
  • 网络Loading test;Load test;PLT
  1. PHC管桩静载荷试验破坏模式初探

    Discussion of Static Loading Test Destruction Type for the PHC Pile

  2. 变形模量E(v2)与K(30)平板载荷试验的对比分析

    Comparison Analyses of the Strain Modulus E_ ( v2 ) and K_ ( 30 ) Plate Loading Test Methods

  3. 飞机机轮联合载荷试验台的PLC控制系统

    PLC Control System in Combined Load Test-bed for Aero-tyre

  4. E(vd)动态平板载荷试验检测既有线基床质量

    Testing the Quality of Existing Foundation Bed with Evd Dynamic Plate Load Tester

  5. CFG桩复合地基静载荷试验在客运专线中的应用

    The application of CFG piles composite foundation dead load test in passengers dedicated line

  6. 基于CFG桩复合地基技术的平板静载荷试验研究

    Based on Research of the Flat-Panel Static Load Test of the CFG Pile Composite Foundation Technology

  7. 本文记述现场试验结果和建筑物的沉降观测。现场试验包括:①面积3×3m的大型载荷试验;

    This paper documents the results of field tests and measured settlements of structures .

  8. 进而通过系列载荷试验,研究了粉砂土中PHC管桩的单桩竖向极限承载力随休止期的变化规律及时间效应。

    The law of ultimate bearing capacity changing with repose period and the time effect are also studied .

  9. 对碎石桩、CFG桩组合型复合地基进行了检验及CFG桩的载荷试验。

    The gravel pile and CFG pile composite foundation is tested , and the load-bearing test of CFG pile is made .

  10. CFS夯扩灌注桩加固机理与单桩载荷试验

    On the intensifying mechanism of CFS pile with rammed and enlarged base and the single pile static load test

  11. 结合武汉地区预应力混凝土管桩静载荷试验资料,运用MATLAB编写了免疫算法程序对预应力混凝土管桩的极限承载力进行了预测分析。

    Based on the results of static load test of prestressed concrete pipe piles in Wuhan city , immune algorithm program is developed by MATLAB to predict the ultimate bearing capacity of prestressed concrete pipe piles .

  12. 本文根据横向静载荷试验资料,用非线性拟合法进行分析,提出推桩的水平荷载H-水平位移X全过程的数学模式。

    Based on the data of lateral static load test , using nonlinear curve fitting analysis , this paper presents a mathematical model of the whole process of the horizontal load H-horizontal displacement X relation of pile pushing .

  13. 飞机机轮径侧向联合载荷试验系统是检验飞机机轮静态性能的重要试验设备,介绍了飞机机轮径侧向联合载荷试验台及基于可编程控制器(PLC)集成的控制系统的研制。

    The Aero-tyre test-bed is an important equipment for the test of static capabilities of Aero-tyre . This paper presents an combined load test-bed for aero-tyre that is based on PLC ( Programmable Logical Controller ) control system .

  14. 经载荷试验检测和沉降观测说明:长短CFG桩结合的复合地基是很有前途的地基处理方案。

    The short and long CFG pile composite foundation will be a better method in the future according to the results of load test and settlement observation .

  15. 基于工程地质资料,通过对PHC管桩试桩静载荷试验相关数据的归纳分析、反演计算,确定了合理的桩型、单桩竖向承载力设计值和桩数;

    Base on the geologic prospecting information , the logical data of pile-type and pile load bearing capacity were confirmed by the accurate analysis and repetitive calculating .

  16. 基桩水平静载试验的三维非线性有限元模拟CFG桩复合地基静载荷试验在客运专线中的应用

    Three Dimensional Nonlinear Finite Element Modeling of the Single Pile under Static Lateral Loading ; The application of CFG piles composite foundation dead load test in passengers dedicated line

  17. 通过对配有2种不同直径斜插丝的CS板进行对比载荷试验,研究了斜插丝对CS板抗剪性能的影响。

    Two kinds of CS panels which have different diameters steel truss connector were used for load experiment , and the effect of steel truss connector to CS panel ′ s shearing resistance performance was analyzed .

  18. 现场载荷试验及反射波法低应变动力检测试验表明,CFG桩桩身完整性很好,复合地基的承载力提高显著,证明该工程的CFG桩复合地基设计及施工是成功的。

    The results of plate loading test and low strain dynamic testing show that the quality of CFG pile composite foundation is good and subgrade bearing capacity has been improved successfully .

  19. 横向静载荷试验H-X曲线非线性特性分析

    Nonlinear characteristics analysis of the h-x curve of lateral static load test

  20. 文章将复合地基承载力计算值与载荷试验承载力值进行了对比分析,经F判别,二者值相差很小,完全可满足工程需要。

    Comparative analysis is made of the calculated value of composite foundation bearing capacity and the big area load test bearing capacity value . F criterion shows that the difference between the two values is very small , and it can satisfy the engineering demand .

  21. 本文结合工程实践介绍低应变动测法检测发现PHC管桩的缺陷波形特征,并结合静载荷试验情况分析缺陷对竖向承载力的影响。

    Combined with engineering practice , the paper introduced the method of low-strain dynamical Detecting to find the waveform feature of pipe-peg bug and combined with static load experiment to analyze the effect of the bug on vertical load force .

  22. 通过对现场载荷试验的数据,利用土的沉降量s与变形模量E0之间的关系,推导出模拟试验时的基础沉降量s与基础宽度b之间的关系式。

    This thesis deduces the relationship module between the base subsidence ( S ) and the base width ( B ) in the model experiment on the basis of the results from load experiments and the relationship between earth subsidence ( S ) and variable modulus .

  23. 通过静载荷试验对PCC单桩及其复合地基的承载特性做了初步探讨,重点分析了PCC单桩的沉降曲线的特点,将其沉降曲线分为弹性沉降阶段和弹塑性沉降阶段。

    Characteristics of loading on single PCC pile and composite foundation , especially that of settlement curve of single PCC pile , which is divided in elastic settlement phase and elastic - plastic settlement phase , are studied through static load test .

  24. 在桩底预埋土压力盒测量桩端应力,并在28d龄期进行载荷试验,得到不同养护温度、不同土层下的桩体强度指标。

    Burying earth pressure cell under the base of WJP to measure pile end stress , and doing the loading test in 28d , pile strength indexes in different conservation temperature and soil horizon can be obtained .

  25. 本文介绍CFG桩复合地基的特点及在我省的应用,利用反射波法检测桩身完整性,采用静载荷试验确定CFG桩复合地基承载力。

    The characteristics of the CFG pile composite foundation and its application in Jilin Province are introduced in this paper . Using reflecting wave method tests the grouting pile completeness ; the CFG pile composite foundation bearing capacity is determined by using quiescent load test .

  26. 由于本方法考虑了土体剪切变形引起的沉降和土的应力-应变的非线性反应,在某些土类的范围内,对整个载荷试验过程的P-S曲线的估算,与实际试验结果符合较好。

    The method takes into account both the shear deformation effect and the nonlinear stress-strain behaviour of soil body , so , for certain kinds of soils the complete P-S curves thus obtained are fairly in conformity to that of the plate-bearing-test method .

  27. 同时采用岩石单轴抗压强度试验、点荷载试验、静载荷试验等方法按单元提供各岩质单元地基承载力的标准值(fr)。

    The rock quality unit of the rock mass is properly divided according to its decomposition , dissolution and tectonics . At the same time , per unit foundation bearing capacity ( fr ) is provided by testing uniaxial compressive strength , point loading , static loading and so on .

  28. 通过对14.5m长的水泥土搅拌桩单桩、单桩复合地基以及多桩复合地基载荷试验结果进行对比,研究水泥土桩与软土形成的复合地基的承载力性状和破坏模式。

    Comparisons were made on the results of a single cement-soil DMM pile ( 14 . 5m long ) load test , a single-pile composite foundation load test and a multi-pile composite foundation load test .

  29. 本文通过对桩端未注浆的试桩AS2、桩端后注浆的试桩AS4的静载荷试验、轴力测试等试验分析,探讨了软土地区超长钻孔灌注桩的荷载传递与承载性状。

    Based on comparison of static loading test and axial force test result of pile with ( AS4 ) or without ( AS2 ) grouting in bottom , mechanism of load transferring and load bearing behavior of the super-long bored pile in the soft clay area is discussed .

  30. 通过对天津沿海软土地基77根灌注桩的静载荷试验资料对比分析发现:对于软土地基上桩基工程,单桩承载力的发挥存在明显的深度效应,并且与Meyerhof,G。

    Through the analysis of pile 's static load experiment materials in the seashore soft-soil of number 77 to Tianjin , the results had been found that the single pile utmost bearing capacity has distinctly depth influence in the soft-soil foundation .