
ruǎn tiě
  • soft iron
软铁[ruǎn tiě]
  1. n是软铁的衔铁。

    N is armature of soft iron .

  2. 软铁芯电磁测量仪表照片中没有拍出电磁铁。

    Soft iron instrument The magnet is not shown in the photograph .

  3. 含孔软铁磁材料Mindlin板中弹性波散射问题

    Scattering of flexural waves in mindlin 's plates of soft ferromagnetic materials with a cutout ~ 1

  4. 结果表明,在GMM棒两端安装电工软铁能够提高工作磁场强度,减少磁通泄漏,增加换能器输出位移并降低驱动电流,改善换能器的发热情况,从而整体改善超磁致伸缩换能器的性能。

    The results indicate that attaching pure iron to both ends of the GMM can enhance the working magnetic field , reduce the magnetic flux leakage , and increase the displacement output with reduced current in coil , thus improve the thermal condition of the transducer .

  5. 软铁磁薄板磁弹性耦合作用的变分原理

    A variational principle on magnetoelastic interaction of soft ferromagnetic thin plates

  6. 软铁磁薄板磁弹性屈曲的理论模型

    A theoretical model of Magnetoelastic Buckling for soft ferromagnetic thin plates

  7. 超声雾化-共沉淀法制备超细、均匀的软铁淦氧粉体的研究

    Preparation of ultrafine and homogeneous soft ferrite by ultrasonic atomization-coprecipitation

  8. 横向磁场中软铁磁薄板的物理非线性混沌振动

    Physically Nonlinear Chaotic Vibration of Soft Ferromagnetic Thin Plate in Transverse Magnetic Field

  9. 共振磁场由1个小电磁线圈及软铁回路产生,磁场可调,能保证放电处于最佳条件。

    The resonance magnetic field is generated by electromagnetic coil and iron circuit .

  10. 软铁磁材料平面裂纹问题的耦合场

    Coupling field in an infinite soft ferromagnetic elastic plane with a through crack

  11. 研究证实,该纳米材料在极性溶剂中有很好的分散性,并具有软铁磁性。

    The corresponding tests confirmed that this product dispersed easily in polar solvents , and possesed soft ferromagnetic properties .

  12. 三轴磁强计的罗差主要包括硬铁误差、软铁误差和对准误差。

    The compass deviation is composed of hard iron error , soft iron error and alignment error in this thesis .

  13. 这种磁体还可采用软铁屏蔽来加强磁场。

    Soft iron shield can be used to strengthen the magnetic field and in some cases the strengthening factpr is larger than two .

  14. 所谓铁心电感,泛指电感元件磁路介质为电工软铁、硅钢片等铁心介质的电感线圈。

    The so-called iron-core inductor , inductance refers to media for the electrical circuit components of soft iron , steel and other iron core inductor coil media .

  15. 穿过盘卷用于增加其感应系数的磁性材料(如软铁)。GB/T15134-1994信息处理信息交换用软磁盘文卷结构和标号

    A rod of magnetic material ( as soft iron ) that passes through a coil and serves to increase the inductance of the coil . Information processing & File structure and labelling of flexible disk cartridges for information interchange

  16. 分析了硬铁干扰和软铁干扰等影响数字电子罗盘精度的因素,结合工程应用情况,研究了复杂应用模式下电子罗盘的误差校正技术,提出了在复杂应用模式下的误差校正措施和经验公式。

    In this paper , the author analyzes the main factors , especially hard iron interference and soft iron interference , which influence the digital compass ′ s heading precision . Taking account of engineering applications , the calibration technique of digital compass is studied for complex application modes .