
zhuǎn huàn xì shù
  • conversion coefficient
  1. 双渐变技术减小AM-PM转换系数的初步研究

    An investigation into reducing AM-PM conversion coefficient by the double taper helix technique

  2. 这一推迟相互作用被用来计算内转换系数。

    The retarded interaction thus obtained is then applied to the calculation of the internal conversion coefficient .

  3. 利用不同模型计算的转换系数K的比较与分析

    Comparison and analysis of transformation coefficient k calculated from different Models

  4. 推算大气综合水汽转换系数K值的计算与分析

    Calculation and Analysis of Transformation Coefficient K Value of Calculating Integrated Water Vapor

  5. 新疆地区蒙皂石族矿物吸蓝量测定中转换系数K值的讨论

    Determination of Transfer Coefficient K of Methylene Blue Adsorbed by Smectite Clay in Xinjiang Area

  6. 本文具有对一次仪表转换系数进行校准的功能,温度补偿及模数转换电路设计方法独特,只用一块运算放大器与一块单片模数转换电路完成了pH转换功能。

    In this paper has had a function for calibrate to the conversion coefficient of primary instrument .

  7. 激光淬火能量转换系数的ANSYS分析

    Analysis of the energy transfer coefficients associated with laser quenching using ANSYS software

  8. 施工隧道粉尘质量浓度转换系数K值变化规律

    Study on variational regularity of airborne dust concentration conversion factor ( K-Factor ) in tunnel under construct

  9. 端面抽运Tm,Ho:YLF激光器热转换系数及热透镜效应的研究

    Fractional thermal loading and thermal lensing in end-pumped Tm , Ho : YLF lasers

  10. ~(67)Ga衰变的某些K壳内转换系数的测定

    The measurement of some K internal conversion coefficients in ~ ( 67 ) Zn from ~ ( 67 ) Ga Decay

  11. 双张驰振荡SQUID的磁通-电压转换系数及热噪声

    Flux to voltage transfer coefficients and thermal noise in double relaxation oscillation squid

  12. 分别测得了不同闪烁体荧光单色能量相对转换系数Kλ和积分能量相对转换系数K;

    The fluorescence monochromatic energy relative conversion coefficients K λ and the integral energy relative conversion coefficients K are measured for the scintillators with various dimensions .

  13. 1.56m望远镜CCD照相机系统的消光系数和转换系数测定

    The determination of extinction and transformation coefficients for CCD camera system of 1 . 56m telescope

  14. 以具体矿样的吸蓝量和其XRD数据为参照,对蒙皂石族矿物的吸蓝量对蒙脱石含量的转换系数作了讨论。

    It consults to actual adsorbed blue and its XRD data of concrete sample , to cover with smectite to methylene blue adsorbed and discuss transfer coefficient .

  15. 应用岩心核磁共振T2谱研究岩石孔喉结构,关键是确定T2与Pc的转换系数。

    Determining the transferring coefficient between T 2 and P c is the key step when NMR spectra are utilized to study rock pore throat structure .

  16. 由此得到由Doodson规格化与Hartmann&Wenzel规格化之间的转换系数。

    Through that the conversion coefficients between Doodson and Hartmann & wenzel normalizations have been obtained .

  17. 通过求解速率方程并拟合荧光衰减实验曲线的方法,得到频率上转换系数C22和C33。

    The upconversion coefficients ( C22 and C33 ) were evaluated by solving the rate equations and fitting the experimental decay curves .

  18. 在医疗照射水平分析研究中,结合上海市临床核医学应用的普查结果和国际放射防护委员会(ICRP)推荐的相关剂量转换系数,开展相关医疗照射所致公众的剂量水平分析。

    The medical exposure levels were studied based on the census data in Shanghai , and the dose conversion factors ( DCF ) recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection ( ICRP ) were used .

  19. 测定具有微孔洞结构氧化铝陶瓷材料表面与水之间的热转换系数

    Measurement of the Heat Transfer Coefficient between Porous Ceramics and Water

  20. X线照射野转换系数经验公式

    An empirical formula of radiation field output factor for X-rays

  21. 分析表明,它们之间存在着自然转换系数。据热力学第二定律判断。

    It has been discovered that natural transformation coefficient existes between them .

  22. 关于D测量中均方根转换系数的讨论

    Discussion on R. M. S. conversion factor in measuring D

  23. 相对转换系数法在核材料识别与分析中的应用

    An relative transform coefficient method for nuclear materials analysis

  24. 宽带取样示波器上升时间与带宽的转换系数的研究

    Research on the Conversion Factors Between Risetime and Bandwidth of Broadband Sampling Oscilloscope

  25. 财政分权、转换系数与经济增长

    Fiscal Decentralization , Transform Coefficient and Economic Growth

  26. 4可用于求取相位差值到地表高度值之间的转换系数;

    It can be used for the conversion of the phase difference to terrain height .

  27. 从水平面总照度到垂直面照度转换系数的探讨

    Research on the Coefficient from the Total Horizontal Illuminance to the Vertical Illuminance Transforming Bridge

  28. 某些农作物种子的质量减弱系数、质能吸收系数和吸收剂量的转换系数

    Mass attenuation coefficients , mass energy-absorption coefficients and absorbed dose change coefficients of crop seeds

  29. 基于矢网的行波管AM/PM转换系数的测试

    Measurements of AM / PM Conversion Coefficients Based on Vector Network Analyzer for Traveling-Wave Tubes

  30. α内外照射效率的转换系数

    The conversion factor of α radiation efficiency