese Style

  3. 中国风格是一种放纵的幻想,将中国想象成梦一样的国度,一切事物都那么新奇,那么不同,极尽奢华而又惊心动魄。SarahCheang博士解释道。

    Chinoiserie is all about indulgent fantasies of China as a dream-like country , where everything is strange , different , highly luxurious and thrilling , explains Dr Sarah Cheang .

  4. 中国风格之钢琴演奏刍议

    On the Playing of the Piano Music with Chinese Characteristics

  5. 人类学视角下的哲学社会科学体系的中国风格

    Sinicism of Philosophy & Social Science System from the Perspective of Anthropology

  6. 他的诗歌创作具有独特的中国风格。

    His poetry creation is of typical Chinese style .

  7. 齐尔品的中国风格钢琴练习曲创作

    Tcherepnin 's Creation of Piano Etudes in Chinese Style

  8. 从内容到形式都具有鲜明的中国风格、中国气派。

    From the content to its form , it was a completely Chinese-style ballet .

  9. 中国风格钢琴曲创作的成功探索&王建中《情景》解读

    An Exploration of a Chinese Style Piano Composition

  10. 在设计中发展中国风格

    Developing a Chinese Style in our Design

  11. 中国风格的现代设计是历史的承接,创新的发展。

    China is a modern design style to take the history , development and innovation .

  12. 产学研合作项目&中国风格图案设计案例分析

    Project of Industry and School and Research Institution : China Style Pattern Design Case Study

  13. 臧克家:现实主义与中国风格

    ZANG Ke-jia : Realism and Chinese Style

  14. 钢琴音乐的中国风格从深层意义上讲来源于中国传统文化,特别是传统音乐文化。

    Chinese character of piano music comes from Chinese traditional literature from deep points of view .

  15. 中国风格钢琴作品论

    Piano Works with the Chinese Characteristics

  16. 浅议建筑的中国风格

    On Chinese style architecture

  17. 从社区研究看社会学的中国风格&以学科理想与知识建构为视角的分析

    Thinking the Chinese Style of Sociology by Community Study & An analysis based on discipline ideal and knowledge building

  18. 在这座中国风格的建筑物里,你可以看见各种形状的门窗&圆形的、拱形的、方形的和矩形的。

    In this Chinese-style building , you can see varieties of doors and windows-circular , arched , square and rectangular .

  19. 而相声作为传统的中国风格的文艺表演,也深深受到全世界的喜爱。

    As a traditional Chinese style art performance , Chinese cross talk is deeply welcomed by people around the world .

  20. 你很难想象用中国风格装饰严肃的工作场合,例如银行。

    You can 't imagine the style being used to decorate a serious place of work , such as a bank .

  21. 本文分析了我国目前设计现状以及在设计中发展中国风格的可行性。

    This article analyzes the problems in our modern design and discusses the feasibility of developing a Chinese style in our design .

  22. 奥斯卡提名是对张叔平细致入微地刻画从二十世纪初到二十世纪五十年代中国风格的认可。

    The Oscar nomination recognizes the 60-year-old Mr. Chang 's meticulous interpretation of Chinese style from the early 1900s to the 1950s .

  23. 他创作的这些钢琴作品已经成为具有典型中国风格的钢琴作品的代表作,因而常常在国内、国际舞台上演出。

    As these works have become the representatives of the typical Chinese style , they are usually played in internal and external stages .

  24. 以民族化为主线不断追求手风琴作品的中国风格,已形成中国手风琴作品风格演进的主要脉络。

    To continuously pursue national into mainline works of Chinese style , accordion style has already formed the evolution of Chinese accordion main skeleton .

  25. 中国风格的哲学社会科学体系的形成在世界哲学社会科学的整体格局中具有重要的理论意义。

    The formation of philosophy and social science system with Sinicism bears an important theoretical a significance role in theory of the whole structure .

  26. 用九曲桥(实际上弯成一系列直角)连接岛屿的典型中国风格来实施景观美化。

    It is landscaped in typical Chinese style with the Nine-Bend Bridge ( actually bent in a series of right angles ) linking the islets .

  27. 艺术挂毯体现了地毯纺织艺术的最高水平,是具有典型中国风格的手工艺精品。

    Artistic tapestry is the highest form of expression of the rug weaving art , an exquisite handicraft of superb artistry in typical Chinese style .

  28. 稀有的中国风格的铜香炉,带原装炉盖,出于日本明治(1868-1911)时期。

    An unusual pair of Chinese style bronze incense burners , both with original covers , made in Japan during the Meiji period ( 1868-1911 ) .

  29. 这里的每个房子都是传统的中国风格的,屋顶都是由琉璃瓦装饰的,这是北京皇家的建筑风格。

    Every house here is built in a traditional Chinese style , and its roof is decorated with glazed tiles so typical of Beijing imperial style .

  30. 中国风格是钢琴音乐中国文化特征的集中体现,也是中国钢琴音乐区别于西方钢琴音乐的主要标志。

    Piano music of " Chinese style " reflects the Chinese musical culture , which also marks the differences between the Chinese and the western piano music .