
  • 网络soft substratum;weak subsoil
  1. 天然地基土承载力较高,但基础影响深度范围内存在软弱下卧层,不能满足设计要求的承载力和变形时,采用CFG桩法对软弱下卧层进行加固处理。

    When natural soil , higher bearing capacity and soft substratum in influence depth , cannot satisfy the request of bearing capacity and deformation , CFG piles are adopted to strengthen soft substratum .

  2. 软弱下卧层的验算方法探讨

    Research on Checking Method for Soft Substratum

  3. 地下水位上升将降低地基土承载力特征值fa和软弱下卧层地基承载力特征值faz,并影响到地基换土垫层的处理设计;

    When water rises , the characteristic value f_a of subgrade bear capacity and the characteristic value f_ ( az ) of subgrade bear capacity of weak underlying stratum will decrease , and the design of ground cushion treatment will be influenced .

  4. 软弱下卧层地基承载力验算应注意的问题

    What needed to note in bearing capacity examining for soft sublayer

  5. 软弱下卧层上部天然地基基础底面积的简便计算方法

    The Reduced Calculation Method of the Foundation Area above Soft Sub-base

  6. 长桩持力层下有软弱下卧层土时的基础沉降

    Settlement of the Long Pile Foundation with Soft Soil Underlayer

  7. 含软弱下卧层的双层地基工程特性试验研究

    Research on Engineering Properties of Double Layer Ground Containing Weak Underlying Stratum

  8. 软弱下卧层上大直径扩底桩端承力分析计算

    Analysis of End Bearing Capacity of Large Diameter Bottom-Enlarged Pile in Soft Substratum

  9. 软弱下卧层地基评价的几个问题

    Assessment of Soft Underlying Substratum of Geotechnical Engineering Works

  10. 可以进行地基持力层承载能力计算、软弱下卧层验算、地基沉降、倾斜计算。

    This software can perform the calculation of bearing capacity of the basement ;

  11. 考虑软弱下卧层及沉降影响的独立基础优化设计

    Optimum design of individual foundation considering the effect of soft sub-layer and settlement

  12. 软土路基软弱下卧层的一维固结问题

    Solution for One Dimensional Consolidation of Weak Underlying Substratum in Soft Clay Ground

  13. 建筑物沉降时间间隔软弱下卧层的验算方法探讨

    Approaching on the Space of Construction Sedimentation Surveying Research on Checking Method for Soft Substratum

  14. 桩基双层软弱下卧层竖向承载力验算方法探讨

    Discussion on the vertical bearing capacity checking method of pile foundation double layer weak subjacent layer

  15. 还就现行规范中桩基进入持力层深度或离软弱下卧层距离大小的规定进行了讨论。

    Minimal thickness and critical depth determined by current pile code are compared with the presented results .

  16. 本文研究具有软弱下卧层的地基极限承载力问题。

    This paper deals with the ultimate bearing capacity of a foundation with soft clay underlying layer .

  17. 桩基础软弱下卧层验算模型的探讨

    Discussion of the calculation formula about superimposed load of the soft underlying stratum in the group pile foundations

  18. 据此,提出具有软弱下卧层的地基极限承载力计算公式。

    According to this , a formula for calculating the ultimate bearing capacity of this foundation is presented here .

  19. 推导出具有软弱下卧层土矩形基础的直接计算公式,编制了相应的计算机程序。

    The direct calculation formulas of the rectangular foundation containing weak underlying stratum are induced and a computer program is developed .

  20. 论文进一步建立了考虑黄土后缘拉裂和底部有软弱下卧层的边坡稳定性计算模型。

    Further a slope stability model is established by the edge condition of split trailing and soft layer in loess bottom .

  21. 建筑结构抗震变形验算软弱下卧层承载力特征值修正的探讨

    Elastoplastic Deformation Checking of Building Structures under Different Seismic Levels Discussion on the Modification of Characteristic Value of Bearing Capacity for Weak Substratum

  22. 必要时对地基承载力进行验算。软弱下卧层地基承载力验算应注意的问题

    If necessary , checking computations of foundation bearing capacity should be done . WHAT NEEDED TO NOTE IN BEARING CAPACITY EXAMINING FOR SOFT SUBLAYER

  23. 对具有软弱下卧层时的桩基设计方法进行了介绍;

    At the same time , the design method of the piles rested on the soft intercalation as its bearing stratum is also introduced .

  24. 当桩端未加固土层以下有软弱下卧层时,应对其进行软弱下卧层验算;

    When there is weak underlying stratum bellowed the soil which is not be reinforced , the weak underlying stratum should be taken checking computations .

  25. 针对存在较厚软弱下卧层的桩土筏结构体系,本文建立了桩端下卧层固结沉降计算的半透水边界模型。

    A new calculating model for the consolidation settlement of piles group was built by approximately simulating the stress and permeability field of vertically loaded piled raft foundation .

  26. 通过对某典型的砖砌体结构房屋质量问题的分析,指出不均匀软弱下卧层是造成房屋不均匀沉降的主要原因。

    According to an evaluation of a six story , brick residential building with severe cracks and inclination , the influence of uneven soft subsoil on building was analyzed .

  27. 该文从大直径扩底桩的破坏模式出发,提出了软弱下卧层上大直径扩底桩端承力分析计算方法。

    The calculation method of end bearing capacity of large diameter bottom-enlarged pile in soft substratum was proposed through the analysis of the failure mechanism of large diameter bottom-enlarged pile .

  28. 根据建筑地基基础设计规范,分析了软弱下卧层强度验算中存在的问题,并对不同情况下软弱下卧层强度验算方法进行了探讨,提出了一些改进方法。

    According to the national standard of the design of building foundation , some question of the bearing capacity checking method for soft substratum are analyzed , meanwhile , suitable methods are put forward .

  29. 大量桩筏基础下存在较厚的饱和软弱下卧层,其变形和内力的研究不仅涉及到筏板、桩和土三者之间的相互作用,而且还跟时间有很大的关系。

    Research for the deformation and internal forces of piled raft foundation on a thick soft substratum are concerned with not only the interaction between pile , raft and soils but the also the time .

  30. 这些问题包括:覆土引起的地基附加应力,基础底板外挑宽度,软弱下卧层地基强度验算,地基沉降验算,上部结构偏心及环境荷载引起的不均匀沉降,房屋纵向抗震设计等。

    These problems include : the additional stress from backfill soil , the cantilever width of foundation slab , the strength check of lower layer soil , the check of foundation settlement , non-uniform settlement due to eccentric load of building or environmental load .