
guāng léi dá
  • ladar;laser radar;optical radar;colidar
光雷达[guāng léi dá]
  1. 旋转镜鼓式热像仪的光雷达回波特性

    Laser radar echo characteristics of infrared thermal camera with a reflective rotary drum

  2. 测定月球距离的第二代光雷达系统

    Second-generation lidar system for determining the distance to the Moon

  3. 18显微技术与同调断层摄影系统,光雷达与雷射光雷达,光纤检测器。

    Microscopy and coherence tomography systems , LIDAR and LADAR , fiber-optic sensors .

  4. 机载激光测深后向散射光雷达方程

    Airborne Laser Bathymetry Backscattering Lidar Equation

  5. 光与雷达遥感协作及其农业应用

    Synergy of optical and radar remote sensing in agricultural applications

  6. 探讨了一种光和雷达遥感协作的方法,并应用于土壤和植被信息的提取,验证其应用潜力。

    In this study , an optical / radar synergy is developed to examine its potential for extracting soil and plant information .

  7. 美国麻省理工学院林肯实验室持续研究此类可见光波段激光雷达,随后Raytheon研发了近红外波段的激光雷达。

    MIT Lincoln Lab in America continues the development of this ladar with visible light laser . Soon afterwards Raytheon did research on this ladar in the near infrared wave band .

  8. 移相器&光晶体管相控阵雷达波控系统移相器位数的选取

    A Selecting Method of Phase Shifters ' Digit of Phased Array Radar Beam Control System

  9. 激光雷达是用激光作光源工作于光波段的雷达系统。

    The laser radar is a radar system adopting laser as photosource and operating on optical band .

  10. 在光谱学、物理、化学、医学、光通信、雷达、天文学等众多研究和应用领域,都涉及到微弱信号的精密检测。

    In spectroscopy , physics , chemistry , medicine , optical communications , radar , astronomy and many other areas of research and application , the precise detection of weak signals always plays an important role .

  11. 激光二极管(LD)抽运的固体激光器可用于光学计量、长度测量、相干光通信、激光雷达等方面,高精度应用要求激光器的频率稳定。

    Diode pumped solid state laser can be used to optical metrology , length measurements , coherent optics communication and laser radar , the high precision applications need the laser frequency stabilization .

  12. 光延迟线在雷达技术、全光信号处理、光通信等领域中有着广泛的用途,但是目前通用的可调光延迟线是增量可调而非连续可调的。

    Optical delay lines are widely used in radar , all optical signal processing , optical communications , and many other fields , but the current common-used optical delay lines are incrementally tunable rather than continuously tunable .

  13. 光外差技术因许多重要的优点而在光通信系统,光雷达系统及光学测量系统有着重要的应用。

    Heterodyne detection has many advantages over direct detection , and has been widely used in many technical areas such as optical communication , laser radar system .