
  • 网络soft core processor;Soft Processor
  1. 软件设计包括NIOSⅡ软核处理器系统程序设计及上位机应用程序设计。

    Software design includes NIOS ⅱ soft core processor system program design and epistatic machine application programming .

  2. 该方法使用Nios软核处理器以及FPGA的优点,运用SOPCBuilder工具设计了一个智能仲裁器的核心部件。该仲裁器能够智能地获取服务器的状态、同步服务器的内容以及控制服务器的开启和关闭。

    This method uses advantages of Nios soft core processor and FPGA and designs a core component of intelligent arbitrator by SOPC Builder tool , which get status , synchronize content of servers and start and stop server of server intelligently .

  3. 32位软核处理器NIOSii的以太网接口设计与实现

    Implementation and design of the Ethernet interface based on 32-bit IP core NIOS II

  4. 网络处理器芯片原型采用NIOSii软核处理器在FPGA上实现,提高了网络处理器的可编程能力。

    The prototype designs with soft-core processors of Nios II in FPGA , improves the programmability of network processors .

  5. 基于FPGA的软核处理器及DDFS实现

    Implementation of Soft-Core Processor and DDFS Based on FPGA

  6. NIOSⅡ软核处理器在超声诊断系统中的应用

    Application of NIOS ⅱ Soft Kernel Processor in Ultrasonic Diagnostic System

  7. 基于Nios软核处理器的硬盘加密卡解决方案

    The Method of Hard Disk Encryption Based on Nios Soft Processor

  8. 基于Nios软核处理器的以太网接口设计

    Design of an Ethernet Interface Based on the Nios Soft-core Processor

  9. 基于NIOS软核处理器的音频录放子系统

    Audio Subsystem Based on NIOS Soft Core Embedded Processor

  10. NiosⅡ软核处理器的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Nios ⅱ Soft-core Processor

  11. 基于NiosⅡ嵌入式软核处理器的天文用IRFPA图像采集系统

    Astronomical IRFPA Image Collecting System Based on the Nios ⅱ Soft-core Embedded Processor

  12. SOPC技术,并用此技术构造出一个32位的NiosⅡ软核处理器。

    The technologies of SOPC , Designing a 32 bits Nios II CPU with SOPC .

  13. Nios软核处理器在DTV调制器中的实现

    Implementation of Nios soft-core in DTV Modulator

  14. 基于AlteraNios软核处理器的无线局域网接入点设备设计

    Design of Wifi Access Point on Altera Nios processor

  15. 采用FPGA作为控制芯片,在其中植入NiosⅡ软核处理器以对整个图像采集系统的数据进行控制和预处理。

    Nios II soft-core processor implanted into FPGA as the control chip controls and preprocesses the data of the entire image acquisition system .

  16. NIOSⅡ软核处理器是Altera公司推出的一款灵活高效的嵌入式处理器。

    NIOS ⅱ soft-core processor is a flexible and efficient embedded processor promoted by Altera Corporation .

  17. NiosⅡ软核处理器提高了系统的集成度,有利于系统的小型化,降低了成本。

    The Nios ⅱ soft-core processor improve the integration of the system and is helpful to the miniaturization of instrument .

  18. 本文提出了一种基于FPGA和NIOSii软核处理器的嵌入式音频信号识别系统的设计方案,系统以cycloneFPGA芯片为核心,采用软硬件结合的设计方式。

    In addition , we propose an embedded audio recognition system based on FPGA and Nios II . This scheme uses Cyclone FPGA chip and combines software and hardware design .

  19. 本课题以FPGA(EP2C8Q208C8N)为主控芯片,利用FPGA内部的逻辑资源在FPGA内部生成NIOS软核处理器、一些数字组合电路和时序电路。

    In the system , FPGA is the controller chip , using internal logic resources inside the FPGA to generate the NIOS soft-core processor , Some digital integrated circuits and sequential circuits .

  20. 整个系统采用层次化、模块化的设计思想,将NIOSii软核处理器系统嵌入到FPGA中,完成片上硬件和软件的设计。

    The hierarchical , modular design idea was used in the system which embeds the Nios II soft-core processor system in FPGA . And the on-chip hardware and software designs are completed .

  21. 然后,通过基于FPGA的嵌入式软核处理器技术,采用软硬件协同设计的方法,实现对整个系统功能的控制及数据的处理与发送。

    Then , through the embedded soft-core processor technology based on FPGA , entire system the control , and processing and transmission of data of were achieved by using the co-design approach of hardware and software .

  22. 对于数字部分,在FPGA内构建SOPC系统,嵌入NIOSii软核处理器对整个系统进行控制。

    For the digital part , this design is mean to construct the SOPC system in the FPGA , embedded Nios II soft-core processor to control the operation of the entire system .

  23. 论文结合嵌入式以太网数据传输模块设计实例,介绍如何利用Nios软核处理器来进行嵌入式系统设计。

    By explaining the implement of Embedded Ethernet Data Transmission Module , the current paper illustrates how to use Nios Soft Core CPU to design Embedded System .

  24. NIOSii嵌入式软核处理器是Altera公司推出的第二代片上可编程处理器,配以价格低廉、性能优越的FPGA器件,极大地方便了嵌入式系统的开发。

    Altera launched the second generation of on-chip programmable embedded soft core processor Nios II , coordinated with low cost and cost-effective FPGA device , make the embedded system development become more convenient .

  25. 第一,运用了在单芯片上实现系统功能的设计思想,采用了高性能的软核处理器(NiosIICPU)和IP复用技术,提高了整个系统的运行速度和进一步改进的灵活性。

    First , use of the system functions on a single chip design ideas , using a high-performance soft-core processor ( Nios II CPU ) and IP multiplexing and improve the whole system to further improve the speed and flexibility .

  26. 利用Qsys系统集成工具,易于在FPGA中实现NiosⅡ多软核处理器系统,NiosⅡ多核处理系统一定会有越来越广泛的应用。

    Therefore , using the Qsys system integration tools , the Nios ⅱ multi-core processor systems can easily implemented in FPGA chips and it must has a wide application .

  27. 接着对SOPC及其相关技术进行了简要介绍,其中重点介绍了NIOSii软核处理器的特性,此外,还对NIOSii独有的Avalon总线接口进行了剖析。

    Secondly , this paper introduced the technology of SOPC , which focused on the features of the Nios II processor . In addition , it analysed the Avalon bus which is unique to Nios II .

  28. 同时提出了一种基于Nios嵌入式软核处理器的电力电子设备监控系统,给出了硬件接口和软硬件设计方案,并给出了软件流程和部分源程序。

    IT also puts forward a method of the monitor system of power electronic device based on Nios embedded processor , gives the hardware interface , software flowcharts , and some source codes .

  29. 本系统的处理器采用32位软核处理器NiosⅡ,NiosⅡ处理器与其他功能的外设通过Avalon总线互联通讯,实现图像采集、显示和处理的过程。

    The system uses 32-bit soft-core processor Nios II . Nios II processor and other peripherals connect to and communicate with the Avalon bus , to achieve image acquisition , display and handling of the process .

  30. 通过将NIOS软核处理器、自定义逻辑模块、存储器和I/O集成到单块低成本的FPGA上,组成一个SOPC(片上可编程系统),实现以太网无源光网络中的ONU功能。

    In this scheme , a SOPC ( system on programmable chip ) can be constructed by integrating NIOS , custom logic , memory and I / O into a chip of low-cost FPGA to realize the function of the ONU in EPON .