
  • 网络deduplication;Data Deduplication;de-duplication;Data de-duplication;data de-duplicantion
  1. 深入研究了重复数据删除技术,对现有的重复数据删除技术进行补充和改进,进而建立了安全高效的重复数据删除策略。(2)研究了重复数据删除技术基于MD5的指纹算法。

    In-depth study of data de-duplication technology , to complement and improve the existing data de-duplication technology , thereby establishing a secure and efficient data de-duplication strategy . ( 2 ) Researching on data de-duplication technology is based on MD5 fingerprint algorithm .

  2. 基于重复数据删除技术的数据容灾系统的研究

    Research of Data Disaster Tolerance System Based on Data De-duplication

  3. 重复数据删除、RAID和精简配置,所有这些节约成本或保护磁盘的强大功能都有可能。

    Deduplication , RAID and thin-provisioning are all examples of great features on disk that allow cost savings and / or protection .

  4. 云存储是磁盘、高性能磁盘或Tier-1磁盘和重复数据删除的代名词。抱有这种想法的人很多,并还达到了一个惊人的数量。

    A surprisingly high number of people believe that Cloud Storage is synonymous with disk , primarily performance disk , or Tier-1 disk , and deduplication .

  5. 以重复数据删除技术为例,它能遏制数据和存储容量疯狂增长的势头。

    In the case of de-dupe , it 's reining in data and storage capacity growth .

  6. 目前利用指纹算法实现指纹定位,占有系统资源大始终是重复数据删除技术应用的瓶颈。

    Fingerprint algorithm is currently using fingerprint location , because occupying large system resources is always the data de-duplication technology bottleneck .

  7. 我们提出了一种新的重复数据删除算法,它不但修改了对数据索引的方法,并且拥有新的重复数据块匹配的方法。

    We propose a new duplicate detection algorithm , which revises the data index and owns a new duplicate block match method .

  8. 针对重复数据删除技术影响系统性能的问题,提出了比较文件相似性的解决方法。

    Aiming at the problem that data de-duplication technology affects system performance , the solutions of comparing the files ' similarity is put forward .

  9. 在重复数据删除系统中,少量关键数据的丢失可能导致大量文件数据无法访问,从而造成不可估量的损失。

    In ade-duplicated system , many files may not be accessed with the loss of a few critical data , resulting in more incalculable losses .

  10. 统计数据表明,企业日常新增海量数据之间存在着许多相似的数据,为此,提出了重复数据删除技术。

    Statistics show that numerous data improve in companies day by day , but there are many duplicate data between them , for this reason , the data de-duplication technology is proposed .

  11. 为了减少备份数据在存储服务器上所占的存储空间,节约数据传输的网络带宽,在系统中实现了重复数据删除技术。

    In order to reduce the storage space which the backed up data stored on the storage server and save the network bandwidth for data transmission , the data de-duplication is realized in the network backup system .

  12. 越来越多的大规模归档存储系统采用重复数据删除技术来减少系统的总拥有成本、提高网络传输的效率,同时采用加密技术保证存储数据的安全性。

    More and more large-scale archive storage systems choose data de-duplication technology to reduce the total cost of ownership , to improve the efficiency of network transmission , and use encryption technology to ensure the security of storage data .

  13. 重复数据删除(数据消冗)技术是存储领域的一项新兴技术,也是各大存储厂商和研究所追捧的热点,它可以有效缓解存储空间的紧张局势,更高效的进行数据存储。

    De-duplication technology is an emerging storage technology , it is a hot pursuit of the major storage vendors and institute , which can effectively alleviate the tense situation in the storage space and can be more efficient for data storage .

  14. 其中前者利用了数据的相似性,而加密算法的目的恰好是使得加密后的密文尽可能的接近理论上的随机数值,因此直接对加密数据进行重复数据删除会降低重复数据删除的效率。

    The former utilizes the similarity of data , and the encryption algorithm means to make precisely the encrypted ciphertexts be as close as possible to the random value of theory , so de-duplication on encrypted data directly reduces efficiency of data de-duplication .

  15. 研究了重复数据删除的基本原理,然后通过以下几个过程:文件数据检测分块、块哈希值计算、块哈希值查找以及哈希值保存,实现了一个基于块级的重复数据删除系统。

    Secondly , it studies the basic principle of data de-duplication , and then implements a data de-duplication system based on block level through the following processes : divides files into blocks 、 calculates the hash value of blocks 、 looks up the hash value and saves the hash value .