
  • Rename;Renaming;REN RENAME
  1. 因此,在进行编组的时候,需要将此零索引参数重命名为course。

    So rename this zeroth index parameter to course when performing marshalling .

  2. 将这个组件的接口重命名为translationlibrary。

    Rename the interface present in this component to translation_library .

  3. 将输入重命名为name,类型为string。

    Rename the input to name with a type of string .

  4. 在给Java类型重命名时重构参与者以更新方面

    Refactoring participant to update aspects when Java types are renamed

  5. 如果你在set访问器里拼错属性的名字,或者你重命名了属性,那么它会悄然失效。

    If you misspell the property name in the setter , or rename the property , then it will silently fail .

  6. import语句可以导入多个类并可以重命名它们。

    The import statement can import multiple classes and optionally rename them .

  7. 要重命名,请单击Output选项卡,然后右键单击Regroup:结果列表。

    To rename them , click the Output tab , and then right-click the Regroup : result list .

  8. 如果您愿意的话,可以在ComponentSettings页面中重命名组件。

    If you like , you can rename this component on the Component Settings page .

  9. 因为元素代表了我们的Coursebean,我们会将该名称重命名为,而不是。

    Since the element represents our Course bean , let 's rename this to instead of .

  10. 您可以编辑现有的Web服务以重命名、添加、删除或修改Web服务操作。

    You can edit an existing Web service to rename , add , delete , or modify a Web service operation .

  11. getoperationresult()返回绑定、搜索、添加、修改、重命名和删除操作的操作结果代码和消息。

    Get_operation_result () Returns an operation result code and message for the bind , search , add , modify , rename , and delete operations .

  12. 好处是您可以如您所希望的那样重命名前缀,我对前缀science就是这么做的。

    The advantage is that you can rename the prefixes as you wish , which is what I did with the prefix science .

  13. 注意:要特别注意含有Java实现的模型任务的重命名。

    Note : Pay special attention to the renaming of model tasks that have a Java implementation .

  14. 测试之中的TestVariables容器是从不能删除的记录中生成的,但是它可以得到重命名。

    The Test Variables container in a test that is generated from a recording cannot be deleted , but it can be renamed .

  15. 除了组件之外,您只能使用简单的标识符重命名UML元素。

    Except for components , you can only rename UML elements with simple identifiers .

  16. 您现在便可重命名SOAP元素和,它们是元素的一部分。

    You will now rename the SOAP elements and that were part of element .

  17. 例如,前两个页面被重命名为更有意义的名字,例如Login与Home。

    For example , the first two pages were renamed with more meaningful names such as Login and Home .

  18. 扩展可用单元的一种简单方式,是复制并重命名通用单元,例如GenericSoftware单元。

    A simple way to extend the available units is to copy and rename generic units , such as Generic Software units .

  19. 当对文件重命名或者将文件移出目录时,也会触发ENTRYDELETE事件。

    An ENTRY_DELETE event is also triggered when a file is renamed or moved out of this directory .

  20. 您还可以在Overview标签上完成这个操作,这和您重命名等价类一样。

    You can also do this on the Overview tab , just as you renamed the equivalence classes .

  21. 文本节点或XML注释等其他节点没有节点名称,因此无法重命名。

    Other nodes , such as text nodes or XML comments , do not have a node name and therefore cannot be renamed .

  22. 在最初的pseudo版本中,重命名操作实际上并不起作用。

    In the initial working release of pseudo , rename operations didn 't actually work .

  23. 将该列重命名为“Delete”,并将其移动到列表的第一列。

    Rename the column as " Delete " and move it to be the first in the list .

  24. 使用mv命令来移动和重命名文件。

    Move files and rename files with the mv command .

  25. 将这个文件重命名为rootfs(这是配置中默认的根文件系统文件)。

    Rename this file to root_fs ( this is the default root file system file in the configuration ) .

  26. 在第一小步之后,我们开始实现其他的重构功能:InlineMethod,重命名方法、变量、属性及类。

    After the first tiny steps we started to implement the other refactorings Inline Method , Rename of methods , variables , fields and classes .

  27. 单击Add添加新安全性配置文件,将其重命名为LDAPSP1。

    Click Add to add a new security profile , and rename it to LDAP_SP1 .

  28. 此时对于所有您新创建的元素,您已经能够在构建新«usergoal»后对其进行重命名。

    As with all new elements you 've created up to this point , you will be able to rename the new « user_goal » after its construction .

  29. 使用ren和rename命令可重命名文件。

    The ren and rename commands can rename a file .

  30. 如果不想让要浏览的URL太过冗长,在部署它之前,可以对此WAR文件进行重命名。

    Rename the WAR file before you deploy it if you don 't want the URL that you have to browse to be clunky .