
zhòng jiàn
  • Epee;duelling sword
重剑[zhòng jiàn]
  1. 重剑运动员距离感表象训练的实验研究

    Experimental Research on Presentative Training for Epeeist ' Feeling of Distance

  2. 重剑运动员需要良好的技能动作协调性基础。

    Epee Fencers need for good basic skills of action coordination .

  3. 重剑运动员的心理能力诊断及心理训练对策

    Diagnosis of Epee Fencers ' Mental Power and Countermeasures of Mental Training

  4. 江苏女子重剑主动进攻技术在比赛中的应用分析

    Study on the Jiangsu Epee Players ' Attacking Skills in Fencing Match

  5. 重剑开发了大量的手语词汇。

    Epee developed a large number of vocabulary words for sign language .

  6. 重剑是决斗用剑,剑体比花剑坚硬。

    The epee is the dueling sword . The blade is stiffer .

  7. 在1700年代中期法国人重剑发展了手语。

    In the middle of the1700s a Frenchman named Epee developed sign language .

  8. 重剑的系统主要用于图片形象标志。

    Epee 's system used mostly picture image signs .

  9. 重剑教他的这些话聋哑学生。

    Epee taught these words to his deaf students .

  10. 我在击剑时用的是把重剑。

    I use a heavy saber in fencing .

  11. 在击剑比赛中使用花剑、重剑和佩剑三种剑。

    Foil , epee and sabre are the three weapons used in fencing competitions .

  12. 对重剑快、狠、准、变及相互关系的探讨

    On Quickness , Ferocity , Accuracy & Change of Epee Fencing and Their Relationship

  13. 我在击剑时用滴是把重剑。

    I use a heavy sabre in fencing .

  14. 奥运会击剑比赛使用的剑有三种:花剑、佩剑和重剑。

    There are three kinds of sword used in the Olympic fencing-foil , sabre , and epee .

  15. 中国女子重剑团体决赛中,中国队38-44负罗马尼亚摘银。

    Chinese women 's epee team settled for the silver medal after losing to Romania 38-44 in the final .

  16. 他的执着在他安特卫普奥运赛场上,了回报,他赢得重剑团体的金牌。

    His insubordination paid off when he won a gold medal in the team é p é e event in Antwerp .

  17. 九运会前对击剑重剑重点运动员身体机能与心理状况的监测与分析

    The Analysis and Monitor on Physical Ability and Mental State for Key Fencers before the 9 ~ ( th ) National Game

  18. 在花剑和重剑比赛中,只有用剑尖触及对方才算有效。

    In foil and epee , a touch can be considered valid only if it is made with the point of the weapon .

  19. 重剑>是剑中的一类品种,是专有名词;不是够重量就可以名之的。

    Heavy Jian > is one kind of Jian , and is a proper noun ; It cannot be named even if it 's heavy .

  20. 重剑是能说,听,但他的一生大部分是在法国做聋人教师工作。

    Epee was able to speak and hear , but he worked during most of his life as a teacher of deaf people in France .

  21. 击剑的反攻战术属于一种积极防御方法,可以有效地抑制对手的进攻,是诸多重剑运动员直接得分的重要手段。

    The counter-attack tactics of fencing is one of ripostes to control combatants offensive action and its important method to gain points directly of many duellists .

  22. 认知风格影响花剑运动员的决策准确性,认知风格和性别共同影响重剑运动员的决策速度。奥运会击剑比赛使用的剑有三种:花剑、佩剑和重剑。

    The cognitive style had effect on accuracy of decision-making . There are three kinds of sword used in the Olympic fencing-foil , sabre , and epee .

  23. 对于重剑而言,全身都是有效部位。但花剑只有触及从颈骨到髋骨的部位才能得分。

    The entire body is a valid target for the epee , but in foil a touch can be scored only on the body between the collar and hipbones .

  24. 采用文献资料、录像分析和数理统计方法,探讨长线调引在重剑比赛中的运用特点。

    This study is conducted to explore the application characteristics of long - distance adjustment and temptation in Epee fencing competitions by the methods of documentary , video analysis and mathematical statistics .