
  • 网络Load factor;Loading factors
  1. 利用动态载荷系数、动态载荷应力因子和95百分位综合四次幂力这三个指标对车辆在B级路面行驶进行道路友好性评价。

    The three evaluating indicators , dynamic load factor , dynamic load stress factor and the 95 percentile comprehensive four times , were evaluated for the vehicle road-friendly on the B-class road .

  2. 用载荷系数法求回转支承装置的摩擦阻力矩

    Determination of friction torque in slew ring with load factor method

  3. 结果表明:载荷系数对密封的泄漏量有较大影响,当载荷系数小到一定程度时,密封不稳定;WC和石墨配对密封性能稳定,密封寿命较长。

    The results indicate that load coefficient had a rather large influence on the leakage rate . When load coefficient is decreased to a certain value , the seal shows unstable performance .

  4. 根据谱载荷系数和Miner线性累积损伤准则得到的谱载荷下的当量应力的关系,与极大值模型的P-C-S-N曲线相结合,提出了谱载荷下材料概率疲劳强度的表达式。

    The equivalent stress , which is from the coefficients for the spectrum-loads and Miner linear accumulated damage rule , an approach for material probabilistic fatigue strength for spectrum loads is suggested . This approach are established by the composed of P-C-S-N curves for extreme maximum model .

  5. 渐开线与圆弧圆柱齿轮两个载荷系数的比较

    Comparision of the Two Load Coefficients of Involute and Circular-Arc Gears

  6. 定向井钻柱提升载荷系数的探讨

    The approaching of stem lifting load factor for directional well

  7. 齿轮载荷系数的二级模糊综合评判法

    Twice fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method for gear load coefficient

  8. 对螺栓拉伸强度计算的载荷系数法作了进一步改进。

    The load coefficient method of bolt on tensile strength calculation was improved .

  9. 考虑俯仰时鸭式布局飞机突风载荷系数计算

    Gust Load Calculation of Canard Airplane s with Pitching

  10. 用模糊综合评判方法选择载荷系数

    Using Fuzzy Comprehensive Judgment to Select Load Coefficient

  11. 爆破动载荷系数的确定

    Determine the Convert Coefficient of Blasting Dynamic Yield

  12. 轻烃泵密封载荷系数的选取探讨

    Research on Choosing Load Coefficient of Hydrocarbon Pump

  13. 锥面机械密封的载荷系数分析

    Loading Coefficient of Conic Mechanical Seal

  14. 齿轮齿根应力轮齿挠度啮合刚度和端面载荷系数的研究

    Study on Tooth root Stress , Tooth Deflection , Mesh Stiffness and Transverse Load Factors of Gears

  15. 其中,风、流载荷系数的计算采用了模块法。

    In this step , the loading coefficients of wind and current is calculated in the building block approach .

  16. 对转涡轮高压级基元设计应尽量选择较大载荷系数等观点和建议。

    And a low loading coefficient is more favorite for high-pressure rotor in the counter-rotating elementary stage designing process .

  17. 结果:得到各地区和各种疾病的公因子以及载荷系数,并根据载荷系数作出因子载荷平面图。

    Results : The common factors of regions and diseases and the factor diagram by factor loadings is obtained .

  18. 分别提出了弯曲与接触强度端面载荷系数的定义式和新的计算式。

    The definition formulas and new calculation formulas for transverse load factors of tooth strength and surface durability are proposed .

  19. 载荷系数影响综放大断面开切眼围岩变形相似模拟研究

    Similar Materials Experiment of the Influence Laws of Load Coefficient on the Surrounding Rock of Large-Section Starting Cut in Top-Coal Caving Face

  20. 利用载荷系数求解多绳摩擦提升系统防滑极限减速度值域的数学方法。

    The paper introduces a mathematic method for derivation of the range of anti-skid limit deceleration in multi-rope friction hoisting system using coefficient of load .

  21. 利用标准中各个主证和次证的载荷系数,对四诊信息进行量化分析,得出证型分布,然后两两比较三种方法的一致性。

    At last , using the loading coefficient of main syndromes and subordinate syndromes , carry out quantitative analysis of each patient syndrome 's information and get syndromes distribution .

  22. 经验法则是基于基本原理和文献中报道的可靠实验数据得出的,通过一个经验值&载荷系数D,将轴承的载荷性能和轴承的尺寸、速度联系起来。

    The ROT is based on basic principles and data available in the literature and it relates bearing load capacity to the bearing size and speed through an empirically based load capacity coefficient , D.

  23. 根据载荷系数绝对值大小将原麝夏季生境选择影响因子分别命名为食物因子、植被因子、干扰因子、隐蔽度因子、地理因子和倒木因子。

    According to absolute value of coefficient , the 6 components were classified separately as food factor , vegetation factor , disturbance factor , sheltering class factor , geography factor and fallen logs factor .

  24. 结果表明,扭振频率比转动频率大得多,在设计时除考虑其它载荷系数外,还应考虑扭振放大系数。

    The results show that the torsional vibration frequency is great much than rotational frequency , and the amplification coefficient of torsional vibration should be considered in design except to consider other load coefficient .

  25. 分析了锥面机械密封载荷系数在密封环磨损过程中的变化规律以及载荷系数与液膜反压系数、弹簧比压的关系。

    The varying law of the loading coefficient for the conic mechanical seal with the seal ring wear and the relationship of the loading coefficient with the back pressure factor and the spring pressure were discussed .

  26. 接着讨论钢桥塑性设计中载荷系数法和自应力设计法的内容及其区别,并举一算例进行说明;

    The load factor design method in plastic design of steel bridges and the main contents of autostress design method , as well as their differences , are discussed , and are further described with an example .

  27. 将该算法应用于假想的干线客机方案优化设计,要求巡航段升阻比和有用载荷系数两个目标最大,对优化结果进行了分析比较。

    The algorithm proposed was applied to a two-objective optimization of a hypothetical airliner conceptual design , where both the ratio of lift to drag in cruise segment and the useful load fraction were required to be maximized .

  28. 第四主成分对流转合同管理和财政支农支出的载荷系数分别为0.915和0.854,该主成分为政府支持管理因素。

    The fourth main composition is the management of transference contract and the expenditure for supporting agriculture from finance . The coefficient is 0.915 and 0.854 respectively , this main composition is the factor of management of the government supporting .

  29. 考虑到油温升对承载能力的影响,在公式中确定了相应的计算载荷系数。用此公式设计出来的圆弧齿圆柱蜗杆传动机构,无需再进行热平衡计算。

    Considering the influence of carrying capacity brought about by oil temperature rise , the author has set down the calculation load coefficient , therefore , the worm mechanism designed with the formulae need not go through the heat balance calculation .

  30. 梯形齿同步带齿向载荷分布系数Kβ的计算方法的研究

    A Calculating Method for Longitudinal Load Distribution Factor K_ β of Synchronous Belt