
  • 网络Steel oil tank;steel oil storage tank
  1. 钢油罐基础(CAD)软件开发工作是由上海高桥石油化工设计院负责完成的。

    Storage tank foundation computer aided design sysetem ( STCAD ) is developed by Shanghai Gao-Qiao Petro-Chemical Designing Institute SINOPEC .

  2. 爆炸荷载作用下土埋钢油罐动应力有限元计算

    FEM Calculation of Dynamic Stress of Soil-embedded Steel Tank Subjected to Blast Load

  3. 核爆炸荷载作用下土埋钢油罐受力特性模型试验

    Model experiment on force characteristic of soil-embedded steel oil tank under nuclear explosion

  4. 中小型圆柱形钢油罐直径和高度的计算方法

    Selection of Diameter and Height of Medium and Small Cylindrical Steel Tank , OGST

  5. 立式钢油罐盘梯安装及预制的有关问题

    Some Problems about the Prefabrication and Construction of Round Ladder for Vertical Steel Oil Tank

  6. 石油化工钢油罐基础的设计和施工石油化工信息化的探讨

    Design and Construction of Foundations for Steel Oil Storage Tanks in Petroleum and chemical Industry

  7. 罐内多桅杆倒装法在立式拱顶钢油罐安装中的应用性研究

    Application of " reloading method for MULTI-MAST in tank " in installation of vertical arch crown stell oil tank

  8. 应用涂刷弹性聚氨酯涂料的方法解决钢油罐不动火修补,通过实例试验应用取得成功。

    Success has been made through actual test and application in patching steel oil tanks untorched by means of brushing elastic polyurethane coating .

  9. 立式钢油罐强度破坏的重点区域在底圈罐壁,其作用的各变量因素具有较大的随机性,可靠性评价方法较为适用。

    The most vulnerable area of the vertical steel oil tanks being destroyed is the bottom shell , because the variables acting on it are random , reliability analysis can be applied in assessment .

  10. 文章分析了现行立式园柱形金属油罐结构上的缺陷,提出了一种由双重罐底及附属结构构成二次密闭系统,具有新型结构的立式钢油罐。

    After analysing the defectS Of the structure of vertical cylindrical metallic tank in operation , this article puts forward a new steel structural vertical oil tank which has double bob bottoms and double hermetic system .

  11. 通过对现行立式钢油罐螺旋形盘梯的两种安装及预制方法的评价,推荐整体预制现场吊装法及按盘梯曲率半径组对的预制方法;

    Through the evaluation of the two prefabrication and construction methods presently used for vertical steel oil tank , this paper recommends the wholly prefabricating and field hoisting method with the round ladder assembled according to its radius curvature .

  12. 介绍石油化工钢油罐的型式、基础型式及基础的设计和构造,供设计和施工人员参考。

    In this paper , the types of steel oil storage tanks in petrochemical industry and the types of the foundations for the tanks as well as the design and structure of the foundations were introduced to the design and construction personnel for reference .

  13. 根据油罐地质特点,对5万m3钢储油罐的四种备选地基基础方案,建立评价指标和层次关系,运用层次分析法优选出低强度混凝土刚性桩复合地基处理方案。

    According to the geological characteristics , the evaluation targets and hierarchy relations of four types of foundation schemes of the 50,000m 3 steel oil tank have been established .

  14. 软土地基建造钢制油罐基础的计算与处理

    Calculation and treatment of soft foundation for steel oil tank base

  15. 立式钢制油罐底板的腐蚀机理及防蚀措施

    Corrosion Mechanisms of Bottom Plate of Vertical Steel Oil Tank and Prevention

  16. 大型钢制油罐的整体迁移与风险预防

    Large Steel Tank the Overall Migration and Risk Prevention

  17. 钢制油罐底板外侧腐蚀与防护

    The corrosion and protection of the bottom plate back for steel oil tank

  18. 钢制油罐腐蚀状况的灰色预报

    Grey Prediction of Corrosion State of Steel Oil Tank

  19. 玻璃钢储油罐在我国加油站中的应用前景

    Application Prospect of Fiber Fiber Glass Steel Oil Tank in Gas Stations in China

  20. 立式钢制油罐罐底外腐蚀原因分析及对策

    Analysis on External Corrosion of Bottom Plate of Standing Steel Oil Tank and Countermeasures

  21. 在役立式钢制油罐底圈罐壁可靠性分析

    Reliability Analysis Applied to the Bottom Shell of the Vertical Steel Oil Tanks in Service

  22. 分析了立式钢制油罐罐底外腐蚀产生的原因,介绍了防范措施。

    Analysis on external corrosion of bottom plate of standing steel oil tank were made , and corresponding protection measures were introduced .

  23. 手拉葫芦提升倒装法制安内浮顶钢制油罐钢丝绳手扳葫芦的机械效率

    Upside-down method using hand chain hoist for the installation of steel oil tank with an inner floating drum Mechanical efficiency of wire-rope lever block

  24. 钢制储油罐底板腐蚀分析及防腐措施

    Corrosion Analysis of Steel Bottom of Oil Tank and Anti-Corrosion Measures

  25. 立式圆筒形钢制焊接油罐施工及验收规范

    Code for construction and acceptance of stand cylindrical steel welded oil storage tank

  26. 资料统计表明,立式圆筒形钢制储油罐各部位的腐蚀以罐底板最为严重。

    The statistic information shows that the bottom plate suffered the most severe corrosion among the corrosions at different sections of the vertical cylindrical steel oil tanks .

  27. 通过山西广华玻璃有限公司站区两座5000m3钢制固定顶油罐的施工,介绍了固定顶油罐倒装法施工的施工工艺及施工方法。

    Through the construction of two 5 000 m 3 fixed roof oil tanks in Shanxi Guanghua Glass Co. Ltd. the construction method and technology of reversal installation method are introduced .

  28. 大型钢制固定顶油罐倒装法施工技术

    The construction technology of large steel fixed-roof oil tank with the reversal installation method

  29. 石油化工钢制立式轻质油罐罐下采样器选用、检验及验收

    Specification for selection , inspection and acceptance of bottom sampler for vertical steel light oil tanks in petrochemical industry

  30. 简单介绍了立式圆筒形钢制焊接储油罐的分类及其组成。分析了储油罐焊接施工和罐体几何形状之间的关系。

    It introduces the classification and its composition of vertical cylinder shape steel welding oil tank and analyses the relation between geometrical shape of oil tank body and welding construction of oil tank .