
  • 网络Steel pipe tower;Monopole
  1. 摇臂抱杆组塔技术在1000kV特高压双回路钢管塔施工中的应用

    Application of Swing Arm Tower Crane Erection Technology in 1000 kV UHV Double Circuit Steel Pipe Tower Construction

  2. 华东电网500kV滁马线马鞍山大跨越塔高257m,是目前国内在建的最高的钢管塔。

    With a height of 257 m , the long span crossing tower over mountain Ma'an of the 500 kV Chuma line of East China Power Grid is the highest steel pipe tower being constructed in China .

  3. 500kV输电线路两柱式钢管塔施工

    Construction of 2-Column Type Tubular Steel Tower for 500 kV Lines

  4. 500kV钢管塔制造及质量检验要求

    Requirements of manufacture and quality check for 500 kV steel pipe towers

  5. 本文基于崖门大跨越钢管塔为工程背景,通过节点静力缩尺加载试验和有限元建模计算验证塔身上若干TY型节点、K型节点设计的可靠性,并验证了用有限元计算代替试验的可能性。

    Based on the project of YaMen long-span transmission tower , several reduced scale tubular K-joints and TY-joints are tested and finite element models are analyzed too . The reliability of design are verified , and the feasibility of finite element methods instead of experiments is testified .

  6. 大直径钢管塔地震响应研究

    Research on the seismic responses of large diameter steel tube towers

  7. 关于钢管塔倾挠变形的测量

    Measurement of the Inclination and Bending Deformation in Steel Tube Tower

  8. 输电钢管塔杆的挠度计算

    A Method Computing the Deformation of Transmit electricity Steel Tube Pole

  9. 浅析应用于钢管塔中的日式高颈锻造法兰

    Analysis of Japanese style welding neck flange on steel pipe tower

  10. 钢管塔锻造法兰连接螺栓的受力计算

    Research on Bolt Calculation in Forging Flanges Used in Steel Tube Tower

  11. 三边形钢管塔在移动通信领域的应用

    Application of trilateral steel pipe tower to mobile communication

  12. 关于输电钢管塔设计有关问题的探讨

    Study on Design of the Steel Transmission Pipe Tower

  13. 多边形插接式钢管塔的结构优化设计

    Optimization in Structural Design of Polygon Plug-in Steel Poles

  14. 特高压输电线路钢管塔管&插板节点受弯性能

    Bending Performance of Tube-Gusset Joint in Steel Tubular Tower for Extra-High-Voltage Transmission Line

  15. 输电线路钢管塔球节点焊接质量控制研究

    Study on Welding Quality Control of Ball Nodes of Transmission Line Steel-tube Tower

  16. 多棱插接式钢管塔风振反应分析及振动控制

    Study on Wind-induced Vibration Response and Vibration Control of Multi-rhombus Plug-in Steel Tubular Tower

  17. 钢管塔基础设计探讨

    Discussion about the Design of Steel-Pipe-Tower Basis

  18. 高耸钢管塔结点极限承载力的试验研究与理论分析

    Experimental study and theoretical analysis of ultimate strength for steel tubular joint of tall towers

  19. 钢管塔在我国特高压输电线路中得到广泛应用。

    Transmission steel tubular towers have been widely applied to superhigh voltage transmission lines in China .

  20. 钢管塔新型内外法兰节点试验研究与有限元分析

    Experimental research and finite element analysis on a new-type flange joint used in steel tube towers

  21. 台山电厂输电线路大跨越钢管塔的结构可靠度分析

    Structure reliability analysis of long span transmission line steel pole tower of Taishan electric power plant

  22. 大直径钢管塔风振时程分析及风振控制研究

    Time History Analysis and Control Design of Large-diameter Steel Tube Tower Subject to Wind induced Vibration

  23. 对于大跨越输电塔而言,由于其高度较高,一般多采用钢管塔这种形式。

    For the big spanning transmission tower , steel pipe tower is usually used owing toits height .

  24. 钢管塔中管-板连接节点的破坏全过程分析

    The whole course analysis of failure behavior of tube - gusset joint in steel tubular tower gold plate

  25. 特高压输电线路钢管塔节点极限承载力试验研究

    The Experimental Investigation about Ultimate Strength of Steel Tubular Tower 's Joint Applied in Extra-High Voltage Transmission Line

  26. 矿用电气开关的插接式结构分析多边形插接式钢管塔的结构优化设计

    Analysis of Pinboard Construction of Electric Switch for Mine Optimization in Structural Design of Polygon Plug-in Steel Tube Poles

  27. 特高压钢管塔主材长细比及径厚比的取值

    Value Selection of Slenderness Ratio and Diameter-Thickness Ratio of Steel Tube for 1000 kV Transmission Steel Tubular Tower Legs

  28. 通过分析计算结果及对比国内外设计标准,提出了钢管塔压弯主材圆管截面的径厚比取值建议。

    The paper introduced the speciality of super length_diameter ratio thick wall steel pipe part_shaping technology and the mould structure .

  29. 自立式钢管塔结构的基桩与桩帽间极限承载力验算及工程应用

    Verification of Ultimate Bearing Capacity between Foundation Piles and Pile Caps for Isolated Steel Pipe Towers and Engineering Application of such Verification

  30. 在各种形式的输电塔中,钢管塔由于其优越性越来越广泛地被采用。

    In the transmission towers with various kinds of shapes , steel tubular towers are more and more widely used because of their superiority .