
ruǎn mù cái
  • softwood
  1. 床垫用软木材架子支撑着。

    The mattress is supported on a softwood frame .

  2. 窗框是用软木材制成的。

    The window frames were made from softwood .

  3. 用材树种有两大类&软木材与硬木材。

    There are two main kinds of timber trees-softwoods and hardwoods .

  4. 松、冷杉、云杉一类的树木是软木材。

    The softwoods are such trees as pine , fir and spruce .

  5. 软质木材的表面密实化

    A Study on the Surface Hardening of Soft Wood

  6. 人工林软质木材表面密实化新技术

    New Technology on Surface Compression of Plantation Softwood

  7. 位于树皮之下小而又软的木材,早春发育。

    Young , usually soft wood that lies directly beneath the bark and develops in early spring .

  8. 单色软X射线木材密度计的研制

    Developing new monochromatic soft X ray densitometer

  9. 如展会等临时使用,可以选用较软的低档木材。

    Such as exhibitions such as the temporary use , can use soft low-grade lumber .

  10. 木质脆软的黄色木材,叶和树皮均有香味;檫木油的来源;广泛分布于北美东部。

    Yellowwood tree with brittle wood and aromatic leaves and bark ; source of sassafras oil ; widely distributed in eastern North America .

  11. 类似于澳洲贝壳杉,但比其木质更轻、更软,可作木材。

    Australian timber tree resembling the kauri but having wood much lighter in weight and softer .

  12. 结果表明:能够生长在木材上的微生物类群有木材腐朽菌、木材软腐菌、木材变色菌、污染性霉菌、细菌、放线菌等多种。

    Results showed that microbial populations and communities growing on wood included wood-rooting fungi , wood soft-rot fungi , wood stain fungi , wood surface contaminating moulds , wood bacteria and actinomycetes .