
  • 网络photon detector;photodetector;QDIP
  1. 针对理想光子探测器和理想热探测器,探讨了显微热成像系统的NETD和NEED的关系。

    Based on the ideal photon detector and ideal thermal detector , the relationship between NETD and NEED is studied .

  2. 基于InGaAs/InPAPD的近红外单光子探测器的研究

    Research of Near-Infrared Single Photon Detector Based on the InGaAs / InP APD

  3. SPAD单光子探测器SPICE电路模型的建立与仿真研究

    Establishment and Simulation of Single Photon Avalanche Diode SPICE Circuit Model

  4. 单光子探测器APD无源抑制特性研究

    Inhibition Research on characteristics of avalanche photodiode with passive quenching method

  5. 本文中主要讨论了两种单光子探测器的主要性能,InGaAs/InP雪崩二极管(APD)和升频探测器。

    Two kind of single photon detectors such as the InGaAs / InP APD and the up-conversion detector are discussed .

  6. GaN基发光管在节约能源方面有着巨大的应用前景,而使用GaN基半导体光子探测器代替真空管进行紫外探测,也有其重大的应用背景。

    GaN-based light emitting devices have a great prospect in saving energy . GaN-based semiconductor photodetectors will take the place of vacuum tube devices in ultraviolet detection area .

  7. 量子通信中SAGM型单光子探测器性能分析

    Analysis on the Characters of SAGM Single-Photon Detectors in Quantum Communication

  8. 单光子探测器的后脉冲效应是限制实际QKD系统最大密钥产生速率的因素,本文介绍了抑制后脉冲效应的方法。

    After pulsing effect of SPDs limits the maximal key generation rate of a practical QKD system . Way to improve after pulsing effect is given too .

  9. Si-APD单光子探测器的全主动抑制技术

    Single Photon Detector of Si - APD with Active Technology

  10. 本文提出了一种采用多端口分束器与多雪崩二极管(APD)结合构成快速单光子探测器的新方法。

    A new idea is put up to design a quick single-photon detector . This quick detector is composed of a multi-port optic fiber splitter and many Avalanche Photo-diodes ( APD ) .

  11. 利用工作在盖革(Geiger)模式下的单光子探测器(single-photon-countingmodule,SPCM),采取单个探测器直接对光子计数的方法,对相干光场及热光场的光子数统计性质进行了测量和分析。

    Photon statistical properties of coherent field and thermal field are experimentally studied by means of direct photon counting using only one single-photon-counting module ( SPCM ) operating in Geiger mode .

  12. 本文着重介绍了半导体雪崩光电二极管(APD)的研究现状和应用,以及一种新型的单光子探测器&真空雪崩光电二极管(VAPD)的结构,原理和特性。

    A overview of the basic structure , operating principle and properties for a new single-photon photo-detector , called vacuum avalanche photodiode ( VAPD ), is presented too .

  13. 本论文的目的是基于商售雪崩光电二极管(APD,AvalanchePhotodiodes)的特点,为设计出一种稳定、高效和低噪声单光子探测器系统做前期技术研究。

    The purpose of this article is in order to design a kind of steady , high-efficient and low noise single-photon detector system based on the character of commercially available avalanche photodiodes ( APD ), and do some previous technical research .

  14. 本论文主要分两部分:1.介绍了基于超导临界电流密度原理的超导单光子探测器(简称SSPD)的结构和数值模型。

    This thesis includes two main parts : Firstly , a structural and numerical model of the superconducting single-photon detectors ( SSPD ) based on the theory of superconducting critical current density is introduced .

  15. 由于目前的单光子探测器必须采用Geiger工作模式,为了降低误计数,就必须设置长达几微秒的不工作的死时间,因而从根本上限制了系统密钥分配的码率。

    Because the present single-photon detector must work on the ' Geiger ' mode , which dead time should be set up to several micro-seconds to reduce error counts , the code rate is too low to suit practical applications for QKD system .

  16. 迄今为止关于量子点红外光子探测器(QDIP)的研究已有众多文献发表,涉及量子点生长、系统设计、建模、表征与测量等各方面。

    A numerous papers covering different aspects of quantum dot infrared photodetector ( QDIP ) such as quantum dot growth , system design , modeling , characterization and testing , have been published so far .

  17. 可门控单光子探测器在天文观测中的应用

    The Application of the Gateable Single Photon Detectors in Astronomical Observation

  18. 硅雪崩光电二极管单光子探测器

    Performance of a silicon avalanche diode as a single photon detector

  19. 单光子探测器雪崩光电二极管的低温控制系统及其温度特性

    The temperature control system and characteristics of the single-photon detector APD

  20. 恒温控制下的硅雪崩光电二极管单光子探测器的研制

    Research of a SiAPD single photon detector in a constant temperature system

  21. 红外单光子探测器暗计数的研究

    Dark Count Probability for Single-photon Detector at Infrared Wavelengths

  22. 空间辐照环境及红外光子探测器的辐照效应

    Space Radiation Environment and Irradiation Effects of Infrared Detectors

  23. 红外波段单光子探测器及其在量子通信领域中的应用

    Near-Infrared-Wavelength Single-Photo Detectors and Their Application in Quantum Communications

  24. 理想光子探测器背景探测极限理论的误差分析

    The Error Analysis of Limit Theory about Background Survey by the Ideal Photon Detector

  25. 具有恒定灵敏度的智能型光子探测器的研制

    Development of Intelligent Photon Detector with Constant Sensitivity

  26. 非理想的单光子探测器性能仍是困扰当今量子密码通信的技术挑战之一。

    Nevertheless , the non-ideal characters of Single-Photon-Detection-Module give a challenge to Quantum Cryptography .

  27. 高分辨高纯锗低能光子探测器研制

    Development of HPGe Low Energy Photon Detectors

  28. 单光子探测器及其发展

    Single Photon Detector And Their Development

  29. 通讯波段单光子探测器的研制

    Single Photon Detector for Telecom Wavelengths

  30. 该光纤式振动计由发光二极管、光纤探头和两个光子探测器组成。

    It consists of light emitting diode , an optical fiber probe , and two photodetectors .