
  • 网络heat detector;thermal detector
  1. 热探测器特性测试系统的开发

    The Study and Realization of Heat Detector Respond Test System

  2. 一些建筑物的天花板上也有热探测器。

    Some buildings also have heat detectors on the ceilings .

  3. 大多数还配备有火灾自动报警系统,包括热探测器、烟雾探测器和洒水装置。

    Most are also equipped with automatic fire alarm systems consisting of heat detectors , smoke detectors and sprinklers .

  4. 设计了一个实验平台来测量微悬臂梁的变形,实验结果表明,基于MEMS技术的红外热探测器有良好的性能。

    The experimental results show that , the IR detector based on technology of MEMS has good performance .

  5. 针对理想光子探测器和理想热探测器,探讨了显微热成像系统的NETD和NEED的关系。

    Based on the ideal photon detector and ideal thermal detector , the relationship between NETD and NEED is studied .

  6. 热探测器测量热量的敏感接受器热丝(式)呼吸流量传感器

    A sensory receptor that detects warmth . hot-wire respiratory flow transducer / sensor

  7. 一种新型微机械红外热探测器的吸收层

    New Absorbing Layer for Infrared Thermal Detector of Micromachine

  8. 热探测器温度对非制冷红外热像仪测温的影响

    Effect of the Temperature of Thermal Detector on Temperature Measurement of Uncooled Infrared Imager

  9. 红外热探测器陶瓷的进展

    Progress in Ceramics of Infrared Pyroelectric Detectors

  10. 热探测器测量热量的敏感接受器

    A sensory receptor that detects warmth .

  11. 针对热探测器热像仪,分析了探头温度对热像仪测量结果的影响。

    The influence of the detector 's temperature on the output of the imager is also analyzed in allusion to the thermal detector infrared imager .

  12. 本文综述了红外热探测器的原理及相关的热释电陶瓷,对不同材料的性能作了比较,并介绍了红外热探测器的介电式工作模式和相应材料的性能。

    The materials which have been used in infrared pyroelectric detectors were reviewed , and their properties compared , particularly the materials operating in a dielectric mode were mentioned .

  13. 铁电陶瓷薄膜红外热探测器是一种无致冷的红外探测器。由于它具有很高的灵敏度,是一种很有潜力的热成像器件。

    Ferroelectric ceramic thin film infrared detector is an uncooled infrared thermal detector that has great application potential for thermal imaging devices , owing to its very high sensitivity .

  14. 它应该被用来作为热探测器的选择,在高风险领域处于早期阶段的火灾和报警的可能性增加不必要的。

    It should be used as the detector of choice in areas of high risk with heat at an early stage of the conflagration and with increased likelihood of unwanted alarms .

  15. 根据红外辐射理论和热像仪测温原理,给出了热探测器非制冷红外热像仪的温度计算公式;

    Based on the theory of infrared radiation and the principle of temperature measurement using uncooled thermal detector infrared imager , the formulas of the real temperature calculating of a target surface are presented .

  16. 目前红外跟踪技术是当代红外技术的重要军事应用之一,但由于外界的干扰环境及红外热探测器件本身的灵敏度影响了其成像质量。

    Infrared tracking is an important military application of the infrared technology , but the quality of image and the precision of tracking system are greatly influenced by the environment disturbance as well as the sensitivity of infrared acquisition equipment .

  17. 蒸发膜量热焓探测器

    Evaporative film calorimetric enthalpy probe

  18. 有了雷达设备及热幅射探测器以后,这些卫星能够永久监视敌国的动向。

    With radar equipment and heat radiation detectors , these satellites can keep a constant watch on enemy nations .

  19. 本文为开发一整套微测辐射热计探测器计算机优化设计和仿真软件打下了坚实的基础。

    A strong base is established for the development of a software tool of microbolometer design and simulation in this paper .

  20. 红外热成像探测器由于其应用广泛而备受关注,而非制冷型探测器与制冷型探测器相比,具有体积小、成本低和可靠性高的优势。

    Much attention has been paid to thermal irradiation detectors for their wide applications . Compared with cooled detectors , uncooled thermal imaging devices have many advantages , such as small dimension , low cost , and superior reliability .

  21. 本文主要介绍用有限元数值分析的方法对非致冷红外测辐射热计探测器的温度分布进行计算,其有限元模型可以对测辐射热计探测器热敏层表面的稳态和瞬态温度场进行仿真。

    The temperature distribution on an uncooled infrared bolometer detector is computed using the finite element numerical method . The introduced model can simulate both the steady state and the transient temperature field of the top surface of the thermal sensitive layer on a bolometer detector .

  22. 热释光探测器在脉冲硬X射线能谱测量中的应用

    Application of thermoluminescence dosimeter on the measurement of hard X-ray pulse energy spectrum

  23. 采用电晕极化和超低频电场极化两种方法极化偏氟乙烯/三氟乙烯共聚物P(VDF/TrFE)73/27,发现制得的热释电探测器性能相似。

    Ferroelectric thin films of vinylidene fluoride / trifluoroethylene copolymer P ( VDF / TrFE ) are polarized by corona and super-low frequency electric field .

  24. 提高LiF:Mg,Cu,P热释光探测器热稳定性和降低残余信号的研究

    The study of improving the stability to heat treatment and reducing the residual signal of LiF : Mg , Cu , P

  25. 释热元件损伤探测器MEMS薄膜元器件在力&热耦合作用下的性能测试与数值分析

    Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Mechanical Properties of MEMS Components under Mechanical-Thermal Coupled Field

  26. 氟化锂(LiF)热释光探测器对带电粒子的响应主要依赖于粒子的传能线密度(LET)。

    Response of LiF thermoluminescence ( TL ) detector to charged particle is dependent on particles ' LET .

  27. 用于电子能谱测量的LiF热释光探测器标定

    Calibration of LiF thermoluminescence dosimeters used to measure the electron energy spectrum

  28. 用LiF热释光探测器测定γ刀装置的剂量分布

    Determination of the Dose Field Distribution of γ Knife Using of LiF TLD

  29. 但是在标定过程中通常认为腔体热释电探测器是无光谱选择性的,即R(λ)为常数。

    But in the course of calibrating detectors , the cavity pyroelectric detector is always regarded as having no spectral selectivity , that is to say the R (λ) is constant .

  30. 基于载流子输运和强激光辐照会产生热效应造成探测器的温升,建立了描述光导(PC)型半导体探测器对激光辐照动态响应的动力学模型及非线性耦合方程组。

    A dynamic model and the relevant nonlinear coupling equations describing dynamic responses of photoconductive ( PC ) semiconductor detectors were established based on photocarrier transport and the temperature rising in detectors under high power laser irradiation .