
  • 【电】angle tower
  1. 500kV紧凑型直线小转角塔的设计研究

    Design and Study on 500 kV Compact-type Suspension Small Angle Towers

  2. 西北750kV输电线路有43基耐张转角塔。

    The 750 kV transmission line in north-west China has 43 strained angled towers .

  3. 选用2台GPS双频机构成动态RTK测量系统,其测量精度可以达到cm级水平,完全能满足测量规范要求,可广泛应用于直线塔和转角塔的中心桩测量定位。

    With a dynamic RTK measuring system consisting of 2 GPS double-frequency mechanism the measuring accuracy can be up to cm level and meet the requirements of the codes completely . The system is widely suitable for measurement and position of the central piles used for suspension and angle towers .

  4. 主角钢插入式基础转角塔的预偏值控制

    Pre-bias Control of Angle Tower with Main Angle Steel Plug-in Foundation

  5. 送电线路转角塔、终端塔的不对称设计研究

    Unsymmetrical Design and Study on Angle and Dead End Towers of Transmission Line

  6. 转角塔角钢插入式基础预倾斜值的计算

    Calculating of Pre-tilting Value for Angle Steel Inserted Type Base with Corner Tower

  7. 转角塔插入式基础施工数据的分析与调整方法

    Analysis on Construction Data of Inserted Foundation of Angled Towers and Adjusting Method

  8. 耐张转角塔基础分坑原则的探讨

    Discussion on the Principle for Dividing Base - pit of Strain - Resistant Corner Tower

  9. JS2塔被设计用做单杆三回线路的耐张转角塔,但在一定条件下,可以被利用作为线路分支塔。

    JS_2 tower is usually designed to be used as triple-circuit anchor tower , but it can be used as branching tower under some circumstances .

  10. 建立了直线塔和转角塔不同类型的各种高度的刚架模型和桁架模型(共有模型32个);

    Building the beam models and truss models about straight line towers and intersection towers in different kind and height . ( in number 32 )

  11. 转角塔基础的两个轴线应该由设计根据导线布置、电气间隙及铁塔、基础的荷载情况计算确定。

    The 2-axial lines of the angle tower foundation should be designed and calculated according to the conductor arrangement , electrical gap , load of tower and foundation .

  12. 在此情况下,若线路转角塔采用不对称设计,可节约钢材5%~10%,甚至更多。

    In this case if unsymmetrical design is used for the transmission angle towers the steel can be saved with 5 % ~ 10 % , even more .

  13. 分析了现行耐张转角塔分坑施工方法存在的弊端,提出了解决原理,并给出具体计算方法。

    In this article the author analyzed some malpractices which exist in the present pit - divided construction method , advanced resolving principle for these question , and gives a concrete calculation method .