
  • 网络Characteristic value of bearing capacity;characteristic value of subgrade bearing capacity
  1. 变形控制和强度控制确定地基承载力特征值的比较

    Characteristic value of subgrade bearing capacity based on controlling settlement theory and controlling strength theory

  2. 据此,按照变形控制,结合工程实例,对规范中s/b的取值规定,按荷载板面积提出了初步的修改建议,一般可将承载力特征值提高20%~40%。

    So according to the principle of deformation controlling , for the different areas of loading plates , some primary suggestions on value of s / b are given respectively . Commonly , characteristic value of subgrade bearing capacity can be enhanced by 20 ~ 40 % .

  3. 地下水位上升将降低地基土承载力特征值fa和软弱下卧层地基承载力特征值faz,并影响到地基换土垫层的处理设计;

    When water rises , the characteristic value f_a of subgrade bear capacity and the characteristic value f_ ( az ) of subgrade bear capacity of weak underlying stratum will decrease , and the design of ground cushion treatment will be influenced .

  4. 勘察实践中地基承载力特征值的确定

    Determination of Characteristic Values of Subgrade Bearing Capacity in Investigation Practice

  5. 数值方法确定地基承载力特征值的探讨

    Numerical method to determine the standard values of the foundation bearing capacity

  6. 桩端岩基承载力特征值的确定

    Determination of Characteristic Value of Bearing Capacity of Rock Base at Pile End

  7. 喷射搅拌水泥土桩复合地基承载力特征值研究

    Study on the characteristic load bearing capacity of Jet-Mixing Cement-Soil pile composite foundation

  8. 对计算地基承载力特征值中抗剪强度指标取值方法的探讨

    Investigation of Method for Obtaining Indexes ot Shear Strength in Calculating the Characteristic Value ot Foundation Bearing Capacity

  9. 水泥土搅拌桩单桩载荷试验竖向承载力特征值确定方法的探讨

    Approach the method to determine the characteristic value of vertical bearing capacity during the test of single cement-soil composite pile load

  10. 建筑结构抗震变形验算软弱下卧层承载力特征值修正的探讨

    Elastoplastic Deformation Checking of Building Structures under Different Seismic Levels Discussion on the Modification of Characteristic Value of Bearing Capacity for Weak Substratum

  11. 秦皇岛地区淤泥质土承载力特征值的确定方法

    Selection of supporting methods of ditch in sludge foundation The determining method of bearing capacity characteristics number of muddy soil in Qinhuangdao area

  12. 本文针对公路工程的特点,通过对黄土地区地基实测载荷板资料的分析,确定了黄土地区公路地基承载力特征值的取值方法;

    This paper exploits the determining way for the values of ground bearing capacity through analyzing the data of actual examination on load .

  13. 在设计工作中,合理的选取了桩径、桩长等设计参数,计算了单桩承载力特征值和复合地基承载力。

    In design , reasonable selected the pile diameter , the pile length is calculated and the design parameter single pile bearing capacity eigenvalues .

  14. 在岩土工程勘察中,粘粒含量这一特殊指标常用于判别饱和砂土液化以及进行地基承载力特征值计算。

    In geotechnical investigation , clay particle content is often used in identifying saturated sand liquefaction and calculating the characteristic value of foundation bearing capacity .

  15. 软土地基承载力特征值及变形参数的研究是岩土工程的主要研究内容之一。

    The characteristic value of soft soil foundation 's bearing capacity and the deformation parameter are ones of the main researching contents in geotechnical engineering .

  16. 复合地基承载力特征值随载荷板尺寸增加而减小,减小幅度受场地特性影响较大。

    The characteristic bearing capacity of composite decreases with the growth of size of loading plate and the properties of site have obvious effect on it .

  17. 结合室内土工试验,分析研究黄河口新近快速堆积的细粒沉积物承载力特征值;

    The characteristic values of the bearing capacity of the fine sediment that has been rapidly accumulated recently in entrance of Yellow River are studied according to the analysis of the site test and the laboratory test .

  18. 参考有关规范规定的确定桩基水平承载力特征值的方法,得出护壁对桩基水平承载力的贡献度为12.21%。

    Referring to the ways to confirm the piles Eigen value of horizontal bearing capacity in related regularities and standards , we can work out the contribution of protection wall upon the horizontal bearing capacity of piles is 12.21 % . 3 .

  19. 比较了由载荷试验得到的筏板下群桩复合地基承载力特征值与理论公式计算得到的单桩复合地基承载力特征值之间的差别,并对复合地基的安全度作了分析;

    The difference of composite foundation bearing capacity characteristic values was noticed , one coming from group pile load test under raft foundation , and the other coming from single pile composite foundation theory formula . Then the composite foundation safety was analyzed .

  20. 基于变形控制思想提出确定地基承载力特征值的计算方法,通过与强度控制确定地基承载力特征值的比较,提出了强度控制和变形控制的统一。

    Based on controlling settlement theory characteristic , a method is provided which can calculate the characteristic value of subgrade bearing capacity . Some comparisons are done between controlling settlement theory and controlling strength theory in order to achieve unification of the two .

  21. 目的通过单桩静载荷试验确定静压管桩的单桩极限承载力和单桩承载力特征值,进而对工程设计进行优化,促进辽沈地区静压管桩技术的推广应用。

    Through single pile static load test in purpose , it can fix static-pressure pipe pile ultimate bearing capacity and single bearing characteristic value , and then optimize design in engineering , prompt the area of Liao-Shen to press the popularization and application .

  22. 本文分析了土塞效应对单桩竖向极限承载力的影响,并就敞口桩尖与闭口桩尖的承载力特征值作了工程对比试验。

    In this paper , it is discussed that the soil plug influences the bearing capacity of the pile with open-end , and a set of bearing test results is given to contrast open-end pile with close-end pile .